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Western Prelacy News - 03/22/2013

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  • Western Prelacy News - 03/22/2013

    March 22, 2013
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745


    On Monday, March 18, 2013, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate, arrived in Rome to participate in the inauguration of His Holiness
    Pope Francis. His Holiness Catholicos Aram I had appointed the Prelate to
    be part of the delegation representing the Catholicosate of Cilicia. The
    delegation included Seminary Dean and Catholicosate Ecumenical Officer H.E.
    Archbishop Nareg Alemezian, and national benefactors Mr. and Mrs. Alecco and
    Ani Bezikian. On Monday evening, ecumenical guests, including the Holy See
    of Cilicia delegation, were hosted to an intimate dinner with Pope Francis,
    during which the Prelate had the opportunity to personally greet His
    Holiness and convey his well wishes.
    On Tuesday, March 19, the Catholicosate of Cilicia delegation
    participated in the Papal Inaugural Mass at Saint Peter's Basilica, during
    which Pope Francis was officially installed as the new Pontiff of the Roman
    Catholic Church. On the morning of Wednesday, March 20, the delegation had
    an official visit with Pope Francis where they had the opportunity to once
    again extend their congratulations to the new Pontiff.


    On Monday, March 18, 2013, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate, arrived in Rome where over the next two days he participated in the
    inauguration of His Holiness of Pope Francis as part of the delegation
    representing H.H. Catholicos Aram I and the Holy See of Cilicia.
    On the afternoon of Wednesday, March 20, the Prelate arrived in
    London from where he headed to Canterbury to participate in the enthronement
    of The Most Reverend and Rt. Hon. Justin Welby as the Archbishop of
    Canterbury. International guests were hosted to a reception and evening
    meal together with the Anglican Primates and Inter-Religious guests. On the
    afternoon of Thursday, March 21, Archbishop Justin Welby was formally
    enthroned as the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury. The official celebration
    dinner took place in the evening chaired by Archbishop Justin Welby and in
    honor of all official Anglican Communion, Ecumenical and Inter-Religious
    guests. On Friday morning, guests had the opportunity to meet and exchange
    greetings with the Archbishop at his official home in Canterbury. The
    Prelate, among the Oriental Orthodox Church delegation, met the Archbishop
    and conveyed the well wishes of H.H. Catholicos Aram I for a successful


    Sunday, March 24, 2013 is Palm Sunday, the celebration of the
    triumphant entry of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.
    Palm Sunday will be celebrated in all our churches with Divine
    Liturgy, the children's procession, and the opening of the portals service.
    On this occasion, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    will celebrate Divine Liturgy, deliver the sermon, and preside over the
    Opening of the Portals service at Holy Cross Cathedral in Montebello.


    Monday, March 25 is the start of Holy Week. Throughout the week, the
    Prelate will conduct services in various Prelacy Churches. Below is the
    Prelate's Holy Week schedule.

    Holy Tuesday - Remembrance of the Ten Virgins
    Holy Martyrs Church, Encino, 7:00 p.m.

    Maundy Thursday
    Washing of the Feet - St. Sarkis Church, Pasadena, 5:30 p.m.
    Vigil - St. Mary's Church, Glendale, 7:30 p.m.

    Good Friday - Crucifixion and Burial
    St. Garabed Church, Hollywood, 7:00 p.m.

    Easter Eve - Lighting of Candles (Jrakalooyts)
    St. Mary's Church, Glendale, 5:00 p.m.

    Easter - the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ
    Holy Martyrs Church, Encino, 11:00 a.m.

