12:32 16.01.2013
On January 15 the UN Security Council held a discussion on the
"Comprehensive Approach to the Fight against Terrorism," featuring a
number of high-ranking officials and representatives of about fifty
Armenian Ambassador to the UN Karen Nazaryan noted that the size and
influence of the threat of terrorism envisages coordinated actions
of the UN agencies and other inter-governmental structures, and in
this context attached importance to the joint programs of the CSTO,
the European Union, the Council of Europe and NATO.
Karen Nazaryan added that the factor of the closed border with the
two neighbors of Armenia, as well as the practice of accumulation of
a great amount of weapons under the excuse of the unsolved conflict
negatively affect the cooperation in the field.
The Ambassador said the comparison of terrorism with the struggle
for the realization of the right of peoples to self-determination is
unacceptable and condemned the use of the state authorities, as well
as mercenaries and terrorist groups to pressure this right.
Also, Karen Nazaryan referred to the propagation of hatred on the
state level in Armenia's immediate neighborhood, adding that it can
feed the crime of terrorism and urged to refuse from this behavior
and substitute it with tolerance and dialogue.
12:32 16.01.2013
On January 15 the UN Security Council held a discussion on the
"Comprehensive Approach to the Fight against Terrorism," featuring a
number of high-ranking officials and representatives of about fifty
Armenian Ambassador to the UN Karen Nazaryan noted that the size and
influence of the threat of terrorism envisages coordinated actions
of the UN agencies and other inter-governmental structures, and in
this context attached importance to the joint programs of the CSTO,
the European Union, the Council of Europe and NATO.
Karen Nazaryan added that the factor of the closed border with the
two neighbors of Armenia, as well as the practice of accumulation of
a great amount of weapons under the excuse of the unsolved conflict
negatively affect the cooperation in the field.
The Ambassador said the comparison of terrorism with the struggle
for the realization of the right of peoples to self-determination is
unacceptable and condemned the use of the state authorities, as well
as mercenaries and terrorist groups to pressure this right.
Also, Karen Nazaryan referred to the propagation of hatred on the
state level in Armenia's immediate neighborhood, adding that it can
feed the crime of terrorism and urged to refuse from this behavior
and substitute it with tolerance and dialogue.