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ANKARA: Six years after Hrant Dink

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  • ANKARA: Six years after Hrant Dink

    Cihan News Agency (CNA) - Turkey
    January 21, 2013 Monday

    Six years after Hrant Dink

    ISTANBUL (CIHAN)- On Jan. 19 Hrant Dink, the founder and
    editor-in-chief of the Turkish-Armenian bilingual weekly Agos
    published in Istanbul, was commemorated on the sixth anniversary of
    his assassination, which was part of a plan to create chaos in the
    country and provoke a military coup against the elected government.
    Hrant's passing away inflicted deep pain on people who knew him, like
    myself, and millions who respected his cause.

    What has happened during the six years that have elapsed since his
    death? The underage person who pulled the trigger that put an end to
    his life has been captured and sentenced, but those who were behind
    the plot to murder him have not yet been identified and put before
    justice. The hope is not lost, however, that the continuing
    investigation may eventually lead to the deciphering of the criminal
    organization responsible for his killing.

    Those who made the plan to kill him have not yet been identified
    although six years have elapsed, but the cause which Dink gave his
    life for, that is Turkey facing the truth about the great tragedy that
    befell Ottoman Armenians close to a century ago, has been embraced by
    an ever growing part of Turkish society. The best indication of this
    is the publication of a wide range of books in Turkish dealing with
    the plight of Ottoman Armenians, including distinguished Turkish
    journalist Hasan Cemal's book titled "1915: Armenian Genocide" this
    year which has already sold tens of thousands of copies.

    Dink did not have any doubts that what happened to Ottoman Armenians
    in 1915 and 1916 was genocide. But his efforts were not particularly
    directedtowards the recognition of that genocide by the Turkish state,
    but towards the people of Turkey learning the truth about the hundreds
    of thousands of his kin who lost their lives due to massacres,
    starvation and epidemics as a consequence of the decision by their own
    government to deport almost the entire Armenian population to the
    Syrian desert during World War I. His primary aim was to help open the
    way for Turkish-Armenian reconciliation. Has this road been opened?
    Yes, I believe it has.

    There is a greater clarity of mind on two basic issues among those who
    are concerned about Turkish-Armenian reconciliation. First is the
    wickedness in holding responsible an entire nation for the crimes
    committed by a government of theirs nearly 100 years ago. The other is
    the wickedness in Turkey's government still today assuming the
    responsibility of crimes perpetrated by a gang of dictators who led
    the Ottoman Empire to its demise.

    I came across one of the most remarkable indications towards the
    growing clarity over the above issues, reading in a Turkish newspaper
    an interview with Sona Tatoyan, an Armenian-American filmmaker
    preparing to produce a film based on the Armenian author Micheline
    Ahromyan Marcom's book "Three Apples Fell from Heaven." In the
    interview Tatoyan speaks about her mother: "Yes, she sometimes did
    speak of the wicked things they have done to us. But then she would
    begin to praise the Anatolian people, their food and land. I believe
    it was she who taught me that one should not blame a people for what
    their government has done."

    In response to the question as to what would she feel if the
    government of Turkey would recognize and apologize for the genocide,
    she says: "I would be relieved. If it continues not to do this. ... I
    do not know. As an Armenian I do not need Turkey to admit it was a
    genocide. This is what I am trying to explain to the diaspora. By
    insisting on hearing this word they are in fact pushing the government
    of Turkey to a stronger position. Because such insistence only means
    that we cannot get well before you admit..."

    Tatoyan adds: "I shall prepare the Schindler's List of the Armenian
    genocide. ... The list of good-hearted people who risked their lives
    to save their neighbors as well as the monsters. ... At the time there
    were also Armenians who betrayed each other. They too will be on the
    list. ..." (Radikal, Jan. 14, 2013.)

    Thanks to Sona Tatoyan for raising these issues.

