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The created deadlock will result either in a war or in the recogniti

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  • The created deadlock will result either in a war or in the recogniti

    `The created deadlock will result either in a war or in the
    recognition of the NKR independence'
    Wednesday, 17 April 2013 15:53's interview with chairman of the NKR NA standing
    commission on foreign relations Vahram Atanesyan.

    -Mr. Atanesyan, recently the US state of Maine has also recognized the
    independence of the NKR, thus becoming the third state supporting this
    position. How do you estimate this step of the state or, more
    precisely, the House of Representatives and the Senate.

    - Let's give no way to emotions. The resolution of the House of
    Representatives and the Senate of Maine called the US President and
    the Congress `to support the self-determination and the democratic
    independence of the NKR'. This is a serious decision worth of grateful
    acknowledgement, yet only the federal government of the United States
    is entitled to recognize the independence of the NKR.

    - Do you think similar steps can influence the negotiation process and
    if yes, in what way?

    Three US states have adopted this resolution. I think other states as
    well will express their standpoint in future. The USA is an OSCE Minsk
    Group co-chair country and a superpower. Thus, the calls of state
    parliaments and the Senate addressed to the US President and the
    Congress can't but be estimated by the state department and the
    administration in general. Say France, for example, will hardly ignore
    the circumstance that a group of influential state figures such as
    deputies and senators, representatives of the executive power have
    formed a friendship circle with Artsakh. Consequently, similar
    circumstances will have their effect on the negotiation process. The
    deadlock created by Azerbaijan at Kazan summit will result in either a
    war or the worldwide recognition of the NKR independence. The
    international community rejects any war, it remains only to overcome
    the deadlock through the international recognition of the NKR
    independence, to create an opportunity for the two parties, the NKR
    and Azerbaijan, possessing equal rights to discuss issues of mutual

    - Will the recognition of the NKR independence change the attitude of
    the international community towards the NKR in any way?

    - I seem to have answered this question. If there is any need for
    details I will add that the international community has never been
    negatively disposed to the NKR, today especially it is not since the
    standpoint `Either everything or nothing' supported by the Azerbaijani
    authorities is a challenge first of all to the mediators, to the norms
    of international relations and the diplomatic etiquette. Such an
    attitude can't be forgiven.

    - In fact, the recognition of the NKR is not far off or at least some
    definite progress has been recorded in this direction. What do you
    think the first steps of our country should be in this situation?

    - I can't say how close the ultimate recognition is. That's a matter
    of time and facilities as well. I do not share also the `What must the
    NKR do?' question. The international recognition of a country is
    stipulated neither by its wish nor even by its efforts. There is no
    need to mention any example, there exist a lot of them.

    Nevertheless, the most urgent problem, I think, is that of having a
    new class of political figures, I mean human resources with the
    mentality of modern times the solution of which requires first of all
    the involvement of the education system. Our political mentality has
    anchored on the `high notes' of 88 while the world has changed a lot
    and is continually changing. Our political successors must be
    well-educated young people endowed with dynamic mentality without any
    complexes when contacting with the outer world. They will change the
    internal social environment and will face the world with their
    determination of making pragmatic decisions. It seems in this case the
    international recognition of the NKR will come as no surprise to
    anybody and even to Azerbaijan.
