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`Thanks to' Turkey, Armenia's Ararat Valley could have water problem

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  • `Thanks to' Turkey, Armenia's Ararat Valley could have water problem

    `Thanks to' Turkey, Armenia's Ararat Valley could have water problem - newspaper

    March 23, 2013 | 08:17

    YEREVAN. - Armenia's AraratValley could face a serious water problem,
    Haykakan Zhamanak daily reports.

    `The reason is that Turkey is constructing
    1.5-billion-cubic-meter-capacity reservoirs at the upper parts of
    AraxRiver, [but] not near the border [with Armenia].

    Chairman Vladimir Movsisyan of the [Armenian Presidential] Expert
    Committee on Protection of Lake Sevan said 88 million cubic meters of
    water is already collected from Arax River in these reservoirs, [and]
    the construction of the others is in progress.

    `Today the average annual water capacity of AraxRiver constitutes
    2,200,000,000 [cubic meters]. If we reduce two billion by 1.5 billion,
    Ararat Plain would have serious water problems. The [Armenian]
    government has set up two committees in this direction. We are
    preparing our proposals and carrying out counter measures, so that we
    would not have a water problem in the AraxRiver basin,' Vladimir
    Movsisyan said,' Haykakan Zhamanak writes.
