15:50 - 21.01.2013
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has today received special envoy,
ProSecretary of the Office of the President of Uruguay Diego Canepa.
Diego Canepa handed over a private letter of Uruguayan President Jose
Alberto Mujica Cordano to the Head of State.
He noted he was personally instructed by the Uruguayan President and
the government to develop bilateral and multilateral relations with
Azerbaijan and discuss prospects for the bilateral cooperation. The
ProSecretary of the President's Office said Uruguay was interested
in expanding relationship with Azerbaijan in various fields.
History shows that no country is interested in developing relations
with Azerbaijan without a reason. Azerbaijan does a lot of "purposeful
work" before that. It is known that Uruguay has positive attitude
towards both Armenia and NKR. Azerbaijan has adopted a policy of
creating good relations with countries that have good relations
with Armenia.
So, what's behind this new "friendship"?
Representative of ARF Bureau Armenian Cause office Kiro Manoyan told
Yerkir.am that he does not believe new relations will be at expense
of Armenia but he did not exclude it either.
"Azerbaijan probably wishes to change Uruguay's disposition in NKR
issue and the Armenian Genocide issue. Both foreign ministry and
Armenian community of Uruguay have much to do about this", said
Kiro Manoyan.
From: A. Papazian
15:50 - 21.01.2013
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has today received special envoy,
ProSecretary of the Office of the President of Uruguay Diego Canepa.
Diego Canepa handed over a private letter of Uruguayan President Jose
Alberto Mujica Cordano to the Head of State.
He noted he was personally instructed by the Uruguayan President and
the government to develop bilateral and multilateral relations with
Azerbaijan and discuss prospects for the bilateral cooperation. The
ProSecretary of the President's Office said Uruguay was interested
in expanding relationship with Azerbaijan in various fields.
History shows that no country is interested in developing relations
with Azerbaijan without a reason. Azerbaijan does a lot of "purposeful
work" before that. It is known that Uruguay has positive attitude
towards both Armenia and NKR. Azerbaijan has adopted a policy of
creating good relations with countries that have good relations
with Armenia.
So, what's behind this new "friendship"?
Representative of ARF Bureau Armenian Cause office Kiro Manoyan told
Yerkir.am that he does not believe new relations will be at expense
of Armenia but he did not exclude it either.
"Azerbaijan probably wishes to change Uruguay's disposition in NKR
issue and the Armenian Genocide issue. Both foreign ministry and
Armenian community of Uruguay have much to do about this", said
Kiro Manoyan.
From: A. Papazian