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Armenians Protest California Senate-Hosted Azerbaijani Delegation

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  • Armenians Protest California Senate-Hosted Azerbaijani Delegation


    Armenian demonstrators in Sacramento protest Senate reception for
    Azeri delegation

    SACRAMENTO-Calls for Karabakh freedom were heard across the California
    State Capitol yesterday as Armenian Americans from throughout the
    state converged to protest an Azerbaijani Parliamentary and State
    Oil Company (SOCAR) delegation visit to the CA State Senate, reported
    the Armenian National Committee of America Western Region.

    "The California State Senate is a great seat of American democracy,
    and certainly no place for grandstanding by representatives of
    Aliyev's dictatorial regime," said ANCA External Affairs Director
    Tereza Yerimyan. "The California Armenian community looks forward to
    speaking with each and every legislator in the upcoming weeks and
    at the annual April 15th advocacy event to present the true face
    of Azerbaijan and strengthen the bonds between the Golden State,
    Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh."

    California State Assemblymen Katcho Achadjian (R), Adrin Nazarian
    (D), Jim Patterson (R) and Scott Wilk (R) joined the Armenian Youth
    Federation (AYF) and ANCA-WR led protest, which included broad
    participation by the United Young Armenians (UYA), local Armenian
    Student Associations, the ANCA Sacramento, St. James Armenian Church
    Pastor Fr. Asoghig Jamgochian and a cross section of the burgeoning
    Armenian community in the State's Capital. ANCA and AYF Chapters
    in Southern California, the San Francisco - Bay Area and Central
    California had bused in activists from the across the state.

    "I am proud to have stood shoulder to shoulder with Assembly members
    Nazarian, Wilk, and Patterson and Armenian Americans from throughout
    the State to protest the Azeri government's aggression and efforts
    to use its oil wealth to purchase international legitimacy," said
    Assemblyman Achadjian. "I would also like to thank ANCA-WR and AYF
    for helping organize the event."

    Assemblyman Nazarian concurred, noting, "Twenty-five years after
    Azerbaijan's attacks against innocent Armenians in Sumgait and
    the subsequent pogroms in Baku, Kirovabad and Maragha, threats
    and aggression against Armenia and Artsakh continue. Welcoming
    representatives of Aliyev's repressive regime sends all the wrong
    messages to Baku, interferes with broader U.S. calls for democratic
    reforms in Azerbaijan, and undermines international efforts toward
    a peaceful resolution of regional issues."

    The Azerbaijani delegation included four parliamentarians and three
    representatives of SOCAR. Bay Area State Senator Leland Yee reportedly
    walked off the Senate floor in protest, when a brief ceremony was held
    in honor of the Azerbaijani parliamentarians. Diamond Bar Republican
    Bob Huff introduced the group, praising Azerbaijan's democratic
    tradition, followed by remarks by delegation leader Samad Sayadov,
    who offered glowing praise of the "shared values" between California
    and Azerbaijan.

    "Just one day before their CA State Senate visit, the Aliyev
    regime used water-canons and rubber bullets to disperse a peaceful
    demonstration in Baku," said AYF member, Sevag Tchekidjian. "Those
    certainly aren't the values and democratic tradition that California
    or anyone in the U.S. should be sharing or condoning."

    Later in the evening, several CA State Senators hosted a dinner with
    their Azerbaijani guests and high-priced Azerbaijani government
    lobbyists at the Sutter Club, where the Armenian American protest
    took place. State Senators Marty Block (D), Bill Emmerson (R), Ted
    Gaines (R), Ted Lui (D), Fran Pavley (D) and Board of Equalization
    member George Runner and his wife, former Senator Sharon Runner,
    were reportedly seen entering the Sutter Club during the Azerbaijani
    Delegation event.

    The April 15th ANCA-WR Advocacy Day will be an opportunity for
    Armenians across the Great State of California to attend the
    annual Genocide commemoration and speak to their legislators about
    issues that are of concern to the Armenian American community,
    including the Azerbaijani delegation visit to the Capitol. This
    year, participants will also be able to see a month long exhibit
    featuring inventions by Armenians who have contributed to the thriving
    California culture. For more information, and to register, visit:
