Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168
Bishop Anoushavan, Vicar of the Prelacy, will celebrate the Divine
and deliver the sermon this Sunday, August 25, at St. Gregory Church
of Merrimack Valley in North Andover, Massachusetts, as parishioners
welcome their new pastor, Rev. Fr. Stephan Baljian, Yn. Alice, and
their sons Nishan and Hovhaness. His Grace will officially introduce
Der Stephan to the parish, and preside over a luncheon following the
Liturgy to welcome Der Stephan and family to North Andover.
Archbishop Oshagan presided over the Divine Liturgy and the Blessing
of the Grapes ceremony at St. Illuminator's Cathedral, New York City
last Sunday. The Antastan and Blessing of the Grapes ceremonies took
place immediately after the Divine Liturgy, and the blessed grapes
were distributed.
During the luncheon that followed the services, Rev. Fr. Mesrob
pastor, announced that Dn. James Haddad is moving upstate New York to
pursue a graduate degree. He extended best wishes for success and
thanked Dn. James for his service to St. Illuminator's and presented
him with a small token of appreciation. The Cathedral's Sunday school
directors also thanked Dn. James for his dedicated support and
presented him with a
Archbishop Oshagan conducts the traditional Blessing of Grapes
ceremony at
St. Illuminator's Cathedral.
The celebration of the Assumption and the Blessing of the Grapes took
place at All Saints Church, Glenview, Illinois. The Antastan and
Blessing of Grapes ceremonies took place outside on the church
Participating in the Blessing of the Grapes service are, from left,
Thomas Ohanian, Rev. Fr. Nareg Keutelian, visiting pastor of St. John
the Baptist Church, Bishop Shahe Panossian, Catholicosal Vicar to
Kuwait and the Arabian Gulf Countries, and Archpriest Fr. Zareh
Sahakian, pastor of All Saints Church, Glenview.
The deacons and altar servers during the Blessing of Grapes.
Bishop Anoushavan celebrated the Divine Liturgy and delivered the
sermon last Sunday at St. Asdvadtzadzin Church, Whitinsville,
Massachusetts. His Grace delivered an inspiring message on the
Assumption of the Holy Mother of God. Following the Liturgy, he
presided over the Antastan and Blessing of Grapes service at the
parish's annual picnic on the church grounds. Joining Bishop
Anoushavan and Archpriest Fr. Aram Stepanian, pastor of the church and
chairman of the Prelacy's Religious Council, were area clergy
Archpriest Fr. Antranig Baljian, pastor of St. Stephen's Church,
Watertown, and Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Baghsarian, pastor of
Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence.
The clergy and deacons during the Antastan (Blessing of the four
corners of the world) and grape blessing ceremonies. The clergy, from
left, Archpriest Fr. Antranig Baljian, Archpriest Aram Stepanian,
Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Baghsarian.
The picnic brought together many parishioners and friends in the
outdoors as well as an area covered by a tent.
The `Siroon' and `Siroonig' dance groups (senior and junior), directed
by Kristi Markarian, were a big hit and an inspiration for everyone to
dance in the great outdoors.
Rev. Fr. Stephan Baljian celebrated the Assumption and Blessing of
Grapes as his last service as pastor of St. Gregory Church, Granite
City, Illinois.
Der Hayr will officially begin his service as pastor of St. Gregory
Church, North Andover, Massachusetts, this Sunday.
Rev. Fr. Stephan Baljian with deacons and choir members at St. Gregory
Church, Granite City, Illinois, on the occasion of the Feast of the
and the Blessing of the Grapes.
V. Rev. Fr. Sahag Yemishyan celebrated the Divine Liturgy and
delivered the sermon on the occasion of the Feast of the Assumption of
the Holy Mother of God, at Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New
Jersey last Sunday. Following the Divine Liturgy the Antastan service
and Blessing of the Grapes took place in the presence of parishioners
and friends who filled the church to capacity. Later in the afternoon
the Blessing of the Grapes was performed again during the parish's
annual picnic at Saddle River County Park where a huge crowd gathered
for the popular event. Rev. Fr. Hovnan Bozoian, pastor of
Sts. Vartanantz, introduced Hayr Sahag to attendees who
wished him success and good health in his service as an outreach
priest. Young and old enjoyed the outdoor setting and the delicious
Armenian food and music.
V. Rev. Fr. Sahag Yemishyan and Rev. Fr. Hovnan Bozoian with the
deacons during the Blessing of the Grapes at Sts. Vartanantz Church,
Hayr Sahag and Der Hovnan Blessing the Grapes and food at
Sts. Vartanantz's annual picnic.
The Armenian National Education Committee (ANEC) is sponsoring a
seminar for teachers on Saturday, September 7, 2013, at the Prelacy
headquarters in Manhattan. All schools and teachers are invited to
participate. Several lectures and an open discussion are
scheduled. For more information click here
St. Illuminator Cathedral and the Armenian National Education
Committee (ANEC) is sponsoring a series of seminars, `A Brief
Introduction to Modern Armenian Literature,' to be presented by
Dr. Vartan Matiossian, ANEC Executive Director, beginning Thursday,
September 5 and continuing every Thursday through to October 3, at the
Cathedral's Pashalian Hall. The seminars will comprise an
introduction, and independent overviews of Western Armenian, Eastern
Armenian, Diasporan, and Soviet and post-Soviet Armenian
literature. For more information click here
Bible readings for Sunday, August 25, First Sunday after the
Assumption of
the Holy Mother of God, are, Proverbs 11:30-12:4; Zechariah 2:10-13; 2
Corinthians 6:16-7:1; Luke 1:39-56.
