13:56 24.07.13
The civil society activists, who protest the 50 percent hike in the
public transport fares, keep calling upon the population to pay the
former passenger fees of 100 Drams.
They gathered in Yerevan's Mashtots Park on Wednesday morning to
announce their civil disobedience against what they call an anti-social
and unlawful decision.
"Guiding ourselves by the rule of law principle laid out in the
Constitution, we, the citizens of Armenia and the residents of Yerevan,
declare that we do not admit the mayor's anti-social decision to
raise the transport fares to 150 Drams. The decision is in violation
of Article 1 of the Constitution, which says Armenia is a social
state. It contributes to the deepening of the social injustice,"
said Ruzanna Grigoryan, a member of the group We Pay 100 Drams.
She described the decision a restriction on the society's right to
participate in decision-making processes.
"No public debates were held. The information was spread two days
after the decision became effective. Besides, they did not involve
all the interested parties - drivers, passengers, vulnerable social
groups, civil society representatives etc. Because the decision was
made without the interested sides' participation, we do not trust
the estimates [justifying] the hike and find that the municipality
preferred private interest to the public one.
"Thousands of people who have paid 150 Drams are cheated. Their
disobedience is from now on directed against the anti-social but also
the unlawful decision," Grigoryan added.
13:56 24.07.13
The civil society activists, who protest the 50 percent hike in the
public transport fares, keep calling upon the population to pay the
former passenger fees of 100 Drams.
They gathered in Yerevan's Mashtots Park on Wednesday morning to
announce their civil disobedience against what they call an anti-social
and unlawful decision.
"Guiding ourselves by the rule of law principle laid out in the
Constitution, we, the citizens of Armenia and the residents of Yerevan,
declare that we do not admit the mayor's anti-social decision to
raise the transport fares to 150 Drams. The decision is in violation
of Article 1 of the Constitution, which says Armenia is a social
state. It contributes to the deepening of the social injustice,"
said Ruzanna Grigoryan, a member of the group We Pay 100 Drams.
She described the decision a restriction on the society's right to
participate in decision-making processes.
"No public debates were held. The information was spread two days
after the decision became effective. Besides, they did not involve
all the interested parties - drivers, passengers, vulnerable social
groups, civil society representatives etc. Because the decision was
made without the interested sides' participation, we do not trust
the estimates [justifying] the hike and find that the municipality
preferred private interest to the public one.
"Thousands of people who have paid 150 Drams are cheated. Their
disobedience is from now on directed against the anti-social but also
the unlawful decision," Grigoryan added.