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One does not have a house, the other has too many to lose the count

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  • One does not have a house, the other has too many to lose the count

    One does not have a house, the other has too many to lose the count
    Fri, 01/11/2013 - 22:22

    The members of the National Assembly elected from No 14 and No 15
    electoral polls of Aragatsotn region have tangible property, including
    real estate, cash, shares, however, have no valuable property. Unlike
    them, the Judge of the Court of First Instance of the region and his
    family members do not have any property, but they have money. The
    Marzpet of Aragatsotn region has real estate, but very little assets
    and income. This is evidenced in the declaration of the ethics
    committee of high-ranking officials in 2011 for filing returns.

    So, Marzpet Sargis Sahakyan had the same income in the beginning and
    in the end of the year - 250.000 AMD. His income came exclusively from
    the remuneration - 2.497.584 AMD. The members of the family (wife and
    2 daughters) presented no declarations.

    The Judge of the Court of First Instance Suren Mnoyan and members of
    his family (wife, parents and daughters) declared only monetary assets
    and income. His income in the beginning of 2011 was 1 million AMD and
    30.000 US dollars and 2 million AMD and 40.000 US dollars in the end
    of the year. The income came exclusively from the remuneration - 9
    million 6921 AMD.

    The income of his father was 650.000 AMD and 348.000 was the one of
    the mother's. The income of one of the daughters was 3.000 Georgian
    lari from pension and 700.000 AMD from remuneration. The income of the
    other daughter was 700.000 AMD.

    The situation, as it was previously noted, is different with the
    members of National Assembly.

    The member of the National Assembly Vrezh Markosyan on June 12, 2012
    declared one 4 plots, an apartment with a garage, one separate garage
    and 2 cars. On March 30, he declared also another apartment. Markosyan
    also declared a loan of 440.553.150 AMD, funds of 5.592.000 AMD,
    3.485.798 Russian rubles, 564.959 Euro, 813.889 US dollars. The income
    of 687.632.097 AMD, from which the remuneration of 54.117.397 AMD,
    loan percentage of 47.147.700 AMD and dividends of 586.367.000 AMD.

    The member of National Assembly Mnatsakan Mnatsakanyan on June 14,
    2012 declared 16 pieces of real estate, 22.000 US dollars and 65
    million AMD, income of 5.815.828 AMD, from which 2.315.828 AMD
    remuneration, and 3 million 500 AMD income The member of the National
    Assembly also has ordinary nominal shares `Talin transportation and
    road' CJSC.

