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Orran Benevolent Organization Headed By Heritage Party's Leader's Sp

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  • Orran Benevolent Organization Headed By Heritage Party's Leader's Sp


    17:57 ~U 06.03.13

    The US representative of Orran benevolent organization headed by
    Heritage party leader Raffi Hovannisian's spouse Armenuhi Hovanisian,
    Kristy Khachigian, development director, has addressed a letter to
    Kim Kardashian, US Huffington Post writes.

    In the letter she voiced assurance that many of Kim's fans and Twitter
    followers have Googled the origin of her last name, but not her as
    "Like you, I'm the daughter of an Armenian father. Like you, I grew
    up in California, surrounded by beach towns and taco stands. And like
    you, I a m one of a million Armenians living in the United States
    with endless, everyday opportunity," she wrote in the letter.

    "Our "cousins" in Armenia are creative and entrepreneurial -- just like
    us -- but in the shadow of the former Soviet Union, they constantly
    fight poverty and repression," Khachigian wrote in the letter.

    "One of the tragedies of Armenia today is that indigent parents force
    their children onto the streets to beg as their family's only source of
    money. Social vulnerability and economic deprivation in families have
    contributed to an increase in the number of unaccompanied children and
    those living and working in the streets. A recent study states that
    poverty has doubled in Armenia. Fourteen thousand Armenian children
    don't attend school because their families can't afford it.

    Other children pick food out of the garbage to survive. These children
    are the future of Armenia, and a Kardashian reality show could help
    save them," the letter runs.

    "You recently tweeted that you wanted to visit Armenia. It was one
    country you had never been to. Well, I was your age when I first
    traveled there. And like you are now, I was pregnant with my first
    child. During my trip, I visited an organization that helps Armenia's
    most vulnerable youth. It is called Orran, which means "haven" in
    Armenian. Those attending Orran come from broken homes and families
    with no means of income. At Orran, I saw hope for Armenia's at-risk
    children. Orran gave them food, clothing, tutoring, medicine, and
    psychological and social services. The children there were alive with
    hope and energy. They recited poems and literature, worked on homework
    together and played with their friends. If you'd ask them if there
    was anything they could wish for, they could not think of a thing. A
    hot meal and somewhere to go after school was enough. It was evident
    to me that Orran provided for these children a belief in their future
    where beforehand they had been destined to live out their lives in the
    streets without an education, much less any hope. Orran has changed
    thousands of young lives, but a Kourtney and Kim Take Orran trip
    this spring would change thousands more. Should you be interested,
    Orran would plan your itinerary including visits to our sites, the
    Armenian Genocide Memorial, and Etchmiadzin, where the cathedral is
    the oldest state-built church in the world. As you start a family,
    start your legacy with Orran. After all, Armenian children also
    deserve endless, everyday opportunity. They're just like you and me,"
    the letter concludes.

    From: Baghdasarian