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Varduhi Elbakyan: Everything was done for the non-disclosure of the

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  • Varduhi Elbakyan: Everything was done for the non-disclosure of the

    Varduhi Elbakyan: Everything was done for the non-disclosure of the case
    Mon, 03/04/2013 - 14:48
    Trending topic

    The case of the murder near the Yerevan "Etna" restaurant can be shown
    as an example in the prosecutor's school on how the investigation and
    the court ruling cannot be done. Such an opinion was expressed by the
    representative of the murdered Arsen Shakhbazyan, Varduki Elbakyan.
    She said that the investigation of the case was assigned to an
    inexperienced investigator and everything was donefor the
    non-disclosure of the case.

    The party thinks that nothing was done concerning the case by the
    investigative authorities. In particular, the workers of the petrol
    station in the crowded street were not interrogated, the video
    recording of the speedometers were not examined and the phone bills
    were not examined. The investigative body didn't even attempt to find
    whether the drugs found at the scene of the severe beating and as a
    result of it the murder had any connection with the crime. They just
    tried to find out whether the victim used drugs or not.

    Three people were charged with the crime and they were arrested. But
    no criminal action was used against them, in 20 days upon the order of
    the Deputy General Prosecutor the preventive measure against them was
    changed, a day after that they applied to the prosecution saying that
    they have issues to resolve with the banks and they need their
    passports and they received them. The day after the presidential
    elections the Court of Appeals upheld the motion of the 4rd accused in
    hooliganism. Thus, the 4 person who caused the death of the person as
    a result of severe beating are in freedom, the other two, one accused
    of intentionally hurting the person and the second was hooliganism,
    are in searches.

    Several complaints were filed concerning the above mentioned concern
    of the party and `the only thing that we were able to reach was the
    transfer of the case from the Arabkir unit of police to Investigative
    department of Yerevan police' .

    The incident took place on October 18, 2012; the victim was literally
    "smashed" as a result of the brutal beating that resulted from the
    dispute concerning the car accident.

    - See more at:

    From: Baghdasarian