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Why the Diaspora Should Join Armenia's Barevolution

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  • Why the Diaspora Should Join Armenia's Barevolution

    Why the Diaspora Should Join Armenia's Barevolution

    by Tania Sahakian
    March 23, 2013

    Raffi Hovannisian was asked by a reporter recently, `What would you
    like to say to the diaspora?' His response, `You're asking me the
    wrong question. You should ask the diaspora what they want to say, and
    I will listen. Do they want to be part of building a more Democratic
    Armenia? If so, I will listen.

    The diaspora should join Barevolution, argues Tania Sahakian. (Photo
    by Khatchig Mouradian, The Armenian Weekly)

    During previous elections, the diaspora has, for the most part,
    remained silent. Today, with the Internet, social media, and live
    coverage of the election and its aftermath, information has become
    more widely available, allowing the diaspora to not only be more
    informed and connected, but more involved. However, in the current
    state and projected future of the country, the diaspora must utilize
    this critical opportunity to get involved in a deeper way if it cares
    about the survival and prosperity of the country.

    What role can the diaspora play? Do they have any power? Does it
    matter to the locals if the diaspora gets involved? The diaspora
    already does its part in other spheres; do they have any business
    getting involved in daily politics if they don't live in Armenia? To
    answer some of these questions, I turned to local activists who were
    at the time writing letters to Serj Tankian asking him to come to
    Armenia. When asked why they wanted him to come, they responded with
    confidence that if Tankian were to come to Liberty Square, he would
    have a vital role to play in Barevolution. After all, in his written
    exchange with Tankian, Sarkisian replied to more questions posed by a
    diasporan expressing concerns about the election than he has to the
    thousands of citizens protesting outside the presidential palace. One
    might argue that Serj Tankian may have no business in Armenia's local
    politics, but he is still able to make an impact.

    Why is it vital that the diaspora join the movement? Since the last
    presidential election, roughly 180,000-250,000 people have left
    Armenia, mostly right after the election. Political instability, loss
    of hope in the system, monopolization of the country's resources,
    poverty and unemployment are all to blame. Studies on population and
    emigration trends show that at the current high rate of emigration and
    low birth rate, there will only be one person left in Armenia by 2048.
    The diaspora has been fighting for years for the survival of the
    Armenian state, carrying out the mission of Hye Tahd (Armenian Cause).
    Surely, Armenia's depopulation and domestic plight should become part
    of this mission.

    Since regaining independence two decades ago, Armenia has faced no
    shortage of regional and internal challenges. It has endured a
    devastating earthquake, a war with neighboring Azerbaijan for
    Nagorno-Karabakh, and a blockade from two of its four neighboring
    countries. This prompted the diaspora to focus on aid to Armenia - and
    rightly so. Armenia needed first-responders such as charities.
    Diasporans sent food and clothing, or wrote a check to a trusted
    charity and felt good about doing their part. Now, more than twenty
    years later, the diaspora's approach towards Armenia must shift, as
    Armenia has reached another phase in the effort to build a stable

    Today's ailments and key threats to the nation's survival include
    widespread emigration, human rights injustices, environmental
    degradation, regional hostility, and the suppression of pluralism and
    diversity of opinion in the private and public sectors. Oligarchs and
    mafia, all of whom are widely believed to have ties to the sitting
    president, currently monopolize the country's thin resources,
    neglecting investment in economic development and in a viable middle
    class. Therefore, today's Armenia needs partners, activists, and
    human-rights defenders. The Gyumretsi of yesterday needed emergency
    earthquake relief, but today she needs a partner in justice, making
    sure her voice is heard and her rights and resources are protected.

    One does not need to be a rock star in order to play a role in
    changing Armenia's future. Diasporan efforts can play a major role in
    providing moral support, resources, or pressuring both the Armenian
    and foreign governments to not legitimize fraudulent elections. To
    sustain claims of legitimacy, the Sarkisian camp has relied on
    congratulations from not only foreign heads of state but diaspora
    Armenian organizations. The initial OSCE assessment of the
    Presidential election was favorable, which most foreign leaders then
    echoed. After local activists intensely protested OSCE's findings,
    OSCE altered their final report to state, `The analysis of official
    results shows a correlation between very high turnout and the number
    of votes for the incumbent. This raises concerns regarding the
    confidence over the integrity of the electoral process.'
    Unfortunately, the damage was done, as the preliminary report had
    already informed the decisions of several foreign governments to
    congratulate Sarkisian. The local effort by activists could have been
    bolstered by diasporan efforts abroad to pressure foreign governments
    to follow suit and reassess their conclusions about the election.
    American Armenians certainly have the power to write to their
    congressional leaders in such issues, as do their European

    There are many examples of diasporans who have physically joined the
    effort. Inspiring stories are being told around town of people
    quitting their prestigious jobs to fly to Yerevan to support the wave
    of change. Although this kind of commitment is not possible for
    everyone, drastic measures are not necessary; moral support can also
    go a long way. When local activists were asked what value diasporan
    support would offer them, and what kind of support they would like to
    see, they stated that, `The homeland is not only for the locals. It is
    the homeland of all Armenians. In the last 20 years we have reached
    out to the diaspora asking for aid through charities, we cannot tell
    them now to not get involved. We shouldn't have two agendas and split
    our resources. The diaspora should be involved in this process
    bringing its resources and connections towards concrete actions for
    Armenia.' Recently, the board of the Armenian Law Student's
    Association at Southwestern Law School wrote a letter to Amnesty
    International, urging the launch of a supporter mobilization campaign
    to assist in collective efforts towards a more democratic Armenia.

    Barevoltion is a nationwide movement joined by different groups
    working towards the goal of a more democratic, citizen driven
    republic. Like every movement in history, change will not come
    overnight. It will require a committed group united in the struggle
    willing to defy the status quo fighting for the mission of a better
    tomorrow. The involvement of the diaspora in Armenia has always been a
    controversial topic, but I decided to address it in this article
    because the alarm is ringing loud. Armenians in foreign lands needs to
    hear it before it is too late, because today the diaspora needs
    Armenia as much as Armenia needs the diaspora. The injustices in
    Armenia are making our nation ill, and they call for an emergency
    departure from the status quo. The diaspora has the resources, the far
    reaching network, and the ability to organize and lobby a cause.
    Armenia is looking for partners, investors, and activists to make the
    average citizen's voice heard. Our parents' generation fought to see
    an independent Armenia. This generation will be tested to see if they
    are able to create a stable, democratic republic for all - including the

    Tania Sahakian has worked with numerous Armenian organizations over
    the last decade. She moved to Armenia two years ago. Tania served as a
    monitor during the 2012 parliamentary elections and the 2013
    presidential election in Armenia. She has experience working in
    elections in the U.S. and Europe as well, including the U.S.
    presidential campaign in 2008 and several senatorial and local
    elections. This is her first opinion piece for the Armenian Weekly.
