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Free Eye Care Initiative Launched By Orange Foundation And Armenian

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  • Free Eye Care Initiative Launched By Orange Foundation And Armenian


    March 12, 2013

    YEREVAN, March 12. / ARKA /. The Orange Foundation and the Armenian
    Eye Care Project (AECP) launched their joint project of free eye
    screenings for local inhabitants and free treatments for socially
    vulnerable people in the Armenian regions. The project for this year
    starts from the Kotayk region.

    The project will be implemented in two steps: first ophthalmological
    teams will provide free eye screenings for all those who will like
    to have one, then all socially vulnerable inhabitants who have been
    diagnosed with an issue needing an operation will be directed to the
    mobile eye hospital, where they will get surgical treatment for free.

    Those who need glasses will be provided with a pair especially designed
    for them. It is estimated that around 4,000 people will undergo eye
    screenings, around 300 surgeries will be realized, and around 1,500
    glasses will be provided. In the frames of this project, 9 schools of
    Kotayk region will also host special classes on eye care for children
    parallel to eye screenings.

    Nazareth Seferian, Orange Armenia Foundation Secretary General, said:
    Â"With the work we have carried out together during the last two years,
    we were able to help tens of thousands of people. We are happy to
    launch the 2013 project that will help us to visit new regions and
    bring a real difference to other peoples' and families' lives. We
    call everyone to visit and have a free eye screening, as the sooner
    the issue is detected, the bigger is the probability that it can be
    prevented or eliminatedÂ".

    Nune Yeghiazaryan, Country Director of the Armenian Eye Care Project,
    said: Â"The results we have recorded show that the cooperation between
    the AECP and the Orange Foundation gets a considerable importance
    in the domain of eye public health of Armenia. We are happy that our
    cooperation is long-term and continuous, which allows us to state that
    the quality of the eye care services provided to the population and the
    results obtained are highly appreciated. This year the mobile hospital
    will visit Kotayk, Tavush, Lori and Shirak regions. We think we'll be
    able to screen around 18,000 people, make around 1,200 surgeries and
    laser treatments and provide 6,200 glasses in these 4 regions. And
    of course, all mentioned services will be provided free of chargeÂ".

    Orange Foundation is supporting the AECP in implementation of its
    projects, scheduled for 2013, by allotting AMD 26,500,000.

    As a reminder, the cooperation between the AECP and the Orange
    Foundation started two years ago and during 2011 and 2012 covered 6
    marzes: Aragatsotn, Shirak, Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Ararat and Armavir.

    Within this period 23,364 adults and 5,783 children have had a medical
    consultation. 3,055 people have undergone detailed eye screenings in
    the mobile hospital, out of which 1,900 have had a free surgery or a
    laser treatment. 10,939 were provided. 1,944 children of 36 schools
    have participated in public classes.

    Orange Foundation has been established in April 2011. Orange Armenia
    Foundation brings to 11 the number of foundations active in the Orange
    global footprint. Orange Armenia joined the network of foundations,
    including France, Spain, Senegal, Mali, Ivory Coast, Cameroon,
    Poland, Slovakia, Republic of Moldova and Dominican Republic. Since
    its creation in 1987, the Orange Foundation is the main structure
    within the Orange Group realizing charitable and philanthropy projects.

    Founded in 1992 in the United States, the Armenian Eye Care Project
    (AECP) is a non-profit corporation, dedicated to the elimination
    of preventable blindness in Armenia. In 2003, the AECP launched its
    initiative "Bringing Sight to Armenian Eyes", the five comprehensive
    components of which include direct patient care, data collection,
    analysis and research, medical education and training, public education
    and awareness and capacity building. The Mobile Eye Hospital (MEH),
    furnished with up-to-data equipment, will visit the Armenian regions
    to provide high-quality eye care services to the population.
