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Apology? Extortion

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  • Apology? Extortion

    Apology? Extortion

    The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles
    March 24, 2013

    Posted by Ariel Blumenthal

    On Thursday, as President Obama was getting ready to deliver his
    vision of peace to Israeli students, the alternative to that vision
    was typically expressed by a rocket attack from Gaza. On Thursday
    morning the contrast between the two visions was clearly illustrated;
    Just a day later the violent alternative received a tremendous boost.

    Hamas applauded Turkish PM Erdogan on finally getting his apology,
    declaring it `A victory' - and so they should: The effort to rescue
    the Hamas regime in Gaza, taken by the Turkish Islamist organization
    IHH three years ago, ended Friday with their calamitous moral
    victory. Since IHH radicals on board of the Mavi Marmara are still too
    often related to as `carrying humanitarian aid' and as `peace
    activists', I'm inclined to remind my readers who they were, via this
    3:35 video I made with my friend Guy Ross

    No, these were no peace activists attacked by ruthless commandos while
    selflessly seeking justice; These were fanatic Islamists confronted
    with paint guns while seeking martyrdom and itching for a holy
    fight. These `peace activists', die-hard supporters of Hamas and the
    alternative it offers to the region, were never looking for peace. And
    on Thursday morning, back in their homes in Turkey, they were very
    happy to see some rockets flying into Israel. These are the people
    granted an apology.

    Beyond the context of intent and ideology, there's also the issue of
    affiliation. Three years ago the Muslim Brotherhood was unknown to the
    Western public; Today it's a household name, making the significance
    of IHH's ties to the global Brotherhood clear. A report by the
    Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs showed that `The IHH ... was an
    integral part of a Turkish Muslim Brotherhood network' and that `Since
    2006, Turkey has become a new center for the Global Muslim
    Brotherhood, while the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip acted as the
    main axis for this activity.' You can't expect the IHH to care for
    Shiites, or even non-Brotherhood Sunnis (like the Palestinian
    Authority). The flotilla was an act of alliance between Muslim
    Brotherhood affiliates; The thin veneer of `humanitarian aid' that
    miraculously still holds, was intended for those who are foolish
    enough to still believe in it.

    Erdogan did not hesitate to throw his weight behind the IHH and keep
    it there for three years. The PM and his Justice and Development
    party, (which last year received Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal with a
    standing ovation and `damn Israel!' chants), are Brotherhood
    sympathizers, if not affiliates themselves. The moral ramifications
    are to be expected.

    Erdogan doesn't think Hamas is a terrorist organization, but calls
    Israel a `terrorist nation'. He takes no notice of Hamas' violence and
    accuses Israel of genocide in Gaza, while ironically facing a very
    similar situation with the Kurdish PKK, a challenge he responds to
    with lethal ferociousness. Describing Erdogan as a non-objective
    mediator is an understatement. In 1998 he said that `the image of the
    Jews is no different than that of the Nazis'; In 2011 he rallied an
    Arab League meeting: `Israel must pay the price for its aggression and
    crimes.' He told his Parliament that Israel is engaged in ethnic
    cleansing; He said that `Israel is inexplicably cruel' and `hiding
    behind the Nazi Holocaust'. Some classic Antisemitic themes? Here you
    go: `The world media is under the control of Israel' and `Wherever
    Jews settle, they make money.' Bizarro roots? By all means: Back in
    1974 Mr. Erdogan wrote, directed and starred in the play `Maskomya'
    about a Free-Mason - Communist - Jewish (Mas-Kom-Ya) evil conspiracy.

    And finally, just three weeks ago he told a press conference in Vienna
    that Zionism is a crime against humanity. This coming from the PM of
    Turkey, whose nationalism cost an enormous number of Armenian, Greek
    and Kurdish lives - is infuriating. This is the man granted an
    apology...? The game of apologies in the Middle East is a one-way
    affair: the provocateur demands it, the provocateur is granted it.

    Commentator Robin Wright was correct to say on Friday's =80=9CLeft
    Right & Center' that the apology `was the most important thing to come
    out of Obama's visit'. The diplomatic necessity for Turkish-Israeli
    cooperation in light of the chaos in Syria is clear; Access to NATO
    facilities in Turkey and the dismissal of abusive legal charges
    against Israeli officers are just two of many immediate benefits. It's
    a prospect you can't refuse.

    This is an artificial apology, a product of extortion. Israelis don't
    believe in it, their PM had to eat a dish-full of frogs in order to
    make the call. The Turkish PM will escalate again very soon - he won't
    be able to help it. It's the ideology, stupid. Did I hear
    reconciliation? Erdogan was remarkably quick to cool it down on
    Saturday using confrontational language the world has grown so deaf to

    The moral consequences are devastating. If I were an Islamist anywhere
    in the world - I'd be launching a new flotilla tomorrow. For the rest
    of the world, the understanding of good and bad intentions, violent
    and peaceful ideologies and the very principle of justice, is more
    blurry today. As I wrote here yesterday, reality and perception are
    growing further and further removed.

    Follow me on Twitter: @lostroadtopeace
