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Stanislav Mudri: Azerbaijan Does Not Want Osce Observers To See Its

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  • Stanislav Mudri: Azerbaijan Does Not Want Osce Observers To See Its


    09:00 13/03/2013 " Society

    "Every month Azerbaijan makes statement on being intended to win back
    the lost territories, while Karabakh every day continues to reinforce
    its own borders and trains a new generation of warriors. The solution
    to this conflict is beyond the policy sphere. One of the parties
    lives with the ambitions of imperial attainment, while the other is
    building a new life," Stanislav Mudrii said in an article on

    The author notes that in Nagorno-Karabakh lived mostly Christian -
    Armenians and the conflict arose with the Muslim - Azerbaijanis. "Over
    the years, the control over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh passed
    from the Armenians to Azerbaijanis and back. Moscow played a big role
    in this, as during the Soviet period it was on Baku's side (probably
    because of oil?)," the article said.

    The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a war in 1992 - 1994, in
    the same time after the collapse of the USSR most of the military
    equipment went to Azerbaijan who in May 1992 received 237 tanks from
    Russia while Armenia only 54 on June 1, 1992. The same ratio was for
    other types of weapons that are listed in the article.

    The author notes that, thanks to the NKR Foreign Ministry he managed
    to get on the first line of defense. According to local military
    defense units there are 7 lines in general. "Special thanks should
    be express to soldiers who fought in Karabakh war, who agree to let
    the journalists to appear in the front," Stanislav Mudri said.

    "As you know, Azerbaijan does not allow the observers of international
    organizations, including OSCE to be on its defence line (which is
    odd). Karabakh, just on the contrary, is open to all. The thing is
    that the war still goes on. It's trench warfare. From time to time
    the snipers from Azerbaijan (young Ukrainian women as they believe)
    "remove" onlooker soldiers. As a result several people die in the
    response exchange of fire. And, of course, the Azerbaijani side does
    not want the observers to see the preparations for the immediate
    conflict escalation," the article says.

    The author notes that the soldiers of the NKR Defense Army, do not
    starve in their diet they have pomegranate juice, cookies / candy,
    canned food, canned meat. Salary of junior officers in the Karabakh
    army is $ 700. Conscripts called up for 2 years and go into army
    willingly, the service is considered as a national pride. According
    to the Karabakh servicemen, in a time of comparative lull in the
    mountains, many underground bunkers are dug in NKR, as well as
    transport tunnels, control points and deployment of troops, thus the
    Azerbaijanis will have no chance for revenge.

    The author notes that the air defense of NKR Defense Army shot down
    more than one Azerbaijani fighter during the active phase of the war,
    and at one of the polygons, near the border they managed to find
    the remnants of the defeated Azerbaijani military equipment that was
    beaten in battles in Aghdam city. Summarizing S. Mudri notes that it
    would be better if the conflict was resolved without war as Karabakh
    is too friendly and beautiful territory for it.