    By the ordinance of the Prelate, Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian will
    preside over the Washing of the Feet service at Holy Cross Cathedral in
    Montebello, and will celebrate Easter Eve at Forty Martyrs Church in Orange


    Saturday, March 16, 2013 was the Feast of St. Gregory the
    Illuminator's Descent into the Pit, which is also the name day celebration
    for churches named St. Gregory in honor of the founder, father, and
    illuminator of our faith.
    On this occasion, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    visited the St. Gregory Church parish community of San Francisco where on
    Sunday, March 17, His Eminence celebrated Divine Liturgy and conducted the
    blessing of madagh.
    Parish Pastor Archpriest Fr. Khoren Habeshian thanked the Prelate
    for celebrating the name day of the Church with the community, and wished
    him a safe journey in his travel to Rome to participate in the inauguration
    of His Holiness Pope Francis. He then invited the Prelate to deliver his
    His Eminence greeted the Pastor and faithful who had gathered for
    the special occasion, including Parish Delegates, Board of Trustees and
    Ladies Guild members, Krouzian-Zekarian-Vasbouragan Principal, teachers, and
    students, and Sunday School students, and noting that this feast is also the
    pilgrimage day for St. Gregory the Illuminator Mother Cathedral in Antelias,
    read the prayer of H.H. Catholicos Aram I to St. Gregory.
    In the first part of his sermon, the Prelate spoke of the exemplary
    life and faith of St. Gregory, stating, "St. Gregory is the most beloved of
    our saints, revered for his extraordinary faith and will. Centuries later,
    the example of St. Gregory remains the ideal guide for our spiritual lives.
    St. Gregory is the model of unfading hope, unyielding faith, and
    unfathomable will. Today is a pilgrimage day for this parish community. As
    pilgrims, let us vow that we will carry on the legacy of St. Gregory the
    Illuminator by pledging to remain unshaken in our faith no matter what
    obstacles and challenges may come our way. May the remarkable life and
    faith of our first Pontiff serve as an inspiration for us to become
    fortified in our faith and to submit ourselves to His Holy Will with
    absolute trust.
    The second part of the Prelate's sermon focused on the sixth Sunday
    of Great Lent and the day's passage from Matthew 22:34-23:39 recording the
    last few days of the earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this
    passage, Jesus addresses the hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees who
    taught and judged according to the Law of Moses, yet did not obey the very
    laws they were teaching. Through their flawed teaching of the law, they
    created intolerable burdens for the people which they themselves did not
    carry. They were also putting on a show of piety for the attention of
    others, but there was no substance beneath their outwardly appearance.
    Through this reading, we are given an idea of the state of the religious
    leadership in Jesus' day. They were hypocrites in that they pretended to
    serve God but in reality served only themselves, their pride, and their
    desire to be respected ad honored by their people. They appeared religious
    to others but inside they were lawless and broke every commandment of God.
    "The Gospels give a multitude of examples of hypocrisy that we can learn
    from. In fact our Lord Jesus Christ had strong words about the scribes and
    Pharisees and what awaits them, 'For I say to you, that unless your
    righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you
    will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven' (Matthew 5:20). On this day of
    pilgrimage, let us examine ourselves to make certain our faith is genuine
    and our lives are in keeping with God's commandments, let us follow the laws
    of the Bible and not our own version and interpretation of the laws, let us
    practice our spiritual disciplines of Bible study, prayer, and confession,
    loving and serving God and our fellow man with pure hearts and intentions,
    and leading others to the path of righteousness with our actions. May we
    all follow in the prime example of St. Gregory the Illuminator who loved the
    Lord with all his might, faithfully adhered to His commandments and His will
    with a clean and pure heart and unwavering resolve, and inspired not by
    words, but by actions", concluded the Prelate.
    The Prelate then conducted the blessing of madagh in the Church
    courtyard, congratulated all those bearing the name Krikor, and concluded
    the celebration with the benediction.


