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Alexanians In Father-Daughter Documentary Project

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  • Alexanians In Father-Daughter Documentary Project

    by Tom Vartabedian
    Published: Tuesday May 07, 2013

    Nubar and Abby Alexanian during a recent trip to historic Armenia.

    Sona Gevorkian

    Related Articles Stories of a silent generation: father and daughter
    reconnect with the homeland

    GLOUCESTER, MASS. - Nubar Alexanian, 62, has spent the past 35 years
    working as a photojournalist and filmmaker. He's traveled to more
    than 40 countries shooting for such prestigious magazines as Life,
    Newsweek, Time, National Geographic, Fortune and Geo.

    He's published five books and rubbed elbows with some of the more
    influential people throughout the musical world like Paul Simon,
    Wynton Marsalis and Garth Brooks.

    Daughter Abby, 24, is a recent graduate of Vassar College. Over
    the past decade, she has spent summers and vacations working on her
    father's still photography and film sets in various positions.

    Together, they're a father-daughter tandem uniquely positioned to
    make a compelling film that speaks to the challenges that Armenian
    families face today. Their work is titled, "Journey to Armenia:
    Three Generations From Genocide."

    It's the inspiring story of how a young woman's curiosity propels her
    reluctant father to join her in finally confronting their family's
    dark past and discovering how the denial of the 1915 Armenian Genocide
    affects them today.

    A question-and-answer session with Nubar Alexanian follows:

    Q --- So why does this movie differ from any others on the Genocide?

    A --- There are no others I have seen about the effects of denial and
    the silence that has incurred over three generations. It's a feature
    length documentary film about the scars of silence and how a staggering
    act of inhumanity has forever changed what it means to be Armenian.

    Q --- What are some of the particulars of this film?

    A --- We've targeted a release date of December, 2014. It will run
    between 55-75 minutes, and we've added to the production team Errol
    Morris who comes well endowed in the industry. His film, "The Fog
    of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara" won the
    Academy Award in 2004 for the Best Documentary Feature.

    Q --- How have you prepared for this venture?

    A --- Abby and I toured Historic Armenia last year and got to see the
    land of our ancestors. It was an inspiring experience with Armen Aroyan
    as our tour guide and others like the Dulgarians (Steve & Angele) who
    have made repeated trips both here and to Armenia with their family.

    Q --- Can you share some feelings about your project?

    A --- The film tells a story that is deeply personal but also reflects
    the intergenerational experiences of immigrant families in America. It
    explores larger questions about the devastating effects of denial,
    the scars of silence and the healing power of curiosity. It echoes the
    story of families all over the world, whose who suffer tragedies, flee,
    create new lives with old traditions --- and of succeeding generations
    who search for their place in a heritage they only half understand.

    Q --- How has it impacted your daughter?

    A --- Abby is in her mid-20s and half-Armenian. She's spent her
    life wanting to feel connected to her Armenian heritage but always
    feeling it on the outside. We've never discussed it in our family. Her
    determination to uncover the truth finally forces me and my parents
    to confront the trauma that has been avoided for decades.

    Q --- How has assimilation affected you?

    A --- I spent much of my career traveling the world as a documentary
    photographer, but never once traveled to Armenia or Eastern Turkey
    where our family lived for centuries. Although I was raised Armenian,
    I drifted from my roots, not looking back or wondering why until Abby
    surprised me by asking if we could visit Historic Armenia together.

    Q --- What ill effects were suffered by your grandparents?

    A --- My grandmother was among the few survivors of the longest
    death march of the genocide era. After witnessing the massacre of
    her parents, husband and three daughters, she was forced to walk
    over 800 kilometers across the scorching desert from Yalova, Turkey,
    to Aleppo, Syria.

    Q --- Have you received any early resistance to your film?

    A --- Unlike other documentaries we don't go down the black hole
    arguing whether genocide happened or not. Our film assumes that fact
    and begins there. It's current. We've already received some backlash
    from Turkish lobbyists, including death threats.

    Q --- Are you at liberty to divulge some of the contents?

    A --- The film incorporates DV home video footage of Armenians
    visiting their ancestral land, shown over the past decade by Armen
    Aroyan, who's been guiding tour groups over the past 20 years. The
    footage is used to fill out stories of other Armenian families whose
    experiences echo that of the Alexanian family.

    Q --- What will be done with this after it's completed?

    A --- Start a conversation that should have been done decades ago.

    It'll be shown in movie theaters, film festivals, television and
    broadcast internationally.

    Q --- What's been your personal investment?

    A --- Eighteen months of time, preparation and fund-raising.

    Financially, a successful kick-starter campaign brought in $30,000
    on-line which funded our first trip last May. My wife and I are
    primary investors with over $100,000 into the project.

    Q --- Future itinerary?

    A --- This spring and summer, we will be shooting interviews throughout
    the United States. Our final shooting trip will be a 3-week excursion
    to Eastern Turkey later this year. Final editing and packaging will
    take place next July and ready for broadcast in August or September
    of 2014. The Istanbul Film Festival has already expressed an interest
    in it. Beyond that, we plan to market the film for home viewing with
    a special emphasis on educational venues.

    Q --- You shared this project at the Pingree School in Hamilton, MA.

    How did that go?

    A --- We spent two days visiting classes and reaching out to 350
    students, teachers and community members. I was joined by Ruth
    Thomasian, executive director of Project SAVE. The response we
    received was deeply moving. We are committed to engaging both the
    Armenian and non-Armenian community in this way.

    Q ---Your thoughts about the centennial?

    A --- It's a one-time opportunity that cannot be missed --- a chance
    to face the genocide's catastrophic effects and address them on an
    international dialogue. This film has the ability to engage audiences
    in a thought-provoking and educational conversation about this issue.

    Q --- How can readers find out about your work?

    A --- Through Walker Creed Media, a company that prides itself in
    documentary films and photographs. We're based in Gloucester where
    I have lived since 1971with my wife Rebecca, who holds a degree in
    Liberal Arts. Contact: [email protected].
