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Music: Video For Tony Iommi-Penned 'Lonely Planet' Song Released

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  • Music: Video For Tony Iommi-Penned 'Lonely Planet' Song Released

    RTT News
    March 23 2013

    Video For Tony Iommi-Penned 'Lonely Planet' Song Released

    3/23/2013 3:26 PM ET

    "Lonely Planet," the track written by Black Sabbath guitarist Tony
    Iommi, will be performed by the Armenian group Dorians for the
    Eurovision Song Contest in May. The video is streaming now through
    various web outlets.

    Iommi says that the selection of his track was a pleasant surprise for him.

    "Well here's something different, one of my demo ideas has been chosen
    as the Armenian entry for the Eurovision Song Contest! It went on a
    short list and Saturday night was voted as the winner," he said.

    He added deets about the upcoming competition:

    "It now goes to the semi-final on May 16th in Malmo, Sweden. Glad to
    be able to be involved with Armenia again . . ."

    Iommi has a long history of activism in Armenia, helping with relief
    work after a devastating 1988 earthquake.

    by RTT Staff Writer