    On Friday, March 15, 2013, Rose and Alex Pilibos 8th and 9th grade
    students visited the Prelacy where they met with H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian, Prelate, participated in a prayer service and were
    familiarized with the endeavors of the Prelacy. Two weeks ago 5th and 7th
    grade students paid a visit to the Prelacy, and next month the Prelacy will
    host students from the 10th and 11th grades. His Eminence was joined by St.
    Garabed Church Pastor Archpriest Fr. Vicken Vassilian, and Crescenta Valley
    Church Pastor Rev. Fr. Ghevont Kirazian.
    Nearly one hundred students arrived on Friday morning accompanied by
    their teachers and parents. Following group photos with the Prelate in the
    "St. Dertad and St. Ashkhen" Chapel, students headed to the "Dikran and
    Zarouhie Der Ghazarian" Hall for a prayer service and to present a cultural
    program of songs and recitations they had prepared for this occasion.
    The program began with the Lord's Prayer and a hymn. The Prelate
    and clergy also said a special prayer for the 8th grade class, wishing them
    a safe trip as they will be visiting Washington D.C. next week. The program
    was capably officiated by 9th grade student Armine Kalpakian, who spoke on
    the role of the Armenian School and its influence on Armenian youth, then
    invited her classmates to present their performances.
    The first group of students recited the poem "The Armenian Church"
    by Vahan Tekeyan. The second group recited a poem by Vahakn Tavitian
    dedicated to the Armenian language. A duet of nationalistic songs followed.
    Five students presented a number of Hovhannes Tumanyan poems, and a poem
    dedicated to mothers was also presented given that H.H. Catholicos Aram I
    has dedicated the year to Armenian Mothers. Musical performances on the
    piano, violin, and guitar followed, with selections ranging from Aram
    Khachadourian to Pink Floyd. The beautifully prepared and presented
    cultural program concluded with the "Oath of Youth".
    Archpriest Fr. Vicken Vassilian commended the students for their
    performances and urged them to remain faithful to the oath they recited.
    Fr. Vicken also gave a brief explanation of the endeavors and mission of the
    Holy See of Cilicia and the Prelacy, including of the Churches and Schools
    under its jurisdiction, then invited the Prelate to deliver his message.
    The Prelate first commended the students on their program, which he
    stated filled our souls with spiritual joy and was a testament to their
    God-given talents. Noting that we are in the Great Lent period, His
    Eminence spoke to the students about the meaning and messages of Great Lent,
    among them the victory of good over evil and overcoming trials in life with
    strong will, and also spoke of the message of Easter as the triumph of life
    over death. The Prelate also commended the students for dedicating a part of
    their program to mothers, and invited them to write special prayers for
    their mothers on the occasion of the "Year of the Armenian Mother". In
    conclusion, the Prelate wished the students success and great achievements
    in the coming years, at the same time urging them to never forget their
    roots and to serve for the progress of their community and nation throughout
    their lives, and commended the principal and teachers for their role in the
    intellectual and spiritual development of our youth.
    The official program concluded with the Cilician and Armenian
    national anthems. The students were then given a tour of the headquarters,
    and were acquainted with the staff and the endeavors of the various


    On Thursday, March 14, 2013 the Council of Oriental Orthodox Bishops
    held their regular meeting at St. Leon Cathedral in Burbank. H.E.
    Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, was represented by Very Rev. Fr.
    Muron Aznikian, who was accompanied by Holy Martyrs Church Pastor Rev. Fr.
    Razmig Khatchadourian and Crescenta Valley Church Pastor Rev. Fr. Ghevont
    The meeting was hosted by H.E. Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, with the
    participation of H.E. Archbishop Mor Clemis Eugene Kaplan (Syriac Church),
    H.G. Bishop Serapion (Coptic Church), and clergy from the Armenian, Coptic,
    and Syriac Churches.
    The Prelates and clergy members discussed past and future
    collaborative efforts and joint events. The outcome was as follows:
    (1) The Council commended the endeavors of the Sunday Schools
    committee, particularly the 8th annual Bible competition they had
    successfully organized on March 2nd at St. Garabed Church in Hollywood in
    which about 150 students participated.
    (2) The Council urged the revitalization of the youth committee. The
    four Prelates will appoint one representative each to serve on the Youth
    Committee to organize events in the coming months.
    (3) With regards to the annual Joint Liturgy and clergy conference,
    the Council decided to discuss the issue further after Easter and plan on a
    date to hold the event.
    The next meeting of the Council of Oriental Orthodox Bishops will be
    held on Tuesday, July 9, at St. Ephraim Syriac Orthodox Cathedral in