In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the
hill country, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted
Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the child leaped in
her womb.
And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and exclaimed with a
loud cry, `Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of
your womb. And why has this happened to me, that the mother of my
Lord comes to me? For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting,
the child in my
womb leaped for joy. And blessed is she who believed that there would
be a
fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord.'
And Mary said, `My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices
in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his
servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for
the Mighty One has done great things for me and holy is his name. His
mercy is for
those who fear him from generation to generation. He has shown
strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of
their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and
lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and
sent the rich away empty. He
has helped his servant Israel in remembrance of his mercy, according
to the promise he made to our ancestors, to Abraham and to his
descendants forever."
And Mary remained with her about three months and then returned to her
home. (Luke 1:39-56)
For a listing of the coming week's Bible readings click here
On Tuesday, August 27, the Armenian Church commemorates Saints Joachim
Anna, parents of Mary, the mother of Christ. Joachim, son of
Barpathir, was a descendant of David, to whom God had revealed that
the Savior of the world would be born through his descendants. Anna
was a descendant of the tribe of Levi through her father, and the
tribe of Judah through her mother. Joachim and Anna were childless
through years of marriage and were reproached for their
barrenness. Joachim fasted for forty days in the desert and both of
them prayed for a child, ultimately placing their trust in God's will,
whatever it may be. An angel appeared to each of them telling them
they would be the parents of a daughter, in spite of their advanced
age. That child was Mary, the blessed mother of Christ.
On the same day the Church remembers the oil-bearing women
(Myrophores). These are the eight women who are identified as the oil-
or myrrh-bearers in
the four Gospels who had different roles during Christ's ministry,
at the Cross, and the tomb on Easter morning. The eight women are:
Mary Magdalene, Mary (Theotokos), Joanna, Salome, Mary (wife of
Cleopas), Susanna,
Mary of Bethany, and Martha of Bethany.
On Thursday, August 29, the Armenian Church remembers Jeremiah, one of
prophets of the Old Testament. His writings are collected in the Old
Testament book of Jeremiah and the Book of Lamentations is attributed
to him. God appointed Jeremiah to confront Judah and Jerusalem for the
worship of idols and other violations of the covenant (described in
the Book of Deuteronomy). Jeremiah had the task of explaining the
reason for the impending disaster-the destruction by the Babylonian
army and captivity: `And when your people say, `Why has the Lord our
God done all these things to us?' you shall say to them, `As you have
me and served foreign gods in your land, so you shall serve foreigners
in a land that is not yours.''
Prepared by the Armenian National education Committee (ANEC)
Adolf Hitler's Armenian Phrase:
`Who, After All, Speaks Today . . .' (August 22, 1939)
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had an early awareness of the Armenian
Genocide. One of his closest friends and advisors had been Max Erwin
von Scheubner-Richter (1884-1923), who was German consul in Erzerum in
1915 and had documented the annihilation in several diplomatic
reports. He would be killed literally at Hitler's side during the Beer
Hall putsch in Munich (October 1923).
Hitler's first documented reference to Armenians as a people that had
`degenerated' came a year before the ill-fated coup, in
November 1922, in a secret meeting with Eduard Scharrer, a former
consul-general from Stuttgart and publisher of the newspaper Münchner
Neuest Nachrichten. According to Scharrer's notes, Hitler said:
`A solution for the Jewish question must come. If it is solved
reasonably, it will be best for both sides. But if it is not solved
reasonably, there are only two possibilities: either the German Volk
will degenerate to the level of the Armenians or the Levantines, or a
bloody struggle will break out.'
Nine years later, Hitler gave two confidential interviews to Richard
Breiting, editor of the Leipziger Neuester Nachrichten, a conservative
newspaper, in May and June 1931. (Breiting, who was allowed to take
short-hand notes, died in unclear circumstances, probably by the hand
of the Gestapo, in 1937.) In the second interview, Hitler announced:
`We intend to introduce a great resettlement policy; we do not wish to
go on treading on each other's toes in Germany. In 1923 little
Greece could resettle a million men. Think of the Biblical
deportations and the massacres of the Middle Ages (Rosenberg refers to
them) and remember the extermination of the Armenians. One eventually
reaches the conclusion that masses of men are mere biological
The third and most famous reference came on August 22, 1939, one week
before the invasion in Poland and the beginning of World War
II. Hitler gave two speeches to the supreme commanders and commanding
generals at Obersalzberg, which lasted several hours. Admiral Wilhelm
Canaris, chief of the German Abwehr (military intelligence),
surreptitiously took notes. The paragraph, included in the second
speech, said (Lochner's translation):
`Our strength consists in our speed and in our brutality. Genghis Khan
led millions of women and children to slaughter-with premeditation and
a happy heart. History sees in him solely the founder of a state. It's
a matter of indifference to me what a weak western European
civilization will say about me. I have issued the command-and I'll
have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing
squad-that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but
in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed
my death-head formation in readiness-for the present only in the
East-with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without
compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and
language. Only thus shall we gain the living space [Lebensraum] which
we need. Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the
A copy of the speech was transmitted to American journalist Louis
P. Lochner, who published the English version in his book What About
Germany? (1942), while the German original was published for the first
time in an émigré German newspaper in Santiago de Chile, Deutsche
Blätter, in 1944.
