Presidential candidate, Hrant Bagratyan, leader of Freedom party,
presented his website which unveils his electoral economic program
named "Just 100 Steps to Social Justice".
In his Facebook Post Bagratyan promised to present in his website his
approaches over country's foreign policy and the concepts of Armenian
reforms as well.
Referring to his economic program, the presidential candidate noted
that it is not the row of slogans or wishes neither is concept nor
program provision.
"It is the combination of activities in conditions of limited
time and resources with concrete outcome. The booklet will soon be
published too. The candidates not representing the authorities are
also welcomed to present their programs [not wishes] and I will be
pleased to participate in any debate," he wrote.
In his economic program Bagratyan has also included core points of
his previous "100 steps" program.
The economic program comprises of few parts - social consent model,
population's income, employment, birth rate, social and public
sector, tax and customs policy, budget policy, banking sphere,
credit organizations, share market, business promotion, small and
medium-sized business development, management improvement, reduction
of shadow and agriculture.
Presidential candidate, Hrant Bagratyan, leader of Freedom party,
presented his website which unveils his electoral economic program
named "Just 100 Steps to Social Justice".
In his Facebook Post Bagratyan promised to present in his website his
approaches over country's foreign policy and the concepts of Armenian
reforms as well.
Referring to his economic program, the presidential candidate noted
that it is not the row of slogans or wishes neither is concept nor
program provision.
"It is the combination of activities in conditions of limited
time and resources with concrete outcome. The booklet will soon be
published too. The candidates not representing the authorities are
also welcomed to present their programs [not wishes] and I will be
pleased to participate in any debate," he wrote.
In his economic program Bagratyan has also included core points of
his previous "100 steps" program.
The economic program comprises of few parts - social consent model,
population's income, employment, birth rate, social and public
sector, tax and customs policy, budget policy, banking sphere,
credit organizations, share market, business promotion, small and
medium-sized business development, management improvement, reduction
of shadow and agriculture.