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Lamenting Jerusalem: The Armenian Quarter In The Old City

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  • Lamenting Jerusalem: The Armenian Quarter In The Old City

    Friday, March 29th, 2013


    For the last two millennia, Jerusalem has been represented as a space
    of desire - a place that has been perennially occupied and lost, and
    an area of which the borders are contested until today. Jerusalem -
    as both a spiritual and secular space - has over the years attracted
    the attention of many different groups of people, including Armenians.

    Armenian presence in Jerusalem dates back over 1,500 years, with
    documented evidence from the 5th century. The Armenian Quarter in
    Jerusalem, which encompasses one-sixth of the Old City, is unique
    in that Armenians are the only people to have a quarter in the Old
    City along with the three monotheistic faiths: Christianity, Islam,
    and Judaism.

    My own interest and fascination with the city of Jerusalem comes
    from the desire to examine the ways in which both Armenians and
    other cultures represent the city in their medieval literary
    traditions. On Friday the 8th of February, I had the pleasure of
    delivering a paper about Armenians and the city of Jerusalem in the
    crusader period, at a symposium entitled, "Armenian Jerusalem: Past
    and Present." The event, organized by the Armenian Studies Program
    at California State University, Fresno, in cooperation with the
    non-profit organization Save the ArQ (Save the Armenian Quarter of
    Jerusalem), also featured presentations by my colleagues - Dr. Bedross
    Der Matossian (University of Nebraska, Lincoln); Dr. Sergio La Porta
    (California State University, Fresno); and Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian
    (California State University, Fresno). The lectures on the program
    covered a rich array of topics, such as: the history of the Armenian
    community of Jerusalem from the early period to the contemporary;
    issues that relate to the negotiations between the sacred and the
    secular; pilgrimages to the city; and the current political and social
    events taking place in the Armenian Quarter, including the election
    of the new Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem in January of this year.

    Archbishop Nourhan Manoogian succeeded the late Patriarch Torkom
    Manoogian, becoming the 97th Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem.

    Conversations during this symposium were also interspersed with
    personal experiences of both living and traveling to the Armenian
    Quarter in Jerusalem. These types of intimate familiarities were
    significant in that, alongside providing an outline of the vital
    role Armenians have played in the far extended history of Jerusalem,
    these experiences also brought to the forefront one of the main goals
    of the symposium - raising awareness about the Armenians currently
    living in Jerusalem's Old City .

    >>From l to r: Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Dr. Bedross Der Matossian,
    Dr. Sergio La Porta, Dr. Tamar Boyadjian

    Currently, the Armenians in Jerusalem face many types of difficulties,
    due to socio-economic and political factors impacting the region.

    While much of the connection between Armenians and Jerusalem has
    been and continues to be religious in nature - and more specifically
    related to pilgrimage - a strong and prominent secular dimension also
    exists. Armenians in Jerusalem have made significant contributions
    to the history and development of the city from the period of early
    Christianity to the present. Moreover, in order to better understand
    the current condition of the Jerusalem Armenians, one must look at the
    historical transformations that Armenians in general experienced under
    the 19th-century Ottoman Empire, and later under British Mandate,
    Jordanian rule, and the current administration of Israel. In order
    to elaborate upon these historical complexities, I find it useful to
    briefly draw upon the highly valuable work of my colleague, Dr.

    Bedross Der Matossian, Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History at
    University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

    The collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the Armenian Genocide during
    World War I led to the mass migration of Armenians from Cilicia to
    Jerusalem, with thousands of Armenians pouring into the Armenian
    Quarter. At this point, the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem
    detached itself from the authority of the Istanbul Patriarchate
    and the Armenian National Assembly, to which it was subordinate
    during the period following the Armenian National Constitution in
    1863. During the period under British Mandate, the Patriarchate
    kept amicable relations with the British authorities, who largely
    maintained the Ottoman millet system and allowed administrative matters
    concerning the Armenian refugees and local population to be handled
    by the Patriarchate. Following the Arab-Israeli war of 1948 and the
    subsequent withdrawal of the British, the Jordanians and the Israelis
    had disputes over Jerusalem; and subsequent to the Cold War, Jerusalem
    became a contested space for the Holy Sees of Echmiazin and Cilicia.

    In the 1970s and 1980s, the Patriarchate pursued a subtle policy with
    the Israeli government, but with the breakout of the first Intifada
    in 1987, the position of the Patriarchate towards the Palestinian
    authorities and the Israeli government relatively cooled, and dozens
    of Armenian families began to leave Jerusalem. In fact, the population
    of Armenians living in Jerusalem has greatly declined since then.

    During the British Mandate period, over 10,000 Armenians lived in
    greater Jerusalem. Today, that number is under 1,000.

    The decline in population is just one of the many challenges that
    Jerusalem Armenians face today. These current difficulties are
    multifold; and as Armenians, we should be aware of these circumstances
    to help maintain this historically significant and long-standing
    Armenian diaspora community. The first obstacle Jerusalem Armenians
    face pertains to their citizenship status. Most Armenians are
    considered Jordanian citizens and fall under the legal category of
    "Eastern Jerusalemites." For this reason, many of them have difficulty
    obtaining travel and marriage documents. They also face obstacles when
    attempting to bring spouses or other family members into Jerusalem.

