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Western Prelacy News - 03/08/2013

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  • Western Prelacy News - 03/08/2013

    March 8, 2013
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Saturday, March 9, 2013 is the Feast of the Forty Martyrs, which is
    also the name day of Forty Martyrs Church in Orange County.
    On this occasion, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate,
    will celebrate Divine Liturgy, conduct the blessing of madagh, and deliver
    the sermon at Forty Martyrs Church.


    On Thursday, March 7, 2013, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate, welcomed to the Prelacy long-time community activist and benefactor
    Mr. Manas Boujikian, who was accompanied by Asbarez Newspaper Editor Mr. Apo
    Boghikian. During the visit the Prelate presented Mr. Boujikian with the
    Pontifical Encyclical of H.H. Catholicos Aram I honoring him with the
    "Knight of Cilicia" medal as appreciation and commendation for his many
    years of dedicated service to the Armenian cause and community.
    Mr. Boujikian was awarded the medal in May of 2012 during a
    reception in his honor hosted by the Armenian National Committee Western
    Region and Asbarez Newspaper.
    On this occasion the Prelate once again highly commended Mr.
    Boujikian for his contribution to the advancement of the Armenian cause and
    people through his service in various organizations, and for his financial
    support of a number of community institutions and organizations.


    In celebration of mid-Lent, or Michink, on Wednesday, March 6, 2013
    Prelacy Churches were filled with faithful who had gathered to celebrate
    this special occasion with Sunrise Service followed by traditional luncheons
    organized by their Parish Ladies Guilds or local ARS chapters.
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, celebrated the
    halfway point of Lent with the Holy Cross Cathedral parish community of
    Montebello. The day began with Sunrise Service held at "Tumanjian" Hall,
    given that the Cathedral is undergoing renovation. Parish Pastor Rev. Fr.
    Ashod Kambourian and Crescenta Valley Pastor Rev. Fr. Ghevont Kirazian
    assisted in the service. Mesrobian School students were in attendance with
    their new principal Mr. David Ghoogasian and teachers.
    In his address to the students, the Prelate explained the meaning of
    Lent as a time of prayer and reflection, and directed questions to the
    students which they were able to answer correctly. Speaking to them on why
    prayer is important and how to pray meaningfully, he urged the students to
    write prayers expressing their love and gratitude to their mothers on the
    occasion of the "Year of the Armenian Mother". The Prelate greeted the new
    principal, wishing him success in his mission and stressing the importance
    of having students regularly attend Church services. The students then
    recited a prayer, after which the service continued, concluding with the
    confession and the Lord's Prayer.
    The traditional mid-Lent luncheon organized annually by the Parish
    Ladies Guild followed at "Bagramian" Hall. This year's luncheon was
    sponsored by Dr. & Mrs. Haig & Hilda Manjikian and Mrs. Zabel Iknadossian.
    The luncheon featured a cultural program of songs presented by Mesrobian
    The Prelate delivered the invocation and greeted the guests,
    expressing joy and at the participation of Mesrobian School students in the
    service and cultural program. His Eminence reflected on the meaning of
    Michink, which besides being the halfway point of Lent is a special occasion
    for families and friends to come together to celebrate having successfully
    endured the first half of Lent, and to encourage and inspire one another to
    remain steadfast in the second half of Lent and continue this spiritual
    journey with reinforced strength and commitment. The Prelate noted that
    Michink is also an invitation for self-examination and introspection, a good
    time to examine our lives and consciences to see how faithfully we have
    followed through on the promises we made at the start of the season, and to
    correct ourselves and make a renewed commitment to our Lenten promises if
    our actions have fallen short thus far.
    The luncheon concluded with the Prelate's message and benediction.
    The Prelate blessed and commended the organizers for keeping this beautiful
    tradition alive, and the students, luncheon hosts, and guests for their
    participation and support. His Eminence thanked and commended the sponsors
    for their continued support, namely respected community leader and
    benefactor Mr. George Tumanjian, who was a surprise guest, and members of
    his family who have inherited his benevolent spirit, and announced that the
    Tumanjian family was sponsoring the expenses of the Cathedral renovation.


