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BAKU: Frozen Conflicts In Caucasus Are Main Problem For Creation Of

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  • BAKU: Frozen Conflicts In Caucasus Are Main Problem For Creation Of


    AzerNews, Azerbaijan
    July 18 2013

    18 July 2013, 13:45 (GMT+05:00)

    The establishment of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking states
    was the initiative of Turkey and Azerbaijan. The countries could
    expand the partnership in Central Asia, by creating a trilateral
    format of cooperation, for example, on the basis of Azerbaijan-
    Turkey-Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan-Turkey-Turkmenistan, Turkish Foreign
    Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said in an interview with Trend news agency.

    "Turkey aims to strengthen the relations with all regions - whether
    the Middle East, or the Caucasus or the Central Asia," Davutoglu said.

    "Ankara's objective is to intensify the diplomatic and economic
    relations, as well as to expand the cultural relations with these
    regions," he stressed. "These are the main goals, but their realization
    in each region has its own difficulties and peculiarities."

    "For instance, the Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform was
    established in the Caucasus at Turkey's initiative in 2008.The purpose
    of the platform is to create unity among the Caucasian countries.

    However, the desired results have not obtained in this issue.

    "The frozen conflicts in the Caucasus are the main problem in the
    creation of the Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform. First of
    all, this is the occupation of Azerbaijani lands by Armenia, and the
    issue of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in the Southern Caucasus. These
    problems pose obstacles to the full cooperation in the Caucasus.

    "That's why, Turkey intends to maximally expand the cooperation
    in possible directions of cooperation such as the trilateral and
    bilateral cooperation in the Caucasus," he said.

    "A striking example of the trilateral cooperation is the cooperation
    between Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia through such energy and
    transportation projects as the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline,
    Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline and Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway.

    Moreover, Turkey is successfully expanding cooperation with Azerbaijan
    and this is an important example of bilateral cooperation," Davutoglu

    "The relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey are based on fraternal
    relations and "One nation - two states" slogan which are unique in
    the world," he said.

    "Moreover, the Georgian-Turkish cooperation can be cited as an
    example of successful bilateral cooperation in the Caucasus. Ankara
    and Tbilisi have agreed not only to abolish visas, but refused to
    show passports when crossing the border."

    "Turkey has no problems with any neighbor in the Caucasus except
    Armenia," Davutoglu emphasized. "The problems between Turkey and
    Armenia are primarily connected with the occupation of Azerbaijani
    lands. We hope that Armenia will abandon its wrong policy and cease
    occupying Azerbaijani lands. Only in this case, it will be possible
    to normalize the relations with Yerevan."

    The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988
    when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian
    armed forces have occupied 20 per cent of Azerbaijan since 1992,
    including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

    Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994. The
    co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group - Russia, France and the U.S. -
    are currently holding peace negotiations.

    Armenia has not yet implemented the U.N. Security Council's four
    resolutions on the liberation of the Nagorno-Karabakh and the
    surrounding regions.

    Turkey's accession to the EU

    Davutoglu said that at present the EU has no reason to reject Turkey's
    membership bid,

    "Turkey has undertaken important reforms for the EU accession,"
    he said. "The Turkish economy is one of the rapidly developing and
    strongest in the world today. The Turkish economy is stronger than
    the economy of some European countries taken together. The same can
    be said about the democratic reforms in Turkey. Thus, the EU has no
    reason to reject Turkey's membership."

    According to Davutoglu, Turkey's accession to the EU requires a desire
    of both sides, not only Ankara's. "It might seem that there are all
    opportunities for Turkey's accession to the EU, but Turkey actually
    faces the EU-created barrier."

    "First of all, this barrier is connected with the Cypriot issue,"
    he said. "There are some countries, which try to prevent Turkey to
    join the EU, using the Cypriot issue, as well as pointing out the
    cultural difference as a reason. Spread of Islamophobia in Europe is
    one of the reasons of Turkey's failure to become an EU full member."

    "But despite all EU-created barriers, Turkey is determined to continue
    the policy of joining the EU and will never give up this policy,"
    Davutoglu said.

    "At present, the EU shows its indecisiveness," he said. "One day,
    when the EU understands Turkey's importance, Ankara will have an
    opportunity to join the EU."

    "While intensifying the partnership with other international
    organizations and associations, Turkey is not looking for an
    alternative to the EU," he said. "The policy of rapprochement with
    any region or an organization does not mean Turkey's alienation from
    the EU."

    "Even if Turkey becomes an EU full member, the cooperation with the
    Central Asian region will remain one of the priorities for Turkey's
    foreign policy," Davutoglu said.

    The official negotiations on Turkey's accession to the EU started in
    2005. The parties have not commenced considering any new technical
    item for the last three years. At present, Turkey was able to finish
    the negotiations only on one of the items.

    Situation in Egypt

    Egypt's military coup at the beginning of the month is not a solution
    to the country's problems, on the contrary, it will bring more
    confusion into the country, Davutoglu said.

    "After the elections were held in Egypt and Mohamed Morsi was elected
    president, Turkey supported him," he said.

    "Turkey would support anyone who would have been elected in Egypt,
    because we support people's will, rather than a certain person,"
    he said. "Only democratically elected political leader is entitled
    to represent people."

    "Turkey has done much to normalize the situation in the countries that
    have suffered from the revolutions," he said. "Around $2 billion were
    allocated only to Egypt."

    "Egypt is an important country, because the situation will not
    stabilize in the entire region without establishing stability in
    Egypt," Davutoglu added.

    Clashes between supporters and opponents of President Mohamed Morsi
    have been continuing after the Egyptian military suspended the
    constitution of Egypt and ousted Morsi from power on July 3.

    Egyptian Islamists do not recognize these decisions and demand the
    legally elected president to return to power.

    On July 10 Egypt's Prosecutor General's Office issued a decree to
    arrest the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood movement. "As for Syria,
    the situation there is even more complicated, as the death toll in
    Syria exceeds 100,000 people," Davutoglu said.

    "Many victims of the Syrian events were killed as a result of air
    strikes," he said. "Everybody knows that all this was committed by
    the Syrian regime as the Syrian opposition does not have such weapons."

    "Initially, the Syrian opposition held peaceful demonstrations without
    violence," he said. "The opposition demanded to hold the democratic
    elections and to conduct reforms, but the Syrian regime did not meet
    the people's requirements."

    "There are about 500,000 Syrian refugees in Turkey today," Davutoglu
    added. "Turkey has allocated $1.5 billion to the refugees."

    The clashes between the government forces and armed opposition
    have been continuing in Syria for over two years. According to UN
    statistics, the total number of victims of the conflict in Syria is
    more than 100,000 people. The Syrian authorities say they are opposed
    by well-armed militants.
