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Usa-Based Human Rights Activist Ara K. Manoogian Sends Open Letter T

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  • Usa-Based Human Rights Activist Ara K. Manoogian Sends Open Letter T

    11:00 ~U 13.03.13

    USA-based Ara K. Manoogian, a human rights activist, an investigative
    journalist sent an open letter to US President Barack Obama which
    runs as follows:

    "Dear Mr. President, I would like to express my concern about your
    congratulatory message to Serzh Sargsyan, the acting President of the
    Republic of Armenia, on his re-election. Your message came 12 days
    after the Presidential Election, which was marred with considerable
    election fraud. What I would like to ask you is: what changed between
    February 18 and March 2, to convince you that the official election
    results are reliable?

    Your note of congratulation came amid numerous reports on election
    fraud, including ballot stuffing, voter bribing, voting on behalf
    of emigres and deceased individuals, and multiple voting. The public
    outcry over these falsified official election results has escalated,
    with massive rallies held throughout Armenia and in other Armenian
    communities all around the world. Receipt of your congratulatory note
    also coincided with the day that OSCE/ODIHR revised its initial,
    generally positive assessment of the election, acknowledging the
    sensibility of public distrust in the official election results,
    and indicating facts that amount to election tampering.

    I have always had respect for your adherence to democratic values and
    rule of law. However, I believe that your congratulatory message to
    Serzh Sargsyan on March 2, 2013, was a disappointing departure from
    your core principles.

    Congratulations from such significant world powers as the United States
    simply legitimize election fraud and are being used by Serzh Sargsyan
    and the ruling elite to cement the travesty of their re-election
    as acceptable.

    On March 4, 2013, U.S.-born Raffi Hovannisian, the presidential
    runner-up according to the official election results, filed a petition
    with the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia, seeking to
    annul the official results of the February 18 presidential election
    and certify Raffi Hovannisian as President-elect.

    He declared a hunger strike on March 10, 2013, until either the
    Constitutional Court admits that the official election results were
    skewed in favor of Serzh Sargsyan or the latter admits to election
    fraud and steps down. Raffi Hovannisian has also declared he would
    concede to a runoff to confirm the validity of the outcome.

    Lack of response or refusal to withdraw your congratulations will
    result in my declaration of a hunger strike. I would humbly ask that
    you respect the vote and the will of the Armenian people and the
    independence of our Constitutional Court by retracting your untimely
    congratulations until the Armenian citizens themselves resolve the
    current political crisis.

    Most respectfully yours, Ara K. Manoogian"
