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`I try not to make steps which can embarrass my family'

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  • `I try not to make steps which can embarrass my family'

    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    March 8 2013

    `I try not to make steps which can embarrass my family'

    8 March 2013 - 9:59am

    Interview by Susanna Petrosyan, Yerevan. Exclusively to Vestnik Kavkaza

    The tendency of woman's political role improvement is one the
    hallmarks of our time. The chairwoman of the opposition party Gnchak,
    MP from the Republican Party of Armenia Margarit Yesayan tells Vestnik
    Kavkaza about the role of a woman in the Armenian political life and
    the internal situation.

    - The post-election processes in Armenia are accompanied by protests
    initiated by the former foreign minister, the leader of Heritage Raffi
    Ovannisyan. Can these protests turn into a wide socio-political

    - Of course after the presidential elections, a part of society is
    happy with the results of the elections, another part is unhappy.
    Seven candidates took part in the elections, each of them had
    supporters. Ovannisyan who took the second place gained much more
    votes than the opposition's leader in 2008. 539 672 people, or 36.75%
    of voters, voted for Ovannisyan. They though that their candidate
    would win. However, the current president Serge Sargsyan got more than
    800 thousand votes.

    I hope that Raffi Ovannisyan who is gathering people on the Freedom
    Square now realizes that more than a half million votes were given not
    to his personality, but against the policy provided by the
    authorities. 37% reflects protest voting of the citizens who are not
    happy with the socio-economic situation.

    A significant role in this context was played by rejection of
    participation in the election by more popular politicians - leaders of
    the Armenian National Congress and Prosperous Armenia Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan and Gagik Tsurukyan. I'm sure in case of their
    participation the 37% would be shared between other opposition

    I don't see any logic in Ovannisyan's steps. He doesn't speak about
    using force for power capturing, he urges to act within the law. At
    the same time, nobody from representatives of Heritage in the election
    committees refused to sign final protocols. That is why Ovannisyan's
    suit to the Constitutional Court is doomed.

    - Are statements on necessity of new parliamentary elections argumentative?

    - I don't know anybody who would make statements on new elections
    today, except for Ovannisyan and other representatives of Heritage. If
    Ovannisyan is speaking about following the law, he should know that
    there are no legal reasons for dissolution of the National Assembly
    and conducting new parliamentary elections. In the parliamentary
    elections of May 6th, 2012, Heritage gained only 5%, but today
    Ovannisyan and his supporters are surprised with such a high level of
    public trust. I think Ovannisyan hopes that he would maintain these
    37% in case of new parliamentary elections, but it is unfair to people
    whom he gathered on the square. It would be fairer that Ovannisyan
    would try himself in power and take part in a difficult process of
    changing the socio-economic situation.

    - Do the protest attitudes mean deficit of trust to the authorities by
    the society? What is the main problem of the Armenian power today?

    - It doesn't matter who would be on Ovannisyan's place, people would
    come to the streets anyway because their life is so hard. If people
    live poorly, the authorities have a lot of problems. To change life
    for the best, the authorities must turn face to people's problems.
    They must learn about problems of common people, rather than
    oligarchs, bureaucrats, criminal elements, and officials. I think
    first of all we should create new jobs, increase salary rates. Social
    equality to the law should be restored. The justice system needs
    serious reforms.

    - What skills compose a female politician's image?

    - Politics is not a man's monopoly. Politics and state structures
    benefit from active participation of women. There 14 female MPs in the
    National Assembly today. It encourages more moderate relations between
    opponents, decrease of tension during discussion of bills, women
    create a calmer and more positive atmosphere. A female politician has
    to be smart, cunning in a good sense, literate, having a delicate
    moral system of values which would be strong. A female politician
    should see a lot, but not to be a person of many words.

    - In Armenia people continue to think politics is a man's business.
    Who among your colleagues fill confident in this sphere?

    - Unfortunately, today not all women feel confident in politics. Some
    of them lack experience, others - political informativeness.

    - Do family and politics suit well?

    - I have been working as a journalist for 30 years, and this job takes
    a lot of time as well. Nothing has changed for me in the sphere of my
    household responsibilities now. But when I was a journalist I was free
    in my speeches and contacts. Now I experience certain restrictions.
    Sometimes my speeches and interview in the mass media are interpreted
    ambiguously by some political forces, and I am attacked. II have three
    children, and they suffer from attacks at me. I feel responsibility
    for my family and try to provide a balanced and independent position
    and avoid steps which could embarrass my family.
