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Raffi Treats Sargsyan Both As Criminal And Fair Judge

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  • Raffi Treats Sargsyan Both As Criminal And Fair Judge

    Raffi Treats Sargsyan Both As Criminal And Fair Judge

    Siranuysh Papyan
    22:08 07/03/2013
    Story from News:

    Interview with Stepan Danielyan, head of Collaboration for Democracy Centre NGO

    Stepan, after the election you mentioned civil disobedience as one of
    the ways along which the developments would proceed. Now there is
    civil disobedience but it does not seem to be enough. In your opinion,
    what will the movement achieve by holding rallies regularly in the
    regions and the capital?

    Many people talked about civil disobedience, it was not my idea, I
    supported this point of view. Civil disobedience is peaceful struggle
    when part of the society consciously violates a rule or a law and is
    ready to be punished for that. The public thus displays to the ruling
    class that it is impossible to live in accordance with the existing
    laws but the ruling group does not want to surrender. What are civil
    disobedience actions? One thousand people sit in the middle of the
    Republic Square and are ready to be arrested for that. As soon as they
    are arrested, the other 1000 comes. Such primitive actions would
    paralyze the government. If Raffi comes up with such a proposal, I
    think there could be several thousands of people for such actions. I
    give this example to explain that any targeted collective action can
    be more effective than rallies of hundreds of thousands of people. Or,
    here is another example from our reality. Several actions of 20-30
    young people were able to influence the evaluation of the OSCE/ODIHR
    observation mission. Examples will continue. However, the candidate
    who has received the vote of the public has neither called for civil
    disobedience nor has he proposed a logical framework to convince

    Hence, I disagree with you that there is civil disobedience. Second,
    you use the word `movement' whereas there are just actions of protest.
    Protests and civil movements are different political and legal
    categories. A movement has a purpose, philosophy, style of action,
    while actions of protest are demonstrative actions against illegality
    and require an addressee which must pass a fair decision under the
    pressure of actions of protest. When Raffi Hovannisian goes to Serzh
    Sargsyan and proposes something or demands on the square that he
    resign, he treats Serzh Sargsyan both as a criminal who has usurped
    power and a fair judge who must restore justice. Could such actions be
    effective? Judge yourself. On the other hand, the part of the society
    which is ready for mobilization cannot see the way leading to the

    Stepan, what is the purpose, the goal of this movement? Is
    baRevolution a new philosophy, are the appeals political?

    Which movement do you need? My modest opinion is that it is not Barev
    movement but Barev actions of protest. I cannot understand these
    actions. Raffi Hovannisian must be supported, there cannot be two
    opinions but the problem is that we must be convinced that we will not
    have the same results as in 1996 or 2008. It is worrying that the
    organizers of the rallies do not specify the appeals to run in the
    municipal election of Yerevan. It is a sign that not everything is

    During the presidential election there were three opinions: first, not
    participate in the election because it is impossible to resist the
    state machine; second, not participate in the election and launch a
    civil disobedience, call the opposition candidates withdraw from the
    election; third, participate in the election because this time, for
    whatever reason, it is `possible' to win. It is understood that the
    opposition has won since 1995 (perhaps except 1999 when there was no
    government-opposition division, and the government and opposition were
    fragmented), and the issue was legitimization of victory which nobody
    has succeeded.

    Now Raffi Hovannisian's team must justify its decision to run in the
    election and offer a way of triumph to the society otherwise we will
    have to deal with an irresponsible and frivolous, maybe dishonest
    political unit which starts a political movement in a predictable
    situation and does not have the answer to the key question.

    The opinion that the candidates running in the election fought against
    one another for the title of chief opposition has not been refuted.
    The purpose of the struggle was not public interest but group interest
    to take a dominant position among other oppositionists.

    And there is no need to be surprised at the number of votes for Raffi
    Hovannisian. It was natural. One should be surprised at the failure of
    the ruling group to work `better' but this is another issue and a very
    interesting one.

    In regard to the appeals to run in the municipal election of Yerevan
    Raffi Hovannisian needs to explain how it is possible to resist the
    fraud resource of the ruling group during the municipal election.
    History repeats. Coming next to the winner in the presidential
    election, there is a wish to repeat success in local elections. Arthur
    Baghdasaryan's and Artashes Geghamyan's examples show that the society
    will forgive a fraudulent government but not a dishonest opposition.
    So, I cannot imagine that Raffi Hovannisian will succeed in the next
    elections. This election is his chance. At least, this is how I
    understand the current situation.

    Stepan, there is an opinion that either the RPA must be liquidated or
    an alternative government must be formed. Which option will work or

    As far as I know, an alternative government is a cultured form of
    struggle when the opposition puts intellectual pressure on the
    government by means of the alternative government and justifies its
    efficiency as compared with the government. It will act as long as the
    mechanism of change of government through elections is effective. An
    alternative majority is something else in my opinion.

    As to the demand to liquidate the RPA, I consider it as the main
    purpose of civil disobedience which must be followed by constitutional
    reforms, as well as legislative reforms.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress