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Policy Forum Armenia: February 18 Election Results Skewed In Favor O

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  • Policy Forum Armenia: February 18 Election Results Skewed In Favor O

    13:32, February 22, 2013

    Policy Forum Armenia (PFA) just concluded its preliminary analysis
    of the official results of Armenia's 2013 Presidential Election based
    on the data provided by the Central Election Commission.

    Consistent with eyewitness accounts and a large body of local media
    reports, our analysis-which we summarize below-confirms the following:

    Presence of a significant and systemic effort to artificially inflate
    the voter turnout (Figure 1, Panel 1). The deviations from the expected
    pattern (i.e., the normal or Gaussian distribution) appear to be larger
    than those found in our analysis of the 2008 Presidential Election
    (see Figure 1 in PFA's Report on "Armenia's 2008 Presidential Election:
    Select Issues and Analysis").

    This turnout-enhancing fraud was conducted on behalf of the incumbent,
    Serge Sargsyan, and against the main challenger, Raffi Hovannisian
    (Figure 1, Panels 1 and 2). The deviations from the expected pattern
    are massive and exceed the range found during the 2008 election (see
    Figure 2 in PFA's Report on "Armenia's 2008 Presidential Election:
    Select Issues and Analysis").

    In addition to artificially inflating the voter turnout, votes cast
    in favor of Raffi Hovannisian and other opposition candidates were
    fraudulently assigned to Serge Sargsyan: for every 100 ballots cast in
    polling stations with artificially high voter turnout, Serge Sargsyan
    received 105 votes (as measured by the slope of the straight line on
    Figure 2, Panel 1).

    Voter turnout was inflated by ballot stuffing, among other means. As
    shown on Figure 2, Panel 3, the number of invalid ballots declined
    as the voter turnout increased, a clear sign of ballot stuffing. This
    result contrasts with the findings of the 2012 Parliamentary Election,
    where ballot stuffing was not found to be a major factor (See PFA's
    report on "Armenia's 2012 Parliamentary Election").

    There are indications that invalid ballots were counted in favor
    of the incumbent (Figure 2, Panel 4). The share of votes assigned
    to Serge Sargsyan is larger in polling stations where the ratio of
    ballots treated as "invalid" is lower.

    There is strong evidence of voter-counting fraud in polling stations
    in rural areas. The digit tests (Figure 3) reveal signs of human
    interference in voter counting (e.g., reassigning of ballots from one
    candidate to another, etc.) as measured by a significant deviation from
    the uniform distribution (of votes cast in favor of two front-runners)
    in polling stations outside of Yerevan and Gyumri.

    All in all, we conclude that in polling stations not affected by
    falsifications, the main opposition candidate, Raffi Hovannisian,
    shows a lead of at least 4 percent of the vote. This, however,
    is likely to be the lower bound of the difference between the two
    front-runners, because of the extent of violations in favor of Serge
    Sargsyan, as mentioned earlier.

    This analysis challenges-in the strongest possible way-the official
    version of the events, the statement of the OSCE-ODIHR observer
    mission, and the reports in Western media outlets about the extent
    of violations that took place on February 18, 2013.

    Our results strongly indicate that the final outcome of February 2013
    election was subject to massive manipulations and interference and
    did not reflect the free will of the Armenian citizens.

    They also call into question the role of foreign election observers
    in the Armenian context, specifically their impartiality and ability
    to detect election fraud that is becoming ever more sophisticated.

    We strongly encourage Raffi Hovannisian and his supporters to
    forcefully pursue either a system-wide recount of ballots (which
    would undoubtedly reduce the share of the incumbent's votes and lead
    to the second round election) or a complete annulment of the election
    outcome, as the only ways forward for the country and its people.
