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Paruyr Hayrikyan: Give me strength and wisdom, Lord!

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  • Paruyr Hayrikyan: Give me strength and wisdom, Lord!

    Paruyr Hayrikyan: Give me strength and wisdom, Lord!
    11:41 AM | MARCH 02, 2013 | POLITICS

    Paruyr Hayrikyan about his health.

    One more unpleasant day ... After checking for about three hours the
    specialists stated that my health condition deteriorates causing
    health complications..

    I will recover in any case. And if I am not back again once your
    children will harass you and you will not be able find the answer, why
    so united you betrayed the only one who brought you victory.

    Look at your behavior today and you will understand what actions were
    taking your fathers and grandfathers that Armenians, which were 2-3
    percent of the world nowadays are not even 0.2 percent and that only
    10 percent of our historic homeland is left for us... And think if
    mankind needs such weak-willed, wicked and dreg beings like you.

    Now I am no able event to pray to Lord, to sing my favorite prayer of
    Yekmalean. Now even prayers seem alien and useless.

    Lord, you said to love your neighbor, but you have also told not to
    throw your pearls before swine.I am lost. How can I find a way? Can I
    consider them neighbors?

    Give me strength and wisdom, Lord...