Doubts about the authenticity of this copy (two other sets of notes
surfaced, which were introduced by the prosecution at the Nuremberg
Trials, but did not contain the Armenian reference) have been
frequently raised. The consistency of Hitler's thinking between 1931
and 1939 and the logical deduction that there was no particular reason
to manufacture the Armenian reference (Hitler's thought and intent
were clear, even if he had not used it) are enough evidence that the
phrase was authentic. It remains a testament to the impunity of the
Armenian Genocide in World War I that led to the Jewish Genocide in
World War II.
Previous entries in `This Week in Armenian History' can be
read on the Prelacy's web site (
A new mass appeal for funds has been mailed out and should be received
soon. The first appeal sent out last year provided much needed
assistance of food, housing, and medical care for our Armenian
community of Syria. We need
your continued assistance so there will be no interruption of
aid. Please respond as generously as possible.
You may also make your donation to the Fund for Syrian Armenian Relief
right now. Donations can be made on-line (see below) or can be mailed
to the Armenian Prelacy, 138 East 39th Street, New York, NY 10016.
The Fund for Syrian Armenian Relief is a joint effort of: Armenian
Apostolic Church of America (Eastern Prelacy); Armenian Catholic
Eparchy; Armenian
Evangelical Union of North America; Armenian Relief Society (Eastern
USA, Inc.); Armenian Revolutionary Federation.
Thank you for your help.
`How blessed is he who considers the helpless;
The Lord will deliver him in a day of trouble.'
Psalm 41:1
Armenian Holiday Traditions
An Illustrated Guide for Children
By Annie Seropian
Illustrated by Elize Bogossian
Beautifully written and illustrated, this fifty page book provides
information about the major feasts of the Armenian Church from New
Year (Gaghant) to the Holy Translators (Serports Tarkmanchats). In her
opening message to parents the author writes: `The aim of this book is
to revitalize Armenian holiday traditions and encourage families to
actively participate in their celebrations. I believe that history and
traditions can come alive for the child who is encouraged to share in
the stories of our past.'
The informative text is enhanced with the colorful
illustrations. Appropriate for children of all ages, especially with
adult participation.
Armenian Holiday Traditions, $15.00 plus shipping and handling.
To order this book or for information about any other book or gift
item contact the Prelacy Bookstore by email (books@armenianprelacy.or)
or telephone (212-689-7810).
Next Wednesday, August 28, is the 50th anniversary of the civil rights
march on Washington and the electrifying `I Have a Dream...' speech
delivered by Martin Luther King to the more than a quarter of a
million people who gathered at the Lincoln Memorial. It was the
largest demonstration to date in American History. As it does this
year, August 28 in
1963 fell on a Wednesday. There was great apprehension. Many federal
employees did not go to work fearing violence. In the end it was
remarkably peaceful and orderly, and as photographs attest, a
remarkably integrated crowd of well-dressed people, even under the hot
Washington sun of August.
Dr. King spoke late afternoon with a prepared speech, but at one point
he set aside his prepared remarks and began to speak extemporaneously
when he heard someone shout, `Martin, tell them about the dream...'
And thus began the oratory that made him, in the words of historian
Taylor Branch, `a new founding father.'
`I say to you today, my friends, even though we face the difficulties
of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply
rooted in the American Dream...' With imagery and rhythm that
reflected on the Bible, (he was, after all, an ordained minister), as
well as the patriotic song `America,' the Constitution, and
Declaration of Independence, King spoke eloquently of his hopes and
dreams and =80=9Cto let freedom ring.' He concluded with: `And when
this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from
every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we
will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children-black men
and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics-will be
able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual,
`Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at
September 5 to October 3-`A Brief Introduction to Modern Armenian
Literature,' a series of five seminars presented on Thursdays, 7 pm to
8:30 pm, at St. Illuminator's Cathedral, 221 East 27th Street, New
York City. Sponsored by the Armenian National Education Committee
(ANEC) and the Cathedral. Presented by Vartan Matiossian, Ph.D.
September 7-Teachers' Seminar sponsored by the Armenian National
Education Committee (ANEC) at the Prelacy offices, 138 E. 39th Street,
New York City, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Details will follow.
