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Putin Congratulated And Gave Nothing: What Will Martens Say?

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  • Putin Congratulated And Gave Nothing: What Will Martens Say?


    Naira Hayrumyan
    13:49 13/03/2013
    Story from News:

    Tomorrow, Serzh Sargsyan, who is already back from Moscow, will leave
    for Brussels to meet with the Chairman of European People's Party
    Wilfred Martens. The visit was not announced, and it is not ruled out
    that it was decided after Serzh Sargsyan's meeting with Vladimir Putin.

    The fact that after the meetings, the presidents didn't make any
    statement means that they hadn't reached any agreement on the issues.

    The only concrete thing Serzh Sargsyan said was his gratitude for the
    "progress in military cooperation after our last meeting". At the "last
    meeting" Serzh Sargsyan had called on Russia not to sell weapons to
    Azerbaijan. It is possible that Moscow decided not to sell weapons to
    Baku, moreover, Aliyev achieved the withdrawal of the Russian Gabala
    military base from Azerbaijan.

    Though it is not ruled out that the point is about the growth
    of weapon supply to Armenia and the strengthening of military
    cooperation. Let's say that during the visits of the Russian minister
    of defense Shoygu and CSTO Secretary General Bordyuzha to Armenia, a
    new military-technical agreement was mentioned. Besides, the Russian
    military base in Armenia has become more active which holds military
    exercises in mountains and in the air. But the apogee has been the
    statement by General Shamanov that the CSTO troops may be deployed
    in Armenia to overcome the "crisis".

    That is "progress" has really been recorded in the military
    cooperation, but only in military. Other spheres, most likely, are
    Brussels' prerogative, and so Serzh Sargsyan is leaving there.

    Serzh Sargsyan said in Moscow that he expects economic support from
    Russia. In the end, it is evident that the loans are over and it is
    time for a new fundraising. Perhaps, Sargsyan asked Putin the next
    allocation of the billion loan, but after refusal, he decided to
    leave for Brussels - "the West will help".

    Experts think that despite congratulations, the lack of concrete
    investments, agreements and Carrefour supermarket in Yerevan prove
    that world leaders are not sure whether Serzh Sargsyan will keep his
    office. It is possible that Sargsyan's visits to Moscow and Brussels
    aim to get new guarantees. Putin congratulated but gave nothing. Let's
    see what Martens will say.
