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Revolutionary Situation In Armenia

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  • Revolutionary Situation In Armenia

    Tehmineh Yenokyan

    13:03 11/03/2013
    Story from News:

    Interview with civil activist, software developer, Artur Ghazaryan

    Why is a tangible part of the society unserious about hunger strike?

    The criminal oligarchic system created a pressing machine which
    interfered into all life circles ~V state structures, media,
    television, universities as well as social nets. The president~Rs fake
    bloggers and fake users defame any movement of people and any figure.

    It is just enough to look at their statuses and comments.

    How can systemic changes be ensured in Armenia?

    The situation today is really interesting. There are groups, civil
    activists engaged in ardent fight which pose concrete issues and try
    to solve them.

    The ruling regime is unable to propose any reform or change since it
    had such a possibility in 1998. Their omissions are another issue.

    Today, the RPA will try to reanimate the PAP like it happened in May
    elections. The criminal oligarchic system has created two pillars ~V
    RPA and PAP, and you can forget about the Rule of Law. The rest of
    the parties have no solution. The issue is to use Raffi~Rs potential
    to unite people since he was ordered by people to carry out crucial
    changes in the country.

    The regime won~Rt cede since it will mean destruction of the pyramid.

    There is a revolutionary situation today. RPA is unable to govern. The
    only way out is to unite everyone~Rs potential and achieve the
    elimination of the fake Republican figures all over the country. I
    think civil actions will continue, since it is urgency.

    What preconditions are necessary for the president to resign?

    First, rumors go in social nets that the acting president has not
    been seen in public for already a few days, which is worrying. The
    next worrying issue is that the Armenian embassy is opened in
    Vatican and his son-in-law is appointed ambassador. Congratulations
    by foreign presidents are also worrying because they are full with
    preconditions and demands. They want to seize concessions from Armenia
    by congratulating the president.

    The president and his environment proved in May elections that they
    don~Rt want any changes. You can see many political mummies and
    Republican singers which are now in the NA. They are all engaged
    in the lobbying of their own business and ensuring of immunity of
    capital. The law on the VAT has been amended 31 times over the last
    five years. All these amendments stem from their personal interests.

    As soon as the Republican students~R unions will be eliminated, the
    warrior-governors will be removed, community and village heads, who
    ensure votes, will be rejected by people, Serzh Sargsyan will resign.

    I don~Rt think the resignation is possible for some human reasons.
