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The Pope Can Be Anyone

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  • The Pope Can Be Anyone


    The Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    March 20 2013

    Yuri Kramar. Exclusively to Vestnik Kavkaza

    Yesterday, the enthroning of the new Pope Francis took place in
    the Vatican. Many indirect factors prove that his election wasn't
    a coincidence. First, Benedict VI resigned, the first time in 600
    year a sitting pope had done sos; then he was replaced by Cardinal
    Jorge Bergoglio in the second day of the conclave's working. Almost
    all international mass media are paying numerous compliments to the
    new Pope.

    It makes us think about a very smart and well-prepared direction
    of the Pope's electing and the powerful information campaign which
    followed the elections.

    The new head of the Vatican is expected to overcome the crisis in
    the Catholic Church and using it in favor of those who contributed
    to Francisco's enthronement. At the same time, these goals contradict
    each other, and certain decisions will depend on the Pope himself.

    What will he feel like: an Argentinean, a Latin American, or a

    The policy of the RCC will depend on this, including the policy
    of the Caucasus and the Middle East. For example, recently the
    pro-Armenian mass media have reported as if Cardinal Bergoglio
    called "the Armenian genocide a hard crime against humanity and
    the Armenian nation, committed by the Ottoman Empire" in 2006 in
    Buenos Aires. However, they came up with only one reference to a
    little-known American periodical. It raises doubts on truthfulness
    of the information. The Argentinean Senate adopted the resolution
    in 1998, which judges any genocide as "a crime against humanity",
    as examples there were genocides of Armenians, Jews, Kurds...

    Such a behavior of the Argentinean elite is not surprising. Firstly,
    the Jews Diaspora of Buenos Aires surpasses even the New York
    Diaspora. The foreign minister of Israel Avigdor Lieberman paid a
    special attention to the Argentinean authorities a couple of years ago
    during his visit to the South America. And what can be more pleasing
    for Tel-Aviv than a small filth to Turkey, its strategic rival -
    at least the propaganda of "the Armenian genocide"?

    Secondly, Argentina is the most "pro-Western" country among other
    states of the Latin America. Its role is similar to the role of Poland
    in East Europe. Buenos Aires is watching its Latin American neighbors
    and fulfilling all globalist requirements of the IMF, the World Bank,
    and other liberal structures. As for the policy of "liberty promotion"
    along with protection of homosexuality an important moment is touching
    on the myth on "the Armenian genocide."

    By the way, both of these items concern the motherland of the
    current Pope. Along with the resolution on "the Armenian genocide"
    the Argentinean authorities have recently recognized ability of
    homosexual unions - it caused a heavy rebuff of the head of local
    Catholics, Cardinal Bergoglio. His relations with President Cristina
    Kirchner appeared to be at "the freezing point."

    Almost all international mass media noticed that congratulations
    from Lady-President were very moderate. And even the recent visit
    to the new Pope was marked by Kirchner's request to "contribute to
    returning of the Malvinas Islands to Argentina", the residents of
    which voted by common consent for maintaining the archipelago under
    the British jurisdiction.

    However, Popes have never interfered into disputes of secular
    leaders of the world and have always followed the principle "let
    the strongest win." The UK is the strongest in the dispute over the
    Falkland Islands. And Kirchner's impossible request resembles a direct
    desire to get the Pope into a mess in eyes of his compatriots.

    At the same time, these factors do not contradict attractiveness
    of "the Argentinean variant" for modern Western liberalism,
    including the USA. Other variants were much more uncomfortable
    for Washington. While Americans had been fighting against the world
    Communism and the USSR, they failed to see a boom of socialism in the
    Latin America. In the 20th century only Cuba experienced its victory,
    but today it is easier to name the countries where socialists are not
    in power. Venezuela, Brasilia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, and Nicaragua
    are being administrated by the left-wing regimes. First of all, they
    are oriented at nationalization of natural resources producing from
    hands of transnational monopolies which used to leave only a tiny
    part of revenues to the population.

    The policy of these countries differs from the Argentinean or
    Columbian. In some extent they all are anti-American, and their
    foreign political steps prove this. For example, after the conflict
    over South Ossetia Venezuela and Nicaragua were one of first countries
    which recognized its independence.

    To be continued .

    From: A. Papazian