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The Truth Should Have Its Fists

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  • The Truth Should Have Its Fists

    THE TRUTH SHOULD HAVE ITS FISTS he-truth-should-have-its-fists&catid=3:all&Itemid=4
    Monday, 25 March 2013 17:35

    We'll not disclose a secret, noting that the conflict between
    Azerbaijan on the one hand and Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh - on
    the other hand, which has long and permanently moved to actually
    all the spheres - political, economic, cultural, and humanitarian,
    has also spilled into the international arena. It's not the
    internationalization of the conflict that took place still in the
    war period, when the corresponding international organizations
    were involved in its settlement. It's the policy of Azerbaijan on
    "exporting" the conflict to all the above mentioned spheres of the
    public-political life, with far-reaching goals - to distort the essence
    of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict, to achieve the international
    isolation of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh through their discredit,
    and to eventually resolve the conflict in its own interests. Armed
    with the famous Machiavellian principle of "the goal justifies the
    means", Azerbaijan does not shun anything and uses any international
    platform for misinforming the international community.

    If we follow the latest, I may say, diplomatic initiatives of
    Azerbaijan, we can see that it has moved the focus of its efforts to
    the parliaments of some countries. In order to avoid the responsibility
    for the genocide of the Armenian population in Sumgait, Baku, Kirovabad
    Mingechaur, Maragha and other settlements, Azerbaijan is increasingly
    spinning the flywheel of the propaganda campaign on charging Armenians
    of the commitment of its own crime - "khojalu".

    Using the ignorance of politicians in some countries, as well as
    resorting to outright bribery, the Baku regime has managed to push
    through a number of parliaments the resolutions on the "khojalu
    genocide", which it has inflated for many years. Thus, on March 18,
    a similar resolution was adopted by the House of Representatives of
    the U.S. state of Tennessee; it was previously done by the legislative
    bodies of the states of Mississippi, Maine, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma,
    and New Mexico.

    We'd also note that similar resolutions were adopted by the Parliaments
    of Romania and the Czech Republic. The position of Bucharest can be,
    actually, explained. Supporting Moldova in the international arena,
    which has a problem with Transdniestria, Romania is committed to
    solidarity with Azerbaijan on the issue of "territorial integrity",
    even without going into the details of the anti-Armenian steps of
    the latter. With regard to the Czech Republic, later its Foreign
    Ministry actually disavowed the decision of the Commission on Foreign
    Relations, Defense and Security of the Chamber of Deputies of the
    Parliament. In its letter to the Forum of Armenian Associations of
    Europe, the Foreign Ministry stated that it had not been informed
    of the unacceptable and improper step, from the point of view of
    international law, and correspondingly, the Commission's decision to
    recognize the events in Khojalu as "genocide" could not be considered
    the official position of the Czech Republic. Some of the Czech MPs
    acknowledged that the resolution on the events in Khojalu had been
    adopted in haste, without due consideration of the issue.


    I must say, the NKR is also successfully acting at the level of
    parliaments of other countries, which may have also caused Azerbaijan
    to launch a "game" in the same field. As we know, the corresponding
    resolutions of the Parliaments of the U.S. states of Massachusetts
    and Rhode Island, as well as the Legislative Council of the Australian
    state of New South Wales recognized the right of Nagorno Karabakh to
    self-determination and independence. On March 13, an event dedicated
    to the 25th anniversary of the Karabakh Movement was held at the U.S.

    Congress, with the participation of NKR Minister of Culture and Youth
    Affairs Narine Aghabalyan. On March 14, the Lithuanian Parliament
    officially announced the creation of the inter-parliamentary group of
    friendship with the NKR; on March 19, in Paris, a group of political
    figures, Members of Parliament and Senators of France announced the
    creation of the Circle of Friendship with the NKR.

    All this indicates that currently, a fight for votes is actually
    going on as well, but first of all - for the "minds and conscience"
    of parliamentarians of different countries, with the only difference
    that in this struggle, we rely on the truth, while Azerbaijan relies
    on lie. But, the paradox is that having such an impressive folder
    of factual materials denouncing the criminal nature of Azerbaijan,
    we haven't managed to fully present to the world the truth about the
    conflict for over the last two decades, while Azerbaijan has managed
    to impose its false interpretation of the Karabakh events on the
    international community. I think the reason is that we, rightly
    believing that the truth is on our side, were kindly inactive,
    while it was necessary to consistently uphold the truth and make
    it available to the international community. Paraphrasing a famous
    proverb, we should note that the truth should have its fists.

    Especially that Azerbaijan is afraid of this truth like of fire. This
    explains its policy on the international isolation of the NKR, which
    includes its creation of lies, its efforts on preventing the visits
    of representatives of foreign countries to the NKR - political and
    public figures, journalists, and artists who, God forbid, will see
    the real picture of Nagorno-Karabakh. This leads to its aggressive
    reaction to someone's steps on recognizing not only the right of the
    NKR to self-determination, but even the very fact of its existence.

    An eloquent detail: on her return from Washington, Narine Aghabalyan
    informed that members of the Azerbaijani protest action against the
    festive event, dedicated to the anniversary of the Artsakh Movement
    and held at the U.S. Congress, had not hidden their concerns that
    such events would eventually lead to the international recognition
    of the NKR. Significant revelation...

    Leonid MARTIROSSIAN Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper
