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Paternalism Is Easier To "Sell" In Armenia Than Programs And Ideolog

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  • Paternalism Is Easier To "Sell" In Armenia Than Programs And Ideolog


    Interview by Ashot Grigoryan, exclusively to Vestnik Kavkaza

    Elections to the Council of Elders of Yerevan took place on May 5th.

    According to preliminary data, the ruling Republican Party of Armenia
    got 55.68%, Prosperous Armenia - 23.05%, and the bloc of parties
    "Hello Yerevan!" - 8.47%. Political scientist David Petrosyan answers
    Vestnik Kavkaza's questions on peculiarities of the elections.

    - Unlike previous municipal elections, these elections had great
    importance for Armenia. Why was this so?

    - Three parliamentary political forces (the Armenian national congress,
    Dashnaktsutyun, and Prosperous Armenia) didn't participate in the
    last presidential elections for various reasons, but decided to take
    part in the elections on May 5th.

    Yerevan elections are thought to be third important elections in
    Armenia. 35% of Armenian voters live in Yerevan, and each political
    force strive for demonstration of its abilities in the capital. Major
    financial and economic resources are concentrated in Yerevan. Those
    who control Yerevan control financial flows and the economic sphere
    of the country. Some political forces though that the mayor could be
    a counterbalance to President and the government, however, I disagree
    with them because the mayor doesn't control force structures. But
    Yerevan's mayor is one of the most important political figures of
    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia May 8 2013


    - What were the peculiarities of the elections?

    - The opposition can say whatever it wants, but there was no violence
    at the elections of May 5th. The atmosphere was tense, but there were
    no fights and clashes, even though attempts took place. It was the
    first peculiarity. The second difference was that all parliamentary
    forces invested significant sums in the election campaign, unlike the
    campaign of 2009. It means that all participants of the elections
    treated them very seriously. The third peculiarity was that the
    parties with a clear ideological doctrine didn't get into the capital
    parliament - the ANC and Dashnaktsutyun. I don't talk about the
    Republican Party of Armenia which has a clear ideological doctrine,
    but doesn't follow it.

    - What is the reason for the failure of ideological political forces?

    - Perhaps it is connected with the fact that today paternalism is
    easier to "sell" in Armenia than programs and ideology.

    Nevertheless, election programs by Dashnaktsutyun, Prosperous Armenia,
    and the ANC were thoughtful; it was obvious that these parties are
    aware of Yerevan's problems and their programs presented ways out
    for the problems.

    - The opposition decided to take part in the elections
    separately. Could this be the reason for its failure?

    - The Armenian opposition cannot take part in elections as a unified
    whole; it is impossible because Dashnaktsutyun's voters won't support
    this force, if it appears in one bloc with the ANC or Prosperous
    Armenia, and so on. The point is in voters, and each opposition force
    understands this. Voters perceive positively that these three forces
    actively cooperate in the parliament, but they are not ready to see
    the forces in one coalition.

    As for the opposition's failure, I don't think PA has failed. Yes,
    it was defeated by RPA, but if we look at results of the previous
    elections to the Council of Elders in 2009, we will see that today PA
    got 7 thousand more votes. The ANC's failure is explained by the fact
    that restructuring of the party began during the period of election
    agitation. As for Dashnaktsutyun, the majority of its voters live
    in regions.

    - What do you think about the election coalition "Hello Yerevan"?

    - The coalition managed to get more than 8% and entered the Council
    of the Elders. However, the elections showed that the 43% which Raffi
    Ovannisyan received in the presidential elections meant a common
    amount of protest votes; Ovannisyan's personal votes are the 8%.

    - What are the political results of the elections?

    - Formally RPA maintained all positions which belonged to it since
    2007, i.e. the total control over Yerevan, the parliament, the
    government, and the presidential position. Thus, RPA is still the
    leading political force.

    - As usual, RPA used a huge administrative resource in the
    elections. Under what conditions the opposition forces would overcome
    the amount of votes provided by the administrative resource?

    - I don't see any opportunity for this today because RPA's resource
    is too huge, and other parties lack resources for struggling against
    RPA. But this situation cannot last forever. Firstly, there could be
    emergencies; secondly, RPA itself is not solid.
