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TCA Hosts Book Dedication Of Zaven Khanjian's Book On Aleppo

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  • TCA Hosts Book Dedication Of Zaven Khanjian's Book On Aleppo

    ARTS, SYRIA | MARCH 14, 2013 12:38 PM

    Zaven Khnajian

    GLENDALE -The dedication of the book Haleb, Arachin Gayaran (Aleppo,
    the First Station) by Zaven Khanjian was held on March 3, by the
    Tekeyan Cultural Association's Los Angeles Chapter with a capacity
    crowd at the Armenian Society of Los Angeles Center.

    The program was emceed by Vache Semerdjian of the Tekeyan Cultural
    Association (TCA), who explained that the reason that the association
    published Khanjian's book was due to the candor as well as dynamic
    style of writing, which captivates the reader. During the program,
    Semerdjian read excerpts of letters by admirers of Khanjian's books
    from different parts of the world.

    Architect and musicologist Hrant Agbabian, who is currently working on
    ceramic sculptures, presented Khanjian's biography in English with a
    refreshing style. He admitted that even though they went to the same
    schools, although at different times, they had the same teachers,
    he couldn't compare his Armenian with Khanjian's. Agbabian said that
    Khanjian had graduated from the American University in Beirut with a
    degree in business administration. He had met his wife, Sona, during a
    Chanits youth group conference in Kessab, moved to the United States
    in 1979 and set up a broker-realtor office in 1987. Agbabian summed
    up that Khanjian "as a man who breathes and lives as one devoted to
    his people."

    Lena Bozoyan, chairperson of the Armenian Relief Society of Western
    USA (ARS) Regional Executive, started by saying that today we are all
    "Halebtsis." She provided insights on Khanjian's leadership style
    describing him as cautious yet bold, balanced, impartial and wise,
    and a leader who inspires hope, and calms nerves when confronting

    Bozoyan explained the role of the ARS ahead of the formation of the
    Syrian Armenian Relief Fund (SARF), and praised Khanjian's role in
    leading as chairman of the Executive Committee (since August 2012).

    Even though she is from Lebanon, her mother is from Kessab, so she
    spent many summers in Kessab. When she read the book, particularly
    about Kessab, she was truly moved, and would understand why those who
    are from Aleppo are so excited about the genuinely connecting to the
    stories in the book.

    Accompanied by pianist Ruzanna Vanessian, tenor Raffi Kerbabian's
    voice resonated in the hall as he sang three favorites, the last
    one being Tercheyie Mdkov Doon (metaphysically flying home), which
    rang true about the rush of memories, which were being evoked by
    Khanjian's writings.

    He was followed by Sona Khanjian, the author's wife. Her presentation
    was the highlight of the evening, as she read the "Homenetmen
    Vasbouragan" chapter in a lively, descriptive and musical style.

    Archbishop Mousheg Mardirossian, Prelate of the Western Prelacy,
    recalled that with his experience on the Armenia Fund board, where
    Khanjian had served, he knew that the latter was suited for the top
    SARF job, particularly since the author was so concerned about the
    situation in Syria. Mardirossian quoted the Bible verse "Jesus saw
    Nathanael coming to him, and said of him, Behold an Israelite indeed,
    in whom is no guile!" (John 1:47) and described Khanjian, who puts
    forth is best abilities as an archetypal Christian Armenian "in whom
    is no guile." The Prelate wished for the return of peace to Aleppo.

    Historian Dr. Vahram Shemmassian presented Haleb, Arachin Gayaran,
    discussing the many important aspects of the book, highlighting
    customs, traditions and culture in Armenian life in Aleppo in the
    era covered: life near the "Gare de Baghdad" station, the Armenian
    Evangelical Emmanuel school that the author attended, the special
    figures such as the Arab ice cream vendor, and the way the local Arabs
    treated the Armenians. Of special importance was how the author's
    father, Vazken Khanjian, a custom furniture builder, treated books
    and periodicals with such reverence that wrinkling an issue was reason
    for punishment.

    Shemmassian covered different aspects of life in Aleppo the family
    traditions where children sat with adults around the heaters listening
    to their stories. He noted that many of these precious traditions
    and customs have been regretfully discarded in today's society and
    called to revive them.

    The professor also noted that Arab characters are presented in a
    positive way and that the book covers commentary about the political
    life, such as upheavals of the 1960s, when Armenians, particularly ARF
    leaders, were prosecuted, jailed and killed in Syria. He considered the
    226-page book one worthy to be translated into Arabic and English,
    congratulated the author and wished that he continue to publish
    new works.

    Fr. Hovsep Hagopian, who was representing Archbishop Hovnan Derderian,
    Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, Western,
    congratulated the author for doing everything with faith and love,
    and read the Western Diocese Primate's congratulatory letter. Arch.

    Derderian wrote that the book portrays the author's religious and
    national feelings, and urges all of us to continuously apply our
    actions as application of our nationalistic convictions.

    Zaven Khanjian, the author, said that he was humbled by all the
    presentations, and all the talk was about a place, where people were
    born and grew up and the credit belongs to that place called Aleppo.

    He had a long list of people whom he thanked for their various
    contributions including providing the hall; publishing, editing,
    formatting and presenting the book; and the audience. He thanked his
    wife, Sona, for being so supportive and all the sacrifices that she
    continues to make for him. Khanjian wrapped up his message by reciting
    a poetic description of what Aleppo represents.

    The program ended with Rev. Dr. Vahan Tootikian's prayers. About
    350 people who were in attendance had a chance to obtain autographed
    copies of the book.

    The following churches, charities and organizations came together to
    form the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund: Armenian Catholic Eparchy in
    North America; Armenian Evangelical Union of North America; Western
    Diocese of the Armenian Church; Western Prelacy of the Armenian
    Apostolic Church of America; Armenian General Benevolent Union;
    Armenian Missionary Association of America; Armenian Relief Society
    of Western U.S.A.; Armenian Democratic Liberal Party; Armenian
    Revolutionary Federation-Western U.S.A.; and Social Democrat
    Hunchakian Party-Western U.S.A. The web site address follows:

    From: A. Papazian