    On Saturday, March 2, 2013, the 8th annual Oriental Orthodox
    Churches Sunday School Bible Adventure Day was held at St. Garabed Armenian
    Church in Hollywood, under the auspices of the Council of Oriental Orthodox
    Bishops, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, H.E. Archbishop Mor
    Clemis Eugene Kaplan, and H.G. Bishop Serapion, and hosted by the Western
    Prelacy. Clergy members from the three Churches also participated.
    One hundred and fifty students, ages nine to fourteen, from twelve
    Churches participated in the event, which began at 10:00 a.m. with Divine
    Liturgy conducted according to the rites of the Armenian Apostolic Church
    and celebrated by the Prelate. Accompanied by the singing of the
    "Hrashapar" hymn, the Prelates entered the Church and ascended the altar.
    During the Liturgy, two students from the Coptic and Syrian Orthodox
    Churches read the daily Bible readings. The students also participated in
    the singing of hymns in their respective languages, and received Holy
    Communion from the Prelates. At the conclusion of the service, the Prelates
    conveyed their messages on the following topics; Great Lent, what unites the
    Oriental Orthodox Churches and our future in today's world in relation to
    current world events in the Middle East.
    Our Prelate began his message by greeting the Prelates, clergy,
    teachers, and students, stating, "It is spiritually fulfilling to see so
    many of our Sunday School students participate in this wonderful event every
    year where you join your Armenian, Coptic, and Syriac brothers and sisters
    in the celebration of Divine Liturgy in unity and harmony, and enjoy this
    fellowship based on common faith, beliefs, and values." His Eminence also
    thanked and commended the Oriental Orthodox Churches Sunday School Committee
    Chair Mrs. Patricia Allaf and the members and volunteers for their hard work
    and dedication in organizing this important event every year for the past
    eight years. Speaking on what unites the Oriental Orthodox Churches, the
    Prelate highlighted that "Although there are three distinct churches
    represented here, we are, in effect, members of one family, the Oriental
    Orthodox family, with shared faith, beliefs, and values. The Oriental
    Orthodox Churches are of the most ancient in the Christian world, each
    tracing its origins to the apostles in the first century, and we have some
    of the richest and most beautiful traditions. But the strongest unifying
    factor that makes us one family is that we are all children of our Lord and
    Savior Jesus Christ. We are one in Jesus Christ and united in Him through
    our faith and belief. And today, as children of God and of the Oriental
    Orthodox Church, you have gathered here in praise and worship to celebrate
    our mutual Christian faith and to grow in knowledge of the Word of God which
    will strengthen you spiritually and mentally."
    The second portion of the Prelate's message centered on the
    importance of following God's Word, for which he cited James 4:8, "Draw near
    to God and He will draw near to you". "Studying the Bible and learning
    about the miracles, parables, and commandments of Christ will not only teach
    you how to live a Christian faith, it will draw you closer to God. Lent
    offers a uniquely special opportunity to draw closer to God and to grow in
    our relationship with Him; to deepen our commitment to Him and to the
    Christian way of life through prayer and repentance". The heart of Lent is
    for us to ''grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus
    Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). This is achieved through prayer and through the
    study of God's Word. Thus, Lent is a time for more frequent prayer, for
    more personal communication and communion with God; to drawing nearer to Him
    by speaking with Him from the depths of our hearts and souls." His Eminence
    concluded by wishing that the Lenten journey is a meaningful one for each
    and every students, and that they will welcome the good news of the Glorious
    Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday renewed in mind,
    body, and spirit.
    Students were then invited for lunch, after which the second portion
    of the day began. Students were assigned to groups according to age, and at
    different testing stations created posters on one of the miracles of Christ,
    were quizzed on the miracles of our Lord, and created and performed a skit
    on a miracle of their choice. When a group was not at a station, they had
    the opportunity for a question and answer session with priests inside the
    Church. Winning teams from each age division received trophies, and all
    students received an award ribbon, group photo, and a religious icon for
    their participation. Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian awarded trophies to the
    students who were in the top three teams. The gathering concluded with the
    Lord's Prayer.

    From: Baghdasarian