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Three Sensitive Issues For Serzh Sargsyan And Others

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  • Three Sensitive Issues For Serzh Sargsyan And Others

    Levon Margaryan

    13:25 20/03/2013
    Story from News:

    Serzh Sargsyan's press conference was very long and comprehensive. It
    has not received a political assessment yet. It has discussed the
    government's preferred fields, hence there is no political criticism.

    Anyway, the meeting was very rich and dwelt on private property
    immunity, new government, party systems and else. The next key point of
    the press conference was Raffi Hovannisian, Serzh Sargsyan's meeting
    with him and the possible dialogue. The three main points of the
    meeting are as follows:

    1. It's time to replace the oligarchic economy with another form. Like
    many other issues, this one is also discussed at the emotional level.

    Oligarch is an adjective characterizing what is bad and evil.

    Objectively, it is a mode of organization of the Armenian economy.

    This form no longer meets the demands of the Armenian economy.

    The government also understands this. The issue can't be addressed by
    way of separation of business from politics. Actually, the involvement
    of business in politics can be indirect, like in the case of Robert
    Kocharyan who has huge economic resources and is able to pursue his
    interests indirectly.

    There is also an issue relating to the definition of oligarch because,
    as it was found out during the ANC-PAP dialogue, Tsarukyan is not
    an oligarch because he does not participate in the decision making
    process. Perhaps, he does not but Tsarukyan and other major businessmen
    or monopolists can force the government to make any decision if
    they change the price a bit. It is clear that one cannot get rid of
    oligopolies and monopolies immediately, no matter how strong or good
    person one is.

    Serzh Sargsyan meant this when he spoke about the necessity not to
    take drastic steps and to display public solidarity. Despite the
    esthetic particularities and nicknames of those in government and
    the oligarchy, the issue is the overall situation. Armenia's biggest
    challenge is to reach markets. Given the closed borders with Turkey,
    the only solution is the Abkhazian railway, DCFTA with Europe in case
    of EU integration, or the Customs Union in case of integration with
    the Eurasian Union. Perhaps, there is another option as well -private
    international trade networks and relevant political sponsorship
    for them.

    Carrefour is one of these possible networks. There are two opinions
    discussed in this relation: the negative public attitude towards
    Samvel Alexanyan and U.S. ambassador's moderate political intervention.

    Both opinions are secondary and are symbolic. In other words, the main
    issue is to look for new systems and new mechanisms. In this sense,
    Serzh Sargsyan's statement that Armenia is the only country among
    those involved in the Abkhazian railway project which has friendly
    ties with all the sides means that there is a future prospect for
    Armenia to appear in such markets.

    But, at the same time, it is clear that oligarchs have become some kind
    of political class in Armenia correlated with each other, and certain
    public perceptions of this class should be revised. In other words,
    the moral side of the issue is also important, taking into account
    the fact that one of the causes of the national tragedy since 2008
    is oligarchs. The opposition is also obliged to break its silence on
    foreign economic-political issues.

    2. The second issue is the so-called mutual bitterness. Though Serzh
    Sargsyan defined Raffi's psychological state as bitter, but Sargsyan
    was himself bitter about Raffi Hovannisian's policies. One thing
    has been clear since the parliamentary elections. The Republicans
    and Heritage are motivated to play in the same political field. The
    situation was such especially against the background of ANC-PAP
    mutual sympathy. But the stereotypes of the opposition and the
    general political field did not allow Raffi Hovannisian to enter into
    a tangible dialogue, while any step towards dialogue by him or his
    team was criticized.

    It is worth mentioning that many Republicans did not spare efforts to
    diffuse the thesis on sending all the political forces into the same
    status as the Rule of Law Party. Naturally, having in mind the bitter
    experience of the Rule of Law and the model of confrontation in 2008,
    a compromise between the government and the opposition could have
    never been perceived beyond the discourse of venality. Actually,
    there was such a possibility for both of them, and in this case,
    the government and Heritage needed each other equally. Both are
    stable and independent political subjects: Republicans are majority,
    Heritage represents the civil society and self-determined citizens. The
    current situation makes us review all the political notions ranging
    from dialogue to compromise.

    3. The next issue is Serzh Sargsyan's statement about the weak party
    system in Armenia, in particular the shortage of human resources to
    control the electoral process. This is really a major issue. The
    opposition is unable to mobilize a sufficient number of proxies
    to defend its votes. No one knows why Serzh Sargsyan and not the
    opposition warns about this issue.

    Serzh Sargsyan is supposed to dwell on the shortcomings of the
    electoral process. In fact, opposition representatives are active
    only in pre and post-electoral periods. For the rest of the time,
    they refuse to build their parties.

    We should note that the situation of the majority is not better
    either. For example, has Serzh Sargsyan ever thought what will happen
    to the Republican Party if it is removed from the power? Will the RPA
    be able to mobilize people? Do Republicans present an idea which has
    the potential to mobilize people? The Republican Party is composed
    of people gathered around the governmental resource, and it is hard
    to say how many people devoted to the party ideas will remain, if
    RPA splits or loses power.

    The fact that Republicans manage to ensure the necessary number of
    proxies is determined by its being power; it has nothing to do with
    being an organized party. For example, Prosperous Armenia, without
    being in the power, has resources and motivation to mobilize people
    only around Tsarukyan. It is difficult to affirm that Serzh Sargsyan
    is like Tsarukyan or Ter-Petrosyan, who can mobilize many people with
    the help of their charisma.

    Sure, this individual-oriented approach is not preferable either
    since it results in negative consequences. Is Serzh Sargsyan able
    to create such an axis for RPA to unite people, which should not be
    money, power but some idea or system? A system that can reproduce
    later without mechanical interventions.

    The issue related with the opposition, which Serzh Sargsyan raises,
    regards the same Republican Party too and the power in general. If
    it is not urgent now, it will become in the future.
