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I'm The Chief Oligarch

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  • I'm The Chief Oligarch

    Naira Hayrumyan

    11:49 19/03/2013
    Story from News:

    During yesterday's press conference Serzh Sargsyan stated that there
    are no oligarchs in the Armenian parliament. There are only latent
    businessmen who have businesses but everything is all right with all
    their documents. Serzh Sargsyan spoke only about the parliament. But
    are there oligarchs in the country and where are they hiding? In the
    end, by definition, oligarchs can be only in state bodies.

    In a normal state of law the epithet "oligarch" is a testament to a
    crime against the state. Oligarchs are people who use their public
    office and leverages to develop their own business and prosperity.

    They use their position to get contracts with the government for the
    disposal of national benefits in their own interests. The misuse of
    public levers is a state crime.

    Let's say there are no oligarchs in the parliament. But Serzh Sargsyan
    does not deny their existence in the country. This means they are
    either in the government or in the judiciary. Can Serzh Sargsyan point
    out an oligarch who was punished for misuse of power? The oligarchs'
    "crime" is not that they have businesses or money but that they
    obtained everything at our expense.

    After all, the wealthiest people in the world are in the IT business.

    Each of them has invented something that is used and sold all over the
    world. They earned with their mind and creativity. How do Armenian
    oligarchs earn? How did 20 Armenian members of parliament become
    millionaires? What did they invent for Armenia at least?

    Isn't Vardan Aivazyan an oligarch who got rich by selling state
    licenses for production of national mineral resources? Isn't Gagik
    Tsarukyan an oligarch who owns the largest companies with the help of
    his governmental levers? Isn't Samvel Alexanyan an oligarch who got the
    monopoly of import of some food products? Isn't Gagik Khachatryan an
    oligarch who heads the State Revenue Committee and holds the monopoly
    of import of certain goods?

    We could continue listing but for who? Serzh Sargsyan and everyone
    else know there are oligarchs in parliament. The point is that the
    society and the international community expected that Serzh Sargsyan
    would mind his oligarchs understanding that they drag him to the
    bottom. Everyone expected he would sacrifice at least one of them
    for the sake of liberalization.

    Instead, Serzh Sargsyan states there are no oligarchs and he is not
    going to sacrifice anyone. This means that he agrees to become the
    victim both for the society and the international community. This means
    he accepts he is the chief oligarch. Do with me whatever you want.
