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New Spin Doctors Prefer Terror

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  • New Spin Doctors Prefer Terror

    Naira Hayrumyan

    12:34 19/03/2013
    Story from News:

    According to press reports, head of Serzh Sargsyan's administration
    Vigen Sargsyan has taken a leave but the story may end up in his
    dismissal. Earlier Serzh Sargsyan's son-in-law Michael Minasyan was
    dismissed and appointed ambassador to Vatican.

    After Minasyan's appointment everyone said Serzh Sargsyan is changing
    his spin doctors. Who will replace them? Have new spin doctors been
    already hired? What is their position on home and foreign policies? Or
    has Serzh Sargsyan decided to concentrate power in his own hands?

    Serzh Sargsyan is obviously dissatisfied with the work of his spin
    doctors during the presidential elections. Either they could not
    predict Raffi Hovannisian's success or they could not predict that
    people would vote against Serzh Sargsyan or attend post-electoral
    rallies. Serzh Sargsyan is angry.

    At his post-electoral press conference he spoke as if voters, the
    opposition and journalists are ingrates who cannot appreciate what
    is being done. His anger was felt during the campaign too when he
    behave without respect towards the mother of a non-combat victim and
    to a border village resident who complained of emigration.

    What did Serzh Sargsyan expect from voters and the opposition? Did
    he expect that people would ignore their own hard lives and would
    judge about the government policy by the information provided by TV
    news show and speeches of spin doctors?

    Anyway, spin doctors are being replaced. The policy of liberalization
    and democratization can be considered finished. Serzh Sargsyan stated
    bluntly that he will not do anything about the oligarchs who are
    obstacles to liberalization. According to his statement to increase
    salaries and pensions on July 1, the new political strategies will
    not be democratic but social. Perhaps new spin doctors advised Serzh
    Sargsyan to invest in improvement of the quality of life of people
    so that they do not care for democracy.

    Will this policy be effective? Or will the spin doctors again fail
    to predict the society's reaction which does not believe in such
    social pledges? The present social situation may be overcome either
    through liberalization of economy or terror. Judging by Oskanian's
    case and checking of Andrias Ghukasyan's company the new spin doctors
    prefer terror.
