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Armenia: elections without a choice

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  • Armenia: elections without a choice

    Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, Italia
    21 january 2013

    Armenia: elections without a choice

    Mikayel Zolyan | Yerevan
    21 January 2013

    A deep economic crisis and complicated regional scenario will
    seemingly not stop the incumbent, Serzh Sargsyan, to be elected for a
    new term as Armenian president

    On February 18, 2013 Armenia is going to hold a presidential election.
    The answer to the most important question that arises with every
    election is already clear: the incumbent president Serzh Sargsyan
    looks set to win the election, as no other candidates can credibly be
    expected to win the elections, or at least make it into a run-off. The
    campaign, however, raises a question, which both Armenian and external
    observers find difficult to answer. In most European countries,
    governments that had seen their economies suffer as a result of an
    economic crisis, were defeated in elections during the recent years.
    How is possible that in Armenia, one of the hardest hit countries, the
    incumbent government is expected to win with a landslide? Moreover, an
    incumbent president whose first election was marred by allegations of
    fraud and mass protests is today facing virtually no competition. All
    of this would be easy to explain in a country with an authoritarian
    dictatorship, however, Armenia's political system, though hardly a
    functioning democracy, can also hardly be described as a brutal

    The current situation, in which incumbent president's victory looks
    quite secure, is especially astonishing, if one looks at how
    complicated both internal and external situation of Armenia is today.
    The economy has been hit hard by the economic crisis, and today many
    Armenians are looking for work abroad. The already complicated
    external settings have become even more complicated during the last
    years. The attempt at Armenian-Turkish reconciliation which was
    launched in 2008 with support of USA and EU has collapsed: the
    Armenian-Turkish protocols signed in 2009 are virtually dead. While
    not long ago mediators were talking about `windows of opportunity' in
    Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations over Karabakh conflict resolution,
    today this process also looks frozen. Moreover, in late August, Ramil
    Safarov, an Azerbaijani military man serving sentence in Hungarian
    jail for murdering an Armenian officer, was extradited to Azerbaijan,
    where he was not only released, but also treated as a national hero
    and the ensuing diplomatic scandal marked probably the lowest point in
    Armenian-Azerbaijani relations since the ceasefire in 1994. The
    Safarov affair and constant skirmishes on the line of contact of
    Armenian and Azerbaijani forces should serve as a warning of how close
    the sides have come to an open military confrontation. When it comes
    to relations with global and regional powers, Armenian government has
    to balance its European aspirations and its cooperation with European
    Union in the framework of programs such as the Eastern Partnership,
    and the military-political alliance with Russia, a task that often
    seems virtually impossible.

    A vanishing opposition
    However, while Armenia is facing so many difficult issues, there is
    surprisingly little discussion on how to deal with them in Armenian
    society in the run-up to the elections. Most discussions during the
    months preceding the elections focused rather on who the potential
    candidates would be. The reason for that was the fact that two of the
    candidates considered the most probable competitors to incumbent
    Sargsyan, hesitated for a long time. Until December it was not clear
    whether Armenia's 1st president and leader of the opposition block
    `Armenian National Congress' Levon Ter-Petrosyan, and one of Armenia's
    most wealthy man, the leader of semi-opposition Prosperous Armenia
    Party, Gagik Tsarukyan, would stand in the elections. Eventually both
    of them decided to abstain from nominating their candidacies.

