May 6, 2013
CHICAGO, Ill.-On Wed., April 24, more than 100 demonstrators from
Chicago's Armenian, Greek, Assyrian, and Cypriot communities joined
a protest organized by the Chicago "Ararat" Chapter of the Armenian
Youth Federation (AYF) against Turkey's ongoing and aggressive campaign
of denial of the Armenian Genocide.
Turkish demonstrators chanting, 'You deserved it! You deserved it!'
The demonstrators gathered in front of Chicago's NBC Tower, the new
home of the Turkish Consulate, around 11 a.m. waving Armenian and
American flags, holding signs, and chanting such phrases as "Recognize
the Genocide," "Turkey is a liar," and "Turkey run, Turkey hide,
Turkey is guilt of Genocide." Soon after, small groups of Turkish and
Azeri counter-demonstrators exited the building, presumably from the
Turkish Consulate offices, to take up positions on the opposite side
of the street from the Armenian picket lines.
The Turkish counter-demonstrators began shouting slogans and cursing
in Turkish at the protestors as Turkish Consul General Fatih Yildiz
looked on. At one point, the Turkish group began shouting, "You
deserved it! You deserved it!" and "Talat was right!" referencing
genocide-mastermind Talat Pasha and essentially admitting to Turkey's
culpability in the genocides of the Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks
during and after World War I.
Despite repeated attempts by the Turks to intimidate and provoke
the protestors even as Chicago police looked on, the AYF-led group
maintained their discipline and continued with their picket for two
hours. The protest concluded with the singing of "Mer Hairenik" and
'Haratch Nahadag." n=Feed%3A+ArmenianWeekly+(Armenian+Weekly)
May 6, 2013
CHICAGO, Ill.-On Wed., April 24, more than 100 demonstrators from
Chicago's Armenian, Greek, Assyrian, and Cypriot communities joined
a protest organized by the Chicago "Ararat" Chapter of the Armenian
Youth Federation (AYF) against Turkey's ongoing and aggressive campaign
of denial of the Armenian Genocide.
Turkish demonstrators chanting, 'You deserved it! You deserved it!'
The demonstrators gathered in front of Chicago's NBC Tower, the new
home of the Turkish Consulate, around 11 a.m. waving Armenian and
American flags, holding signs, and chanting such phrases as "Recognize
the Genocide," "Turkey is a liar," and "Turkey run, Turkey hide,
Turkey is guilt of Genocide." Soon after, small groups of Turkish and
Azeri counter-demonstrators exited the building, presumably from the
Turkish Consulate offices, to take up positions on the opposite side
of the street from the Armenian picket lines.
The Turkish counter-demonstrators began shouting slogans and cursing
in Turkish at the protestors as Turkish Consul General Fatih Yildiz
looked on. At one point, the Turkish group began shouting, "You
deserved it! You deserved it!" and "Talat was right!" referencing
genocide-mastermind Talat Pasha and essentially admitting to Turkey's
culpability in the genocides of the Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks
during and after World War I.
Despite repeated attempts by the Turks to intimidate and provoke
the protestors even as Chicago police looked on, the AYF-led group
maintained their discipline and continued with their picket for two
hours. The protest concluded with the singing of "Mer Hairenik" and
'Haratch Nahadag."