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Levon Zurabyan: HAK/ANC is going to fight

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  • Levon Zurabyan: HAK/ANC is going to fight

    Levon Zurabyan: HAK/ANC is going to fight

    03:11 pm | Today | Politics

    Armenian National Congress ( HAK) party's coordinator Levon Zurabyan
    considers HAK the most powerful political force in Armenia: "If free
    and fair elections are held in Armenia, the Congress would win in any
    election, be it parliamentary, presidential or municipal. Therefore I
    consider the most powerful political force in Armenia. Do not judge
    with the numbers that are registered in the National Assembly, for
    instance the number of mandates, etc., we know that they have been
    achieved via rigged elections",- Mr. Zurabyan told

    With what resources HAK is going to win in the coming elections the
    coordinator explained: "Do you think that the only resources are the
    oligarchs or criminals? HAK's entire force is that our main resources
    are based on ideology and human resources, the biggest resource that
    one can have ...

    It's right, that despite this the Congress is not still able to
    convert into real mandates peoples' support. But we are not suppressed
    absolutely. We will continue our struggle, we will be fighting. I am
    sure that in 5 years we could change the country".