    So why did the candidates that had the most chances to become a
    serious challenger to incumbent Sargsyan decide to skip the fight?
    Most probably, Ter-Petrosyan's decision not to take part in the
    election was a reaction to the developments that took place within the
    last year, which showed that he does not have high chances if he runs
    for president. In parliamentary elections in May 2012 Ter-Petrosyan's
    ANC received only 7 % of the votes. Apparently, ANC which had been a
    rising force after 2008 elections, has been outmaneuvered by the
    incumbent government, and today is standing at the brink of a
    break-up. On the contrary, Prosperous Armenia (PA), which until
    recently has been a part of the ruling coalition, did quite well in
    the parliamentary elections. It was able to exploit its position of a
    party that has left the ruling coalition and yet has not declared
    itself opposition, refraining from openly criticizing the incumbent
    government. However, such a position cannot be maintained for a long
    time. The decision to challenge Sargsyan in the presidential election
    would have meant openly joining the opposition camp, which in Armenia,
    as in other post-Soviet countries, is associated with many risks. Many
    prominent members of Prosperous Armenia, including its leader Gagik
    Tsarukyan, are wealthy people with a lot to lose, who are not ready to
    risk their property for the sake of politics. Criminal persecution
    with charges of embezzlement, which started against a prominent PA
    member, former minister of foreign affairs and another potential
    presidential candidate Vartan Oskanian, showed to PA members what they
    could expect in case the party decides to become a genuine opposition

    The magnificent eight
    Thus, in the absence of serious challengers, Armenia's voters will be
    presented with a somewhat bizarre list of candidates, which includes 8
    names, most of them having few chances of receiving more than 1 or 2 %
    of the votes. Probably, the most exotic is Vartan Sedrakyan, a
    self-proclaimed `eposologist' (i.e. a researcher of epic folklore, the
    term makes as little sense in Armenian as it does in English). He
    succeeded in attracting some attention by his statement that he will
    use Armenian folklore epic `Sasuntsi David' as his political program
    and with his election motto `there is God above'. Most other
    candidates are less eccentric, but their chances of succeeding are not
    much higher.

    There are, however, two candidates, former prime-minister Hrant
    Bagratyan and former minister of foreign affairs Raffi Hovannisian,
    who may leave their mark on the elections. Even though neither of them
    has any realistic chances of beating the incumbent, they both have the
    opportunity to gain a significant percentage of votes. The
    significance of these votes is that they can serve as a basis for
    consolidating the opposition in the future. It is obvious that even
    though Serzh Sargsyan is the most probable winner of these elections,
    there is a lot of discontent in the country, and whoever is able to
    position himself as the main challenger to Sargsyan in these
    elections, will be able to capitalize on that discontent in the coming

    These two candidates, however, have their own limitations. Bagratyan
    is often associated with the questionable economic policies of the
    early 1990s, which means that he is deeply unpopular with some voters,
    especially those of older and middle age. Another factor unfavorable
    for Bagratyan is that the Armenian National Congress, of which
    Bagratyan is still formally a member, is not supporting his candidacy,
    and is calling for a boycott of elections. Hovannisian, an American
    born Diaspora Armenian, who decided to move to Armenia in 1991, enjoys
    a reputation of a patriot and someone who does not share the corrupt
    and cynical style typical for post-Soviet politicians. However, to
    some Armenian voters his western background may seem as a handicap,
    since he is often seen as out of touch with realities on the ground.
    Hovannisian's political reputation recently suffered as a result of
    unsuccessful attempt of alliance between his party `Heritage' and
    another party `Free Democrats'. While the alliance did make it into
    parliament as a result of 2012 parliamentary elections, many prominent
    `Heritage' members were left out. As a result, the alliance is de
    facto non-existent and `Free democrats' are not even supporting
    Hovannisian's candidacy in these elections.

    Unchallenged domination
    Thus, the incumbent political force has today found itself in a
    situation, in which its domination over Armenia's political life,
    which seemed so endangered only a couple of years ago, is today
    unchallenged. Old opposition has been fragmented and sidelined, new
    opposition has not emerged. However, what seems a short-term victory
    for the ruling elite may yet lead to trouble in the long run. It is
    obvious for both Armenians and international community, that the
    election will be one without a real choice. The incumbent government
    has been haunted by a lack of legitimacy in the eyes of a large part
    of the Armenian society after the disputed election of 2008, which
    lead to mass protests that were violently suppressed. These elections,
    even though they most probably will award a victory to the incumbent,
    will hardly solve the issue of the alienation between the government
    and the society. Serzh Sargsyan said in his inauguration speech in
    2008 that he would try to break the wall of misunderstanding between
    the government and some of Armenian citizens. While the upcoming
    elections look set to award him a second term, they would hardly help
    him to break that wall.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress