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Assaulting Armenians In Turkey: This Time It'S Old Ladies

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  • Assaulting Armenians In Turkey: This Time It'S Old Ladies


    Christopher Atamian

    Writer, director, producer, and translator

    Posted: 01/31/2013 2:12 pm

    Turkey , Armenian Genocide , Adiyaman , Alevis , Armenians , Assyrians
    , Constantinople , Istanbul , Kurds , Samatya , Shabin-Karahisar ,
    World News

    There are few things more deleterious to human peace and mutual
    understanding than knee-jerk reactionary nationalism or ethnic
    generalizations. That being said, I have been shocked by the attacks
    in the past few weeks that have been perpetrated in the Samatya
    neighborhood of Istanbul on elderly Armenian women, one of them as she
    was on her way to church. Is this the increasingly tolerant Turkey
    that we keep reading about in the press and in white papers at
    conferences around the world? Granted, this may be the work of one
    isolated crazed killer; its effects are nonetheless chilling.

    Although the Turkish police has apparently sent countless plainclothes
    officers to parole the Samatya area, not enough has been done to decry
    these cowardly attacks or to publicize them in the Turkish press --
    the Armenian-Turkish publication Agos notwithstanding. What kind of a
    coward attacks eighty- and ninety-year-old women on their way to
    church, stabbing them to death in one case and beating another
    senseless in the other? Coming as this does on the heels of the sixth
    anniversary of Turkish-Amenian journalist and human rights activist
    Hrant Dink's assassination in front of Agos headquarters, these
    attacks are particularly alarming. And given the history of
    subjugation and persecution that Christians faced during the Ottoman
    Empire and the upcoming 100th memorial of the Armenian genocide of
    1915 -- which also saw the annihilation of Turkey's Assyrians and
    Pontic Greek populations -- these aggressions are particularly
    shameless. The Armenian community of Istanbul, called Bolsahays in
    Armenian, are understandably alarmed and cowed. As a result they have
    stayed largely silent about these latest attacks on their community.

    But they shouldn't stay silent. The Bolsahays must not let the forces
    of xenophobia and hatred win out. They should form neighborhood
    watches and escort their elderly to and from market and church if
    necessary. Along with the equally persecuted Alevi and Kurdish
    minorities, they must make their voices heard as much as they can in
    official and unofficial Turkish channels and become agents of change.

    Easy to say, writing from the safety of the Upper West Side, some
    might snicker. But the alternative is to appear defenseless and to
    invite more attacks.

    I happen to be a great fan of Turkish culture and the Turkish
    language, and a true lover of Istanbul, once one of the world's great
    cosmopolitan cities. My Turkish friends always encourage me to visit,
    to spend time, even to come back and live in Turkey as my ancestors
    once did. But I need more than just these righteous few and their
    welcome encouragement in order to believe that there exists a safe
    haven in Turkey for people such as myself, descendants of Armenian
    genocide victims deported form their homes in Shabin-Karahisar and
    Adiyaman and a myriad of other villages into the Syrian desert. I need
    -- the entire world needs -- for Turks to rise up en masse and say
    enough! No more violence against our Christian, Kurdish or Alevi
    minorities. We need the Turkish government to come clean and make
    reparations for 1915 and we need their ongoing campaign of hatred --
    in Turkish schoolbooks and on TV and in the written press -- to end,
    once and for all. Then Turkey can claim its rightful place as a great
    country and become cosmopolitan and tolerant, one fully cognizant of
    the fact that it is a country -- like the United States -- in fact
    made up of a mosaic of interwoven and beautifully different yet
    similar ethnicities and religions. It has been almost 100 years since
    the Armenians of Anatolia disappeared into a haze of brutal pillage
    and destruction. Turkey can transform itself from a denialist state
    into a beacon of hope for the Middle East, but it must start now and
    act quickly. There can be no more dithering. Time is of the essence.

    From: A. Papazian