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Vitaly Naumkin: "Many Refugees Won't Come To Nagorno-Karabakh Before

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  • Vitaly Naumkin: "Many Refugees Won't Come To Nagorno-Karabakh Before


    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    March 15 2013

    Interview by Maria Sidelnikova exclusively to Vestnik Kavkaza

    The head of the Oriental Studies Institutes of the RAS, Vitaly Naumkin
    told Vestnik Kavkaza about influence of the Syrian conflict on the
    Caucasus states.

    - Vitaly Vyacheslavovich, how does the Syrian conflict influence the
    South Caucasus, including the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh?

    - First of all, it influences through the Armenian factor.

    There are about 150,000 Armenians in Syria. The Armenian population
    appeared in the area of heavy fighting, especially in Aleppo, which
    is called an Armenian city by some people. Today there is a powerful
    migration pressure: many people are leaving the country or would like
    to leave it because it is impossible to live there. Aleppo is a ruined
    city where people cannot stay. These people need somewhere to go.

    Armenian refugees may feel uncomfortable in neighboring Muslim
    countries. The West cannot welcome everyone. Some of them want to
    stay because their families have been living there for centuries. One
    of destabilizing moments is what I have seen in Turkey where some
    politicians and the mass media spread rumors that Karabakh and the
    occupied Azerbaijani territories are being populated by Armenian
    refugees. I tried to find out the truth at the meeting with Mr.

    Mirozyan, the foreign minister of Karabakh. It is no secret that
    our Karabakh companions stated that the number of refugees who came
    to Karabakh was less than 400. It is not about massive populating of
    the territories - many refugees won't come to Nagorno-Karabakh before
    settlement of the conflict. However, it is a fact that the situation
    is used for stirring up the situation.

    - How will a further escalation influence the situation in Iran
    and Turkey?

    - Today there is a serious clash in the public opinion of Turkey. A
    lot of people do not support the governmental policy on the Syrian
    crisis and think that the government of Davutoglu and Erdogan has
    made a big mistake by taking such a tough position toward Assad.

    These people are from the Republican Party, the opposition, the
    Alawi minority, some Kurds, and others. That is why we can see a
    political clash in Turkey, and it is not beneficial for settlement
    of the problems. The conflict in Syria influences destabilizingly on
    all neighboring countries.

    - What about Iran?

    - This conflict doesn't influence Iran directly, but it is heating the
    atmosphere over Iran because Tehran supports the Syrian regime. Those
    who want to overthrow Assad's regime see a powerful force in Iran
    and try to worsen the situation in Iran by escalation of sanctions,
    political and economic pressure on the country.

    - What do you think about the visit by Armenian President Serge
    Sargsyan to Moscow? How will his reelection influence Russian-Armenian

    - There can be no two opinions. I think this visit was a symbol of
    maintenance of the strategic union between Russia and Armenia. There
    were different rumors in the mass media that this course would be
    changed. I don't think it will happen. The problems of economic
    strategic cooperation were in focus, even though we don't know the
    details. Whether cooperation in the settlement of the Karabakh conflict
    will be achieved, time will tell. At the moment it is difficult to
    predict when the conflict could be settled. I am not optimistic in
    this issue.

