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Today Is Yeghishe Charents's Birthday

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  • Today Is Yeghishe Charents's Birthday

    2013-03-13 10:54:38

    Yeghishe Charents was an Armenian poet, writer and public activist.

    Charents was an outstanding poet of the twentieth century, touching
    upon a multitude of topics that ranged from his experiences in the
    First World War, socialism, and, more prominently, on Armenia and

    An early champion of communism, Charents joined the Bolshevik party,
    but as the Stalinist terror began in the 1930s, he gradually grew
    disillusioned with Stalinism and was executed during the 1930s purges.

    Yeghishe Charents was born Yeghishe Soghomonyan in Kars (then a part
    of the Russian Empire) in 1897 to a family involved in the rug trade.

    He first attended an Armenian, but later transferred to a Russian,
    technical secondary school in Kars from 1908 to 1912.In 1912, he had
    his first poem published in the Armenian periodical Patani (Tiflis).

    Amid the upheavals of the First World War and the Armenian Genocide
    in the Ottoman Empire, he volunteered to fight in a detachment in 1915
    for the Caucasian Front. Sent to Van in 1915, Charents was witness to
    the destruction that the Turkish garrison had laid upon the Armenian
    population, leaving indelible memories that would later be read in
    his poems. He left the front one year later, attending school at the
    Shanyavski People's University in Moscow. The horrors of the war and
    genocide had scarred Charents and he became a fervent supporter of
    the Bolsheviks, seeing them as the one true hope to saving Armenia.

    Charents joined the Red Army and fought during the Russian Civil War
    as a rank and file soldier in Russia and the Caucasus. In 1919, he
    returned to Armenia and took part in revolutionary activities there. A
    year later, he began work at the Ministry of Education as the director
    of the Art Department. Charents would also once again take up arms,
    this time against his fellow Armenians, as a rebellion took place
    against Soviet rule in February 1921. Then, Charents published his
    satirical novel, Land of Nairi (Yerkir Nairi), which became a great
    success and twice published in Russian in Moscow during the life
    of poet.

    A victim of Stalinism, he was imprisoned and died in prison during the
    1937 Great Purge. He was rehabilitated in 1954 after Stalin's death.

    His home at 17 Mashtots Avenue in Yerevan was turned into a museum
    in 1975. The Armenian city Charentsavan was named after him.

    The first monograph on Charents was published by Simon Hakobyan
    (1888~V1937) in 1924 in Vienna. Among the other researchers of
    Charents' poetry during that period were P. Makintsyan, H. Surkhatyan,
    T. Hakhumyan. After the Stalinist terror in 1937 charentsology was
    banned for 17 years. In 1954 N. Dabaghyan (who previously attacked
    Charents in the 1930s) published "Yeghishe Charents" critical
    monograph. Researches on Charents were published by H. Salakhyan,
    Suren Aghababyan, Garnik Ananyan, Almast Zakaryan, Anahit Charents, D.

    Gasparyan and others.

    From: Baghdasarian