    The depressed economic environment discourages and makes it difficult
    for Armenians to open up and maintain businesses in Jerusalem. Housing
    also remains one of the biggest obstacles facing the Armenians in the
    Old City. Not only is space limited because of overpopulation in the
    Old City, but real estate is very expensive. Most Armenians, given
    their current income, simply cannot afford to maintain their primary
    residence there. Moreover, Armenians living in East Jerusalem would
    find it virtually impossible to obtain a house in West Jerusalem,
    due to exorbitant costs and their citizenship status.

    Armenian education in the Old City also faces serious challenges and
    needs the aid of Armenians in the diaspora. The Armenian Sts.

    Tarkmanchatz Secondary School has adopted neither the Israeli nor
    Palestinian education systems. Rather, the school follows the system
    that was put in place under the British Mandate. As a result, children
    graduating from this school are having difficulty both being accepted
    and transitioning into Israeli and Palestinian universities. Amidst
    these challenges, sweeping reforms and renovations have been
    implemented under the supervision of Rev. Father Norayr Kazazian,
    the current Dean of Sts. Tarkmanchatz Secondary School. Similarly,
    Mihran Der Matossian, the director of the school's education system,
    has undertaken the task of radically restructuring the school's
    curriculum and education program. These reforms have been put in place
    to prepare students graduating from the school to enter institutions
    of higher education in Israel and abroad.

    In face of these challenges, what are some of the things we can do
    as Armenians living in the diaspora to help the Armenian community
    in Jerusalem? One way to get involved is through the aforementioned
    non-profit organization, Save the ArQ, co-founded by Mary M. Hoogasian
    and Bedross Der Matossian, which has an Executive Board and supporting
    members. The organization's mission is to create awareness of the
    significant religious, cultural, and historical presence of Armenians
    in Jerusalem and to encourage the revitalization of the Armenian
    Quarter in the Old City. The organization engages in both short-term
    and long-term projects to help sustain the Armenian Quarter's future.

    One of its key objectives is to build housing units to re-populate the
    Armenian Quarter in the Old City. The organization's other projects
    are devoted to bettering the community's life by supporting education
    at Sts. Tarkmanchatz Armenian School; renovating the compounds within
    the Armenian Quarter; building a park and playground in the Quarter;
    renovating sections of the Helen Mardigian Museum of Armenian Art and
    History; organizing academic workshops, conferences, and seminars at
    the Gulbenkian library; and aiding the Armenian clubs in the Quarter.

    One of the most recent contributions of the organization is the
    donation of lab equipment to the school to enhance students' study
    of the sciences. The organization also intends to set up a program
    at the school, whereby teachers living abroad will be invited to
    teach there and provide the latest tools and technologies necessary
    for educational advancement. The school is also in desperate need of
    up-to-date textbooks and school supplies, which could be donated by
    both schools and individuals in the diaspora.

    Another way Armenians living abroad can help the Armenian community
    of Jerusalem is by making a "pilgrimage" to the Armenian Quarter. One
    need not be convinced of the historically significant and highly
    stimulating experience of visiting a place like Jerusalem. Though many
    Armenians abroad may fear traveling to Israel because of the current
    political climate, Save the ArQ will begin organizing tour groups for
    Armenians interested in visiting the city. There are also a number of
    non-Armenian and Christian tour groups which arrange frequent trips to
    the Holy Land. These visits will both morally and financially support
    the Armenian community in the Old City, along with being a rewarding
    experience for the visitors themselves.

    One final component that needs special attention pertains to
    the preservation of the manuscripts and archival material of the
    Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem. As a medievalist, and someone
    who both collects and works with manuscripts, the preservation and
    maintenance of this collection is particularly important to me. We
    are very fortunate to have the invaluable magnum opus of Archbishop
    Norayr Bogharian - a twelve-volume manuscript catalog, which provides
    detailed information about all of the manuscripts belonging to the
    Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem. This highly significant catalog
    is no longer published in print form, but through my efforts at UCLA,
    I have been able to convince the university to digitize it. However,
    it is vital that we support efforts to preserve and digitize the
    actual manuscripts and archival material - yet another project
    being put in place by Save the ArQ. Just like Jerusalem itself, this
    material is a palimpsest upon which Armenian culture and history have
    been inscribed and preserved; and it is significant that we create
    permanency of our own history and culture through modern technologies,
    such as digitization.

    Through efforts such as these, we can help our brothers and sisters in
    Jerusalem maintain this historic and vital community. Let us remember
    some of the opening lines of Catholicos Grigor Tgha's 12th-century
    "Poem of Lamentation over the Capture of Jerusalem," lest we find
    ourselves lamenting (as his poem does), a once-present Armenian spirit
    in the city: I cry out this lamentable sound...

    You listen concerning the calamity, Brothers and sisters together,
    Children of the great mother Zion Brides of the upper room.

    __________ For more information on Save the ArQ, you can visit their
    website at:

    __________ Tamar Boyadjian is a Postdoctoral Fellow at UCLA,
    where she received her PhD in the Department of Comparative
    Literature. Her research interests include medieval manuscripts,
    crusader Jerusalem, and the interactions between medieval Europe
    and the medieval Middle East. You can reach her or any of the other
    contributors to Critics' Forum at [email protected]. This and
    all other articles published in this series are available online at To sign up for a weekly electronic version of
    new articles, go to Critics' Forum is a
    group created to discuss issues relating to Armenian art and culture
    in the Diaspora.

    From: Baghdasarian