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Moscow Worried About Armenian Outcry

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  • Moscow Worried About Armenian Outcry

    July 19 2013

    Emil Danielyan

    Russia's government signaled concerns on Friday about the possible
    impact on Russian-Armenian relations of an uproar in Yerevan sparked
    by the controversial treatment of an Armenian man prosecuted for a
    deadly traffic accident near Moscow.

    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin met the Armenian
    ambassador in Moscow, Oleg Yesayan, to discuss the fallout from last
    week's collision of a heavy truck and a public bus that left 18 people
    dead and more than 30 others wounded.

    The truck was driven by, Hrachya Harutiunian, an Armenian migrant
    worker. He was arrested and charged with causing multiple deaths
    through violating traffic rules.

    According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, Yesayan offered "sincere
    condolences" in connection with the bus crash at the meeting. "It
    was confirmed from the Russian side that there will be a thorough and
    objective investigation into that case, which will certainly respect
    the legal rights of the accused," the ministry said in a statement.

    "Mutual concerns were expressed regarding ongoing undignified attempts
    to exploit that tragedy for inflaming sentiments running counter
    to the spirit of Russian-Armenian friendship," the statement added
    without giving further details.

    It was a clear reference to the furious reaction in Armenia to
    what many people there see as Harutiunian's degrading treatment by
    Russian law-enforcement bodies and a xenophobic coverage of the case
    by the Russian media. A visibly shocked Harutiunian was made to wear
    a woman's hospital robe when he appeared before a Moscow court on
    Monday. Russian state television emphasized his nationality in its
    reports on the tragedy.

    The driver's wretched appearance led to a barrage of criticism from
    Armenian state officials, opposition and civic figures and especially
    the media. Some media commentators accused the Russian government of
    deliberately humiliating the Armenian citizen.

    The Russian TV images also triggered angry protests outside
    the Russian Embassy in Yerevan. The embassy on Wednesday accused
    "certain individuals" of exploiting the affair to whip up anti-Russian
    sentiment in Armenia. It insisted that the fatal crash had "no ethnic
    implications" but stopped short of criticizing Harutiunian's televised

    Switzerland -- Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin
    answers questions after a press conference after the ninth session
    of the Caucasus talks to settle the Russia-Georgia conflict at the
    European headquarters of the UN in Geneva,Switzerland -- Russian
    Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin answers questions after a
    press conference after the ninth session of the Caucasus talks to
    settle the Russia-Georgia conflict at the European headquarters of
    the UN in Geneva,

    Switzerland -- Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin
    answers questions after a press conference after the ninth session
    of the Caucasus talks to settle the Russia-Georgia conflict at the
    European headquarters of the UN in Geneva, According to a spokesman
    for the Armenian Embassy in Moscow, Russian officials have assured
    embassy officials that their handling of the arrested suspect was an
    unintentional "result of haste."

    However, a report in the "Moskovsky Komsomolets" daily on Friday
    suggests that the Moscow police are unrepentant about their actions.

    Citing unnamed police sources, the paper said the Russian investigators
    consider the scandal the result of a "ploy" by Harutiunian's
    lawyers. It said they think that the lawyers "might have deliberately
    not brought him new clothes so that he appears before the court in
    a miserable way that will cause pity."

    One of the lawyers, Aleksandr Meltsev, said on Thursday that the
    defense team would have promptly provided Harutiunian with appropriate
    attire in hospital if it had been asked to. "We would have brought
    him new clothes in half an hour," he told RFE/RL's Armenian service.

    Meanwhile, Armenia's state human rights ombudsman, Karen Andreasian,
    announced that he will travel to Moscow on Sunday to meet with the
    arrested driver, his lawyers and "a number of officials dealing with
    the matter." Earlier this week, Andreasian condemned Harutiunian's
    ill-treatment and asked his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Lukin,
    to help ensure the due process of law in the investigation.

    Russia already faced unusually strong criticism in Armenia after
    it emerged last month that it has begun delivering $1 billion worth
    of offensive weapons to Azerbaijan. The Armenian media, opposition
    politicians and pundits accused Moscow of betraying its sole regional
    ally. Top Russian security officials dismissed these accusations
    when they visited Yerevan later in June. The Armenian government,
    for its part, refrained from publicly deploring the Russian arms
    supplies to Baku.

    Russia's traditionally close relationship with Armenia is further
    called into question by signs that Moscow is unhappy with Yerevan's
    reluctance to join a Russian-led Eurasian Union of ex-Soviet states
    and its plans to sign an "association agreement" with the European
    Union. Vyacheslav Kovalenko, until recently Russia's ambassador to
    Armenia, warned of serious damage to bilateral ties earlier this
    month. Konstantin Zatulin, a prominent Russian pundit and former
    parliamentarian close to the Kremlin, likewise criticized "the
    disdainful attitude to the Eurasian integration project in Armenia"
    on July 16.

    Still, Sergey Markedonov, a respected Russian analyst, downplayed the
    significance of these developments. In an interview with the Yerevan
    daily "Haykakan Zhamanak" published on Thursday, Markedonov blamed
    the "very inadequate behavior" of the Armenian and Russian media for
    the fallout from the Moscow bus crash. "I don't think that it will
    somehow affect Russian-Armenian relations," he said.

    Markedonov, who is a visiting fellow at the Washington-based Center for
    Strategic and International Studies, also argued that neither President
    Vladimir Putin nor any other Russian leader has publicly disapproved
    of Armenia's European integration drive. "Russia needs Armenia,
    and Armenia needs Russia," he said. "The two have mutual interests."

    From: A. Papazian