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Business people from Lebanon fare better abroad than at home

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  • Business people from Lebanon fare better abroad than at home

    Business people from Lebanon fare better abroad than at home

    The Lebanese diaspora

    A tale of two traders

    Mar 16th 2013 | BEIRUT AND ISTANBUL |From the print edition

    ON A recent flight from Beirut to Addis Ababa, Lebanese businessmen
    were swapping stories. `Business is excellent in Angola,' declared
    one. `I hear it's good in Ghana?' inquired another. Flights out of
    Lebanon buzz with optimism. For Lebanese businessfolk, the juiciest
    opportunities are abroad.

    More people of Lebanese origin live outside Lebanon than in it
    (perhaps 15m-20m, compared with 4.3m). Many have done well. Carlos
    Slim, a Lebanese-Mexican telecoms tycoon, is the richest man in the
    world. Carlos Ghosn, a French-Lebanese-Brazilian, is the boss of both
    Renault (a French carmaker) and Nissan (a Japanese one). Nick Hayek, a
    Swiss-Lebanese, runs Swatch, the biggest maker of Swiss watches.

    Lebanese people have long had wanderlust. Ancient Phoenician merchants
    roamed the Mediterranean, setting up cities such as Carthage and
    Cadiz. In the past century and a half, waves of Lebanese have left for
    the Americas and west Africa. Lebanon's long civil war prompted many
    more to pack. Some 7m Lebanese and their descendants now live in
    Brazil, 3m in the United States and at least 250,000 in west Africa.
    They do everything from running restaurants to dealing in diamonds. By
    and large, they find business easier elsewhere than back in their
    fragile motherland.

    Fadi Nahas, for example, has lived in Turkey since the late 1980s,
    when Lebanon's war was still smouldering. He runs 15 companies that
    store and transport fruit and other perishables. Like many Lebanese,
    he is multilingual, speaking Arabic, Turkish, English, Italian,
    Spanish and French. `We're like the Swiss with the number of languages
    we speak,' says Mr Nahas. `But tell me the last time they had to deal
    with a bomb or a power cut?'

    Mr Nahas began by moving bananas from Ecuador (a Latin American
    country with a hefty Lebanese population) to Turkey when the Turks
    opened their economy, later expanding across the Levant and the
    Caucasus. He reckons the head of Chiquita, an American fruit producer,
    gave him the deal to transport its bananas in the 1980s, when he was
    in his 20s, partly because he is good at schmoozing. `You have a great
    time with the Lebanese: you eat well with them and have fun doing
    business,' he says. `That is helping the country's products find a
    market too.'

    Coming from a nation that can go from peace to war in a couple of
    hours, Lebanese entrepreneurs have learned to be flexible and
    resilient. Once, when Mr Nahas was doing business in Azerbaijan, a
    dozen `taxmen' armed with Kalashnikovs came to audit his books. Mr
    Nahas calmly carried on with his work as they rifled through his
    papers. After a couple of weeks they went. Mr Nahas calls this `a
    Lebanese reaction'.

    Wherever they are, Lebanese traders typically remain in touch with
    their kin. Belonging to a global diaspora allows them to swap
    information and learn about new opportunities. Zeinab Fawaz, the
    author of a book on Lebanese business owners in America, argues that
    `good education, adaptability and networks' are the keys to their
    success. The median Lebanese household in America makes $67,000,
    comfortably above the norm.

    Back in Lebanon, however, making money is harder. Take Christine
    Sfeir, a businesswoman who runs 35 restaurants: the American Dunkin'
    Donuts franchise and two of her own local restaurant chains. She cites
    two advantages of working in Lebanon - well-educated employees and a
    central location - before reeling off a list of difficulties.

    Small, costly and overregulated

    First, the market is tiny. Lebanon's GDP is about $42 billion, less
    than Rhode Island's. Second, it is unstable. Conflict with Israel in
    2006 temporarily shut down many of Ms Sfeir's restaurants; the
    takeover of parts of Beirut by Hizbullah militants in 2008 disrupted
    them once more. Today, the civil war in neighbouring Syria scares
    tourists away from Lebanon, too. `I honestly can't remember a
    six-month stretch without a problem here,' she says.

    Third, Beirut is expensive. A survey last year by Mercer, a
    consultancy, ranked it as the second-costliest city in the Middle
    East. Rents can be as much as $1,200 per square metre. Frequent power
    cuts force firms to fork out for generators. Yet local purchasing
    power is modest. At Green Falafel, Ms Sfeir's new eco-friendly themed
    fast-food restaurant, sandwiches sell for $2.

    As if that were not enough, the Lebanese government chokes businesses
    with red tape. On average it takes 219 days to obtain a construction
    permit - assuming nothing goes wrong - and 721 days to enforce a contract
    in a Lebanese court, according to the World Bank. Patronage is
    pervasive and the internet is sluggish.

    Last year Ms Sfeir decided to expand outside Lebanon. Today a fifth of
    her 500 employees are abroad; by the end of the year she hopes to have
    200 manning new restaurants in northern Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the
    Gulf. `I looked at conditions at home and realised it was time to
    focus outside,' she says. `It's not always easy to work in those
    places either, but rents are cheaper and people have more money so the
    returns are bigger.' Lebanon is not the only small nation in the
    region with a successful diaspora, but its people's resilience is
    nonetheless impressive.

    >From the print edition: Business

    From: A. Papazian