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Armenia After Election Year

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  • Armenia After Election Year


    New Eastern Europe
    May 8 2013

    Category: Articles and Commentary Author:

    by Konrad Zasztowt

    On May 5th 2013 municipal elections were held in Yerevan. These
    were the last in a series of important elections in Armenia, which
    started with parliamentary elections in May 2012. On February 18th
    the presidential election was held, in which the current president,
    Serzh Sargsyan, won. Although he received 58 per cent of votes,
    an unexpectedly high result (36 per cent) was achieved by Raffi
    Hovannisian, the former foreign minister and leader of the opposition
    Heritage party. Hovannisian did not accept the legitimacy of Sargsyan's
    victory, claiming that the election was falsified and that he was
    the real winner.

    After almost a one-month long hunger strike on Liberty Square in
    Yerevan, Hovannisian managed to gather thousands of supporters on
    April 9th, the day of the inauguration of Sargsyan's new presidential
    term. This huge manifestation and massive march towards the
    presidential palace gave hope to Hovannisian and his team that there
    would be a chance for a peaceful change of the current ruling elite.

    As Hovannisian and his team have often mentioned, the first opportunity
    of gaining success was to be local elections.

    And indeed it was, although this opportunity has been lost; and this
    was the last opportunity for a long time, as the next elections are
    not expected until 2017. Unfortunately for Hovannisian, the results
    of the local elections have proved the opinion of many observers of
    the Armenian political scene, that the significant social support
    given to the Heritage party's leader in the presidential election
    was a consequence of the popular discontent with President Sargsyan
    and his Republican Party.

    It was not, however, a sign of confidence in Hovannisian and his
    political team. In the elections to the Yerevan City Council, the
    ruling party received an overwhelming majority of seats (42 from 65).

    Hovannisian's electoral bloc Hello Yerevan came third with only 6
    seats after the quasi oppositional Prosperous Armenia party, which
    gained 17. It is worth mentioning that in the previous city council
    of Yerevan, the opposition, namely the Armenian National Congress,
    had 13 seats. The Congress will now not enter the Council and will be
    replaced by the Hello Yerevan bloc as the oppositional force. What's
    more important is that the hegemony of the ruling party has been

    According to observers from the Council of Europe, the May 5th
    elections proceeded peacefully and lawfully, and constituted progress
    in comparison with previous elections. Many Armenian opposition
    politicians and intellectuals are disappointed with Europe's
    acceptance of the Republican government, which in their opinion is
    not legitimate. As Hovannisian said at the meeting on April 9th,
    from that moment Serzh Sargsyan "ceases to represent the Republic of
    Armenia and the Armenian people".

    Similar radical statements by the opposition claiming the authorities
    to