September 8-Picnic Festival, St. Gregory Church, 158 Main Street,
North Andover, Massachusetts, 12:30 to 5:30 pm, featuring Armenian
music by Leon Janikian, Jason Naroian, Joe Kouyoumjian, John Arzigian,
along with Siroun Dance Group. Armenian food and pastries. For details
September 13-Opera Encore sponsored by the Armenian Relief Society Ani
Chapter, Providence, Rhode Island, at the Wannamoisett Country Club,
96 Hoyt Avenue, Rumford, at 6 pm. Featured performers of Opera
Providence are Yeghishe Manucharyan, tenor, and Victoria Avetisyan,
mezzo-soprano, singing traditional and folk Armenian music, as well as
traditional and Armenian opera selections. Full course dinner will be
served. Proceeds will benefit relief efforts for the Syrian Armenian
community. Tickets: $50 per person. For information/reservations
contact Esther Kalajian, (401)595-7991 ( or Joyce
Yeremian, (401) 354-8770 (
September 15-Book Presentation at Pashalian Hall, St. Illuminator's
Cathedral, New York, of `One Church One Nation'
by Hrair Hawk Khatcherian.
September 20-St. Hagop Church, Racine, Wisconsin presents `Flavors of
the Mediterranean' wine tasting fundraiser at Uncorkt in downtown
Racine, 6 - 8 pm. Featured wines from France, Italy, Spain, and
Portugal. Traditional mezza plates will be served. In addition to
supporting the church, 10% of the proceeds will benefit the Mother and
Child center in Armenia. For tickets/information contact: Denise Lansing,
262-639-8204; Mary M. Olson, 262-681-1535. Tickets are $20 per person
or $35 per couple.
September 21-St. Illuminator's Cathedral's =80=9CHuyser' Music
Ensemble presents `The Sound of Freedom,' a celebration of
independence, at the Frank Sinatra School of Arts, Tony Bennett
Concert Hall, 35-12 35th Avenue, Astoria, New York, at 7:30
pm. Tickets $25-$35. For information: 212-689-5880.
October 5-Symposium `Armenian Women as Artists and Mothers,' 2-6 pm,
sponsored by the Armenian National Education Committee (ANEC) at
St. Illuminator Cathedral Pashalian Hall, 221 East 27th Street, New
York City, in celebration of the Year of the Mother of the Armenian
Family. Lecturers: Jennifer Manoukian (Columbia University), `Zabel
Yessayan: Mother and Activist,'; Vartan Matiossian (ANEC), `Armen
Ohanian: An Armenian Woman of the World,' and Melissa Bilal (Columbia
University), `Lullabies and Tears: On Armenian Grandmothers and
Granddaughters in Istanbul.'
October 19-Armenian Friends of America presents `Hye Kef 5' featuring
musicians Leon Janikian, Joe Kouyoumjian, Greg Takvorian, Ken
Kalajian, Ron Raphaelian, and Jay Baronian, 7:30-12:30, Michael's
Function Hall, 12 Alpha Street, Haverhill, Massachusetts. Proceeds
to benefit all Armenian churches in Merrimack Valley and New
Hampshire. Tickets: $40 adults; $30 students; includes
individually-served mezza platters. For information/reservations: John
Arzigian 603-560-3826; Sandy Boroyan 978-251-8687; Scott Sahagian
617-699-3581; Peter Gulezian 978-375-1616.
October 20-St. Hagop Church, Racine, Wisconsin, 75th Anniversary
Celebration to begin with Badarak at 10 am at the church, followed by
a gala
`tasting banquet' and program at the Racine Marriott. For information:
Mary M. Olson, 262-681-1535.
October 27-90th anniversary celebration of St. Gregory Church,
Philadelphia, under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan,
Prelate. Immediately after the Divine Liturgy at the church's Founders
8701 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19128.
November 1 & 2-St. Stephen's Church, Watertown, Massachusetts, 57th
Armenian Bazaar, 10 am to 9:30 pm, at Armenian Cultural & Educational
Center, 47 Nichols Avenue, Watertown. Delicious meals (take-out
available), Armenian pastries, Arts and Crafts, Books, Raffles, Attic
Treasures, Auctions, and more. For information: 617-924-7562.
November 10-Ladies Guild of St. Stephen's Church, Watertown,
Massachusetts, presents The Way We Were Ensemble of New York/New
Jersey in their performance of `The Gamavors,' at 2 pm in the church
hall. Coffee and reception with cast will follow performance. Tickets:
$20 adults; $10 children under 12. For tickets: Mary Derderian, or 781-762-4253.
November 15-16-17-Annual Bazaar, Sts. Vartanantz Church, 461 Bergen
Boulevard, Ridgefield, New Jersey.
November 17-Banquet and Program celebrating the `Year of the Armenian
Mother,' organized by the Eastern Prelacy, at Terrace in the Park,
Flushing Meadows Park, New York. Watch for details.
February 24-26, 2013-Annual Clergy Ghevontiantz Gathering hosted by
Holy Cross Church, 255 Spring Avenue, Troy, New York.
March 28, 2013-Musical Armenia Concert presented by Eastern Prelacy
and Prelacy Ladies Guild, at Carnegie Hall, Weill Recital Hall, 8 pm.
Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacy's web
To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
add to your address book.
Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
credit Crossroads as the source.
Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
From: A. Papazian
Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168
Bishop Anoushavan, Vicar of the Prelacy, will celebrate the Divine
and deliver the sermon this Sunday, August 25, at St. Gregory Church
of Merrimack Valley in North Andover, Massachusetts, as parishioners
welcome their new pastor, Rev. Fr. Stephan Baljian, Yn. Alice, and
their sons Nishan and Hovhaness. His Grace will officially introduce
Der Stephan to the parish, and preside over a luncheon following the
Liturgy to welcome Der Stephan and family to North Andover.
Archbishop Oshagan presided over the Divine Liturgy and the Blessing
of the Grapes ceremony at St. Illuminator's Cathedral, New York City
last Sunday. The Antastan and Blessing of the Grapes ceremonies took
place immediately after the Divine Liturgy, and the blessed grapes
were distributed.
During the luncheon that followed the services, Rev. Fr. Mesrob
pastor, announced that Dn. James Haddad is moving upstate New York to
pursue a graduate degree. He extended best wishes for success and
thanked Dn. James for his service to St. Illuminator's and presented
him with a small token of appreciation. The Cathedral's Sunday school
directors also thanked Dn. James for his dedicated support and
presented him with a
Archbishop Oshagan conducts the traditional Blessing of Grapes
ceremony at
St. Illuminator's Cathedral.
The celebration of the Assumption and the Blessing of the Grapes took
place at All Saints Church, Glenview, Illinois. The Antastan and
Blessing of Grapes ceremonies took place outside on the church
Participating in the Blessing of the Grapes service are, from left,
Thomas Ohanian, Rev. Fr. Nareg Keutelian, visiting pastor of St. John
the Baptist Church, Bishop Shahe Panossian, Catholicosal Vicar to
Kuwait and the Arabian Gulf Countries, and Archpriest Fr. Zareh
Sahakian, pastor of All Saints Church, Glenview.
The deacons and altar servers during the Blessing of Grapes.
Bishop Anoushavan celebrated the Divine Liturgy and delivered the
sermon last Sunday at St. Asdvadtzadzin Church, Whitinsville,
Massachusetts. His Grace delivered an inspiring message on the
Assumption of the Holy Mother of God. Following the Liturgy, he
presided over the Antastan and Blessing of Grapes service at the
parish's annual picnic on the church grounds. Joining Bishop
Anoushavan and Archpriest Fr. Aram Stepanian, pastor of the church and
chairman of the Prelacy's Religious Council, were area clergy
Archpriest Fr. Antranig Baljian, pastor of St. Stephen's Church,
Watertown, and Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Baghsarian, pastor of
Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence.
The clergy and deacons during the Antastan (Blessing of the four
corners of the world) and grape blessing ceremonies. The clergy, from
left, Archpriest Fr. Antranig Baljian, Archpriest Aram Stepanian,
Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Baghsarian.
The picnic brought together many parishioners and friends in the
outdoors as well as an area covered by a tent.
The `Siroon' and `Siroonig' dance groups (senior and junior), directed
by Kristi Markarian, were a big hit and an inspiration for everyone to
dance in the great outdoors.
Rev. Fr. Stephan Baljian celebrated the Assumption and Blessing of
Grapes as his last service as pastor of St. Gregory Church, Granite
City, Illinois.
Der Hayr will officially begin his service as pastor of St. Gregory
Church, North Andover, Massachusetts, this Sunday.
Rev. Fr. Stephan Baljian with deacons and choir members at St. Gregory
Church, Granite City, Illinois, on the occasion of the Feast of the
and the Blessing of the Grapes.
V. Rev. Fr. Sahag Yemishyan celebrated the Divine Liturgy and
delivered the sermon on the occasion of the Feast of the Assumption of
the Holy Mother of God, at Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New
Jersey last Sunday. Following the Divine Liturgy the Antastan service
and Blessing of the Grapes took place in the presence of parishioners
and friends who filled the church to capacity. Later in the afternoon
the Blessing of the Grapes was performed again during the parish's
annual picnic at Saddle River County Park where a huge crowd gathered
for the popular event. Rev. Fr. Hovnan Bozoian, pastor of
Sts. Vartanantz, introduced Hayr Sahag to attendees who
wished him success and good health in his service as an outreach
priest. Young and old enjoyed the outdoor setting and the delicious
Armenian food and music.
V. Rev. Fr. Sahag Yemishyan and Rev. Fr. Hovnan Bozoian with the
deacons during the Blessing of the Grapes at Sts. Vartanantz Church,
Hayr Sahag and Der Hovnan Blessing the Grapes and food at
Sts. Vartanantz's annual picnic.
The Armenian National Education Committee (ANEC) is sponsoring a
seminar for teachers on Saturday, September 7, 2013, at the Prelacy
headquarters in Manhattan. All schools and teachers are invited to
participate. Several lectures and an open discussion are
scheduled. For more information click here
St. Illuminator Cathedral and the Armenian National Education
Committee (ANEC) is sponsoring a series of seminars, `A Brief
Introduction to Modern Armenian Literature,' to be presented by
Dr. Vartan Matiossian, ANEC Executive Director, beginning Thursday,
September 5 and continuing every Thursday through to October 3, at the
Cathedral's Pashalian Hall. The seminars will comprise an
introduction, and independent overviews of Western Armenian, Eastern
Armenian, Diasporan, and Soviet and post-Soviet Armenian
literature. For more information click here
Bible readings for Sunday, August 25, First Sunday after the
Assumption of
the Holy Mother of God, are, Proverbs 11:30-12:4; Zechariah 2:10-13; 2
Corinthians 6:16-7:1; Luke 1:39-56.
In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the
hill country, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted
Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the child leaped in
her womb.
And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and exclaimed with a
loud cry, `Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of
your womb. And why has this happened to me, that the mother of my
Lord comes to me? For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting,
the child in my
womb leaped for joy. And blessed is she who believed that there would
be a
fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord.'
And Mary said, `My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices
in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his
servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for
the Mighty One has done great things for me and holy is his name. His
mercy is for
those who fear him from generation to generation. He has shown
strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of
their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and
lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and
sent the rich away empty. He
has helped his servant Israel in remembrance of his mercy, according
to the promise he made to our ancestors, to Abraham and to his
descendants forever."
And Mary remained with her about three months and then returned to her
home. (Luke 1:39-56)
For a listing of the coming week's Bible readings click here
On Tuesday, August 27, the Armenian Church commemorates Saints Joachim
Anna, parents of Mary, the mother of Christ. Joachim, son of
Barpathir, was a descendant of David, to whom God had revealed that
the Savior of the world would be born through his descendants. Anna
was a descendant of the tribe of Levi through her father, and the
tribe of Judah through her mother. Joachim and Anna were childless
through years of marriage and were reproached for their
barrenness. Joachim fasted for forty days in the desert and both of
them prayed for a child, ultimately placing their trust in God's will,
whatever it may be. An angel appeared to each of them telling them
they would be the parents of a daughter, in spite of their advanced
age. That child was Mary, the blessed mother of Christ.
On the same day the Church remembers the oil-bearing women
(Myrophores). These are the eight women who are identified as the oil-
or myrrh-bearers in
the four Gospels who had different roles during Christ's ministry,
at the Cross, and the tomb on Easter morning. The eight women are:
Mary Magdalene, Mary (Theotokos), Joanna, Salome, Mary (wife of
Cleopas), Susanna,
Mary of Bethany, and Martha of Bethany.
On Thursday, August 29, the Armenian Church remembers Jeremiah, one of
prophets of the Old Testament. His writings are collected in the Old
Testament book of Jeremiah and the Book of Lamentations is attributed
to him. God appointed Jeremiah to confront Judah and Jerusalem for the
worship of idols and other violations of the covenant (described in
the Book of Deuteronomy). Jeremiah had the task of explaining the
reason for the impending disaster-the destruction by the Babylonian
army and captivity: `And when your people say, `Why has the Lord our
God done all these things to us?' you shall say to them, `As you have
me and served foreign gods in your land, so you shall serve foreigners
in a land that is not yours.''
Prepared by the Armenian National education Committee (ANEC)
Adolf Hitler's Armenian Phrase:
`Who, After All, Speaks Today . . .' (August 22, 1939)
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had an early awareness of the Armenian
Genocide. One of his closest friends and advisors had been Max Erwin
von Scheubner-Richter (1884-1923), who was German consul in Erzerum in
1915 and had documented the annihilation in several diplomatic
reports. He would be killed literally at Hitler's side during the Beer
Hall putsch in Munich (October 1923).
Hitler's first documented reference to Armenians as a people that had
`degenerated' came a year before the ill-fated coup, in
November 1922, in a secret meeting with Eduard Scharrer, a former
consul-general from Stuttgart and publisher of the newspaper Münchner
Neuest Nachrichten. According to Scharrer's notes, Hitler said:
`A solution for the Jewish question must come. If it is solved
reasonably, it will be best for both sides. But if it is not solved
reasonably, there are only two possibilities: either the German Volk
will degenerate to the level of the Armenians or the Levantines, or a
bloody struggle will break out.'
Nine years later, Hitler gave two confidential interviews to Richard
Breiting, editor of the Leipziger Neuester Nachrichten, a conservative
newspaper, in May and June 1931. (Breiting, who was allowed to take
short-hand notes, died in unclear circumstances, probably by the hand
of the Gestapo, in 1937.) In the second interview, Hitler announced:
`We intend to introduce a great resettlement policy; we do not wish to
go on treading on each other's toes in Germany. In 1923 little
Greece could resettle a million men. Think of the Biblical
deportations and the massacres of the Middle Ages (Rosenberg refers to
them) and remember the extermination of the Armenians. One eventually
reaches the conclusion that masses of men are mere biological
The third and most famous reference came on August 22, 1939, one week
before the invasion in Poland and the beginning of World War
II. Hitler gave two speeches to the supreme commanders and commanding
generals at Obersalzberg, which lasted several hours. Admiral Wilhelm
Canaris, chief of the German Abwehr (military intelligence),
surreptitiously took notes. The paragraph, included in the second
speech, said (Lochner's translation):
`Our strength consists in our speed and in our brutality. Genghis Khan
led millions of women and children to slaughter-with premeditation and
a happy heart. History sees in him solely the founder of a state. It's
a matter of indifference to me what a weak western European
civilization will say about me. I have issued the command-and I'll
have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing
squad-that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but
in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed
my death-head formation in readiness-for the present only in the
East-with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without
compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and
language. Only thus shall we gain the living space [Lebensraum] which
we need. Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the
A copy of the speech was transmitted to American journalist Louis
P. Lochner, who published the English version in his book What About
Germany? (1942), while the German original was published for the first
time in an émigré German newspaper in Santiago de Chile, Deutsche
Blätter, in 1944.
Doubts about the authenticity of this copy (two other sets of notes
surfaced, which were introduced by the prosecution at the Nuremberg
Trials, but did not contain the Armenian reference) have been
frequently raised. The consistency of Hitler's thinking between 1931
and 1939 and the logical deduction that there was no particular reason
to manufacture the Armenian reference (Hitler's thought and intent
were clear, even if he had not used it) are enough evidence that the
phrase was authentic. It remains a testament to the impunity of the
Armenian Genocide in World War I that led to the Jewish Genocide in
World War II.
Previous entries in `This Week in Armenian History' can be
read on the Prelacy's web site (
A new mass appeal for funds has been mailed out and should be received
soon. The first appeal sent out last year provided much needed
assistance of food, housing, and medical care for our Armenian
community of Syria. We need
your continued assistance so there will be no interruption of
aid. Please respond as generously as possible.
You may also make your donation to the Fund for Syrian Armenian Relief
right now. Donations can be made on-line (see below) or can be mailed
to the Armenian Prelacy, 138 East 39th Street, New York, NY 10016.
The Fund for Syrian Armenian Relief is a joint effort of: Armenian
Apostolic Church of America (Eastern Prelacy); Armenian Catholic
Eparchy; Armenian
Evangelical Union of North America; Armenian Relief Society (Eastern
USA, Inc.); Armenian Revolutionary Federation.
Thank you for your help.
`How blessed is he who considers the helpless;
The Lord will deliver him in a day of trouble.'
Psalm 41:1
Armenian Holiday Traditions
An Illustrated Guide for Children
By Annie Seropian
Illustrated by Elize Bogossian
Beautifully written and illustrated, this fifty page book provides
information about the major feasts of the Armenian Church from New
Year (Gaghant) to the Holy Translators (Serports Tarkmanchats). In her
opening message to parents the author writes: `The aim of this book is
to revitalize Armenian holiday traditions and encourage families to
actively participate in their celebrations. I believe that history and
traditions can come alive for the child who is encouraged to share in
the stories of our past.'
The informative text is enhanced with the colorful
illustrations. Appropriate for children of all ages, especially with
adult participation.
Armenian Holiday Traditions, $15.00 plus shipping and handling.
To order this book or for information about any other book or gift
item contact the Prelacy Bookstore by email (books@armenianprelacy.or)
or telephone (212-689-7810).
Next Wednesday, August 28, is the 50th anniversary of the civil rights
march on Washington and the electrifying `I Have a Dream...' speech
delivered by Martin Luther King to the more than a quarter of a
million people who gathered at the Lincoln Memorial. It was the
largest demonstration to date in American History. As it does this
year, August 28 in
1963 fell on a Wednesday. There was great apprehension. Many federal
employees did not go to work fearing violence. In the end it was
remarkably peaceful and orderly, and as photographs attest, a
remarkably integrated crowd of well-dressed people, even under the hot
Washington sun of August.
Dr. King spoke late afternoon with a prepared speech, but at one point
he set aside his prepared remarks and began to speak extemporaneously
when he heard someone shout, `Martin, tell them about the dream...'
And thus began the oratory that made him, in the words of historian
Taylor Branch, `a new founding father.'
`I say to you today, my friends, even though we face the difficulties
of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply
rooted in the American Dream...' With imagery and rhythm that
reflected on the Bible, (he was, after all, an ordained minister), as
well as the patriotic song `America,' the Constitution, and
Declaration of Independence, King spoke eloquently of his hopes and
dreams and =80=9Cto let freedom ring.' He concluded with: `And when
this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from
every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we
will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children-black men
and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics-will be
able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual,
`Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at
September 5 to October 3-`A Brief Introduction to Modern Armenian
Literature,' a series of five seminars presented on Thursdays, 7 pm to
8:30 pm, at St. Illuminator's Cathedral, 221 East 27th Street, New
York City. Sponsored by the Armenian National Education Committee
(ANEC) and the Cathedral. Presented by Vartan Matiossian, Ph.D.
September 7-Teachers' Seminar sponsored by the Armenian National
Education Committee (ANEC) at the Prelacy offices, 138 E. 39th Street,
New York City, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Details will follow.
