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Azerbaijani President Sacks Local Leaders To Defuse Anger

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  • Azerbaijani President Sacks Local Leaders To Defuse Anger

    06:02 PM | TODAY | POLITICS

    Azerbaijan's president Ilham Aliyev has sacked the head of a district
    where riots took place last month, in what some see as a way of
    dissociating himself from concerns about local-level corruption.

    On February 14, the president dismissed Nizami Alakbarov, head
    of the Ismayilli district. The town of Ismayilli was the scene of
    rioting, sparked initially by an altercation involving his nephew, but
    expanding into a general outbreak of anger at perceived mismanagement
    and corruption in local government. The nephew's father is Fizuli
    Alakbarov, Azerbaijan's labour and social security minister. (See
    Local Grievances Spark Protests in Azerbaijan, and also Two Opposition
    Leaders Arrested in Azerbaijan for official attempts to blame the
    unrest on the opposition.)

    After a list of Nizami Alakbarov's assets, including factories,
    companies, buildings and land, was published in the opposition-leaning
    Yeni Musavat newspaper, President Aliyev expressed outrage at the
    behaviour of such local figures.

    "They have become brazen about it. I warn you that if this happens
    again, the sons will be prosecuted and the fathers will be sacked from
    their jobs," he told a February 12 conference dedicated, appropriately
    enough, to regional development.

    There has been much discussion of exactly who the president has in
    his sights. All he gave away was that the individuals suspected of
    corruption "know who I'm talking about".

    A day before Alakbarov went, the media reported that of Asif Mammadov,
    head of Shamakhi district in central Azerbaijan, had been dismissed.

    There is speculation that three more district chiefs are facing

    Ali Hasanov, director of the political department in the presidential
    office, told the APA news agency that Aliyev had put all local
    government officials on a warning.

    "I think all state employees and the heads of central and regional
    executives will draw their own conclusions from this criticism,"
    Hasanov said. "Decisions are being taken about those individuals who
    have failed to discharge their responsibilities and have not lived
    up to the trust the president placed in them."

    Elmira Akhundova, an independent member of parliament, said district
    government chiefs were unresponsive and failed to tackle real problems.

    "The district heads just go through the motions when they responding
    to people's complaints, even though they hold meetings with voters and
    travel around the villages," she said. "There are serious problems
    with land being seized, shortages of land, abuses of power, cases
    where villagers' land is used by other people, and disputes both
    between people and between them and the local authorities."

    "The district chiefs don't resolve these problems, or else they aren't
    able to," she added.

    After the Ismayilli riots, Aliyev waited over two weeks before taking
    action, causing some analysts to wonder whether he was struggling to
    control senior officials.

    "By criticising his inferiors, Aliyev wants to deflect public anger
    away from himself and onto his officials," Elkhan Shahinoglu,
    a political analyst with the Atlas think-tank, said. "In this
    presidential election year, he has decided to distance himself from his
    corrupt entourage. That might make him more popular with the people,
    but it would weaken his position in his own team."

    Other analysts doubted whether token dismissals would make any
    difference to Azerbaijan's problems, which include high unemployment
    and a constant trickle of emigration to Russia.

    Azer Mehdiyev, head of the Centre for Assisting Economic Reform,
    believes bad local officials are merely a reflection of the way the
    country is run.

    "The heads of the districts, who are appointed and sacked by the
    president, behave like aristocrats," he said. "The whole system of
    centralised power is built on the same principle. Local heads are not
    accountable to parliament or the people, and there's no transparency
    to their behaviour. Corruption flourishes."

    Mehdiyev said a few personnel changes would do nothing to root out

    "Serious changes must start, and start this year," he said, warning
    of an impending "wave of dissatisfaction" both in Azerbaijan and
    among its foreign partners.

    "Without changing the system and the regime, the nature of our
    government cannot change," he said.

    Isa Gambar, head of the Musavat opposition party, said the president
    waited too long to sack Alakbarov - he should have done it immediately
    after the riots.

    "Everything Aliyev has done in the last few months has been dictated
    by preparations for the election," he said. "Note the fact that
    he's still unable to announce clearly that he plans to stand for
    re-election. However much Aliyev wants to be president for a third
    term, he realises that this will be viewed negatively both in this
    country and abroad, so he's holding off on announcing his candidacy."

    Kamal Ali is a freelance journalist in Azerbaijan.

    The article is published by the Institute for War and Peace Reporting
