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EDITORIAL: Remembering The Heroes Of Lisbon 5

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  • EDITORIAL: Remembering The Heroes Of Lisbon 5

    Friday, July 26th, 2013

    by Ara Khachatourian

    The Lisbon 5

    It has been 30 years since that fateful day in July (27) of 1983
    when five young Armenians set out to advance the Armenian Cause and
    through their ultimate sacrifice emboldened the entire Armenian Nation,
    but more important, elevated the demand for justice for the Armenian
    Genocide to new heights.

    Vatche Daghlian. Sarkis Aprahamian. Ara Kerdjelian. Setrak Adjemian.

    Simon Yahneian. In an insta-second these five names were seared in
    our national psyche and consciousness and they became symbols of a
    national liberation struggle.

    At the time, the international community had turned a deaf ear to the
    Armenian Cause. Many needed to be reminded of the atrocities of the
    Armenian Genocide and for many, it just did not matter. The world
    superpowers were courting Turkey and bolstering it into the whore
    that it has become. Matters needed to be handled differently-more

    Before Lisbon 5, there were others who advanced the Armenian Cause
    through the Armed Struggle of the 70's and 80's. Together these
    freedom fighters and the heroes of Lisbon elevated the just demands
    of the Armenian people and brought to the forefront the demands of an
    entire nation, which vowed for justice after reeling from the impact
    of the Genocide.

    While we remember our heroes and reflect of their selfless act,
    we must, 30 years later, assess their legacy and recalibrate our
    efforts in the continuous pursuit of the Armenian Cause.

    The dedication and sacrifice of the Lisbon 5 would come alive five
    years later on the battlefields of Artsakh when Armenians once again
    took up arms to defend the homeland against the blood-thirsty enemy.

    The discussion and subsequent recognition by some countries of
    the Armenian Genocide can also be deemed as the direct result of
    the heroic acts of those who made the sacrifices so our national
    aspirations may advance.

    It is undeniable that the events of 30 years ago and the selfless
    sacrifice by the Lisbon 5 instilled in us the drive to redouble our
    efforts to advance our cause and to sacrifice our time, resources
    and energy toward our goals and ideals.

    The Lisbon 5 took ownership of the cause and by paying the ultimate
    price with their lives, proved to the Armenian Nation and the world
    that there is no limit on sacrifice when it comes to your beliefs
    and ideals-to liberating your Nation.

    A generation later and in an evolving socio-political landscape
    with enormous challenges facing our nation, we need to recalibrate
    our approaches and apply the lessons of sacrifice embodied by the
    Lisbon 5 and ask ourselves-individually and collectively-whether we
    are doing our utmost for the advancement of the Armenian Cause.

    The new generation, especially, must heed the call and embody the
    lessons of the Lisbon 5 legacy since it is they who will be leading
    our nation into the future. Their commitment, dedication and sacrifice
    will be the gauge by which our nation will advance.

    "I will die without having seen the motherland. I don't care. Others
    will see it..." So said Setrak Adjemian before he and his four friends
    headed to Lisbon in July of 1983. Others did...
