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European Parliament deputy appeals to respect self-determination rig

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  • European Parliament deputy appeals to respect self-determination rig

    European Parliament deputy appeals to respect self-determination
    rights of Artsakh people

    10:56, 26 April, 2013

    YEREVAN, APRIL 26, ARMENPRESS: The Head of the newly established
    EU-Armenia Friendship Group Eleni Theocharous has been in the Nagorno
    Karabakh Republic for 20 times. `In most of the cases people have the
    feeling that the country is a mother. For me Nagorno Karabakh is a
    baby, a little baby, for which I want to take care and treat it well',
    - stated Eleni Theocharous during her interview with Armenpress.

    The Head of the EU-Armenia Friendship Group is an honorable citizen of
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic. Her 19th visit to Artsakh was last year
    summer, when she was implementing observing mission during the
    presidential elections. `I was happy to participate in the monitoring
    procedure with some of my colleagues. I will tell you that the
    democracy is priming in Nagorno Karabakh. It was quite an impressive
    procedure and I admire the people of the Nagorno Karabakh not only
    because of their fight for liberty or freedom but because they have
    established a priming democracy in their country', - said Eleni

    Eleni Theocharous highlighted the right of the Artsakh people for
    self-determination, stating that all should respect that right and
    take it into account. `We need to ask the people what they prefer. It
    is their fundamental right to decide what they want. And we must
    respect their will. If they want independence, we have to respect
    independence. And if they want to be one nation with Armenia, we must
    accept it and protect them', -said the Head of the EU-Armenia
    Friendship Group.

    Some of the members of the newly established EU-Armenia Friendship
    Group, headed by the Head of the Group Eleni Theocharous, visited
    Yerevan and on April 24 they commemorated the innocent victims of the
    Armenian Genocide. On April 25 the Group members were hosted by the
    President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan. On April 26 the
    Group will make an official visit to the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.

    The EU-Armenia Friendship Group consists of about 40 members, and 5 of
    them are in Armenia now. By the way, the deputy of the French National
    Assembly, the member of the EU-Armenia Friendship Group Valérie Boyer
    as well is a member of the Group, who is the author of the draft bill
    criminalizing the denial of the Armenian Genocide in France. The
    EU-Armenia Friendship Group intends to hold several events in Armenia.

    The EU-Armenia Friendship Group was established on January 9 2013. The
    opening ceremony was attended by the President of the National
    Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Hovik Abrahamyan. It is symbolical
    that the members of the Group along with the Armenian nation respect
    the memory of the innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide.

    Interviewed by Arusik Zakharyan
    Translated by Syune Barseghyan
    Photos by Felix Arustamyan