September 8-Picnic Festival, St. Gregory Church, 158 Main Street,
North Andover, Massachusetts, 12:30 to 5:30 pm, featuring Armenian
music by Leon Janikian, Jason Naroian, Joe Kouyoumjian, John Arzigian,
along with Siroun Dance Group. Armenian food and pastries. For details
September 13-Opera Encore sponsored by the Armenian Relief Society Ani
Chapter, Providence, Rhode Island, at the Wannamoisett Country Club,
96 Hoyt Avenue, Rumford, at 6 pm. Featured performers of Opera
Providence are Yeghishe Manucharyan, tenor, and Victoria Avetisyan,
mezzo-soprano, singing traditional and folk Armenian music, as well as
traditional and Armenian opera selections. Full course dinner will be
served. Proceeds will benefit relief efforts for the Syrian Armenian
community. Tickets: $50 per person. For information/reservations
contact Esther Kalajian, (401)595-7991 ( or Joyce
Yeremian, (401) 354-8770 (
September 15-Book Presentation at Pashalian Hall, St. Illuminator's
Cathedral, New York, of `One Church One Nation'
by Hrair Hawk Khatcherian.
September 20-St. Hagop Church, Racine, Wisconsin presents `Flavors of
the Mediterranean' wine tasting fundraiser at Uncorkt in downtown
Racine, 6 - 8 pm. Featured wines from France, Italy, Spain, and
Portugal. Traditional mezza plates will be served. In addition to
supporting the church, 10% of the proceeds will benefit the Mother and
Child center in Armenia. For tickets/information contact: Denise Lansing,
262-639-8204; Mary M. Olson, 262-681-1535. Tickets are $20 per person
or $35 per couple.
September 21-St. Illuminator's Cathedral's =80=9CHuyser' Music
Ensemble presents `The Sound of Freedom,' a celebration of
independence, at the Frank Sinatra School of Arts, Tony Bennett
Concert Hall, 35-12 35th Avenue, Astoria, New York, at 7:30
pm. Tickets $25-$35. For information: 212-689-5880.
October 5-Symposium `Armenian Women as Artists and Mothers,' 2-6 pm,
sponsored by the Armenian National Education Committee (ANEC) at
St. Illuminator Cathedral Pashalian Hall, 221 East 27th Street, New
York City, in celebration of the Year of the Mother of the Armenian
Family. Lecturers: Jennifer Manoukian (Columbia University), `Zabel
Yessayan: Mother and Activist,'; Vartan Matiossian (ANEC), `Armen
Ohanian: An Armenian Woman of the World,' and Melissa Bilal (Columbia
University), `Lullabies and Tears: On Armenian Grandmothers and
Granddaughters in Istanbul.'
October 19-Armenian Friends of America presents `Hye Kef 5' featuring
musicians Leon Janikian, Joe Kouyoumjian, Greg Takvorian, Ken
Kalajian, Ron Raphaelian, and Jay Baronian, 7:30-12:30, Michael's
Function Hall, 12 Alpha Street, Haverhill, Massachusetts. Proceeds
to benefit all Armenian churches in Merrimack Valley and New
Hampshire. Tickets: $40 adults; $30 students; includes
individually-served mezza platters. For information/reservations: John
Arzigian 603-560-3826; Sandy Boroyan 978-251-8687; Scott Sahagian
617-699-3581; Peter Gulezian 978-375-1616.
October 20-St. Hagop Church, Racine, Wisconsin, 75th Anniversary
Celebration to begin with Badarak at 10 am at the church, followed by
a gala
`tasting banquet' and program at the Racine Marriott. For information:
Mary M. Olson, 262-681-1535.
October 27-90th anniversary celebration of St. Gregory Church,
Philadelphia, under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan,
Prelate. Immediately after the Divine Liturgy at the church's Founders
8701 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19128.
November 1 & 2-St. Stephen's Church, Watertown, Massachusetts, 57th
Armenian Bazaar, 10 am to 9:30 pm, at Armenian Cultural & Educational
Center, 47 Nichols Avenue, Watertown. Delicious meals (take-out
available), Armenian pastries, Arts and Crafts, Books, Raffles, Attic
Treasures, Auctions, and more. For information: 617-924-7562.
November 10-Ladies Guild of St. Stephen's Church, Watertown,
Massachusetts, presents The Way We Were Ensemble of New York/New
Jersey in their performance of `The Gamavors,' at 2 pm in the church
hall. Coffee and reception with cast will follow performance. Tickets:
$20 adults; $10 children under 12. For tickets: Mary Derderian, or 781-762-4253.
November 15-16-17-Annual Bazaar, Sts. Vartanantz Church, 461 Bergen
Boulevard, Ridgefield, New Jersey.
November 17-Banquet and Program celebrating the `Year of the Armenian
Mother,' organized by the Eastern Prelacy, at Terrace in the Park,
Flushing Meadows Park, New York. Watch for details.
February 24-26, 2013-Annual Clergy Ghevontiantz Gathering hosted by
Holy Cross Church, 255 Spring Avenue, Troy, New York.
March 28, 2013-Musical Armenia Concert presented by Eastern Prelacy
and Prelacy Ladies Guild, at Carnegie Hall, Weill Recital Hall, 8 pm.
Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacy's web
To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
add to your address book.
Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
credit Crossroads as the source.
Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
From: A. Papazian