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Snowden Plans To Settle And Work In Russia

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  • Snowden Plans To Settle And Work In Russia


    July 24

    NSA leaker Edward Snowden plans to settle in Russia and is ready to
    begin a court battle if the country's migration service denies his
    asylum plea, Anatoly Kucherena, a Russian lawyer who assists the
    whistleblower, told RT.

    "It's hard for me to say what his actions would be in terms of a
    positive decision [on the asylum plea]," Kucherena said. "We must
    understand that security is the number one issue in his case. I think
    the process of adaptation will take some time. It's an understandable
    process as he doesn't know the Russian language, our customs, and
    our laws."

    "He's planning to arrange his life here. He plans to get a job. And,
    I think, that all his further decisions will be made considering the
    situation he found himself in," he added.

    Kucherena expressed hope that the whistleblower's plea will be granted,
    because the reasons which prompted Snowden ask for political asylum
    in Russia "deserve attention."

    "He fears for his health and his life. He's afraid that if he'll
    be handed to the US, torture can be used against him down to death
    penalty," he said.

    In case of a negative ruling on the plea, Kucherena said that Snowden
    has "an opportunity to go to court and appeal against the decision
    of the Federal Migration Service."

    "He intends to do so," the attorney stressed. "During our meeting,
    our dialogues, and our consultations, he made detailed inquiries on
    those procedures. And I informed him of what possibilities he has
    according to Russian law."

    Snowden still remains holed up in the international transit zone of
    the Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport. His asylum plea, which was filed
    on July 16, has not been yet formalized by migration officials.

    "According to the existing practice, it may take five, seven, or
    eight days. I'm calling them on a daily basis. They tell me that
    they're about to finish the formalization," Kucherena said.

    According to the lawyer, consideration of the plea will then take up
    to three months. If his request is approved, Snowden will receive a
    certificate which will "guarantee him the same rights and freedoms
    possessed by the citizens of the Russian Federation."

    "The temporary asylum is given on a one-year term. After it expires,
    the term can be prolonged for another year and this can be repeated
    an indefinite number of times afterwards," he said.

    TODAY, 11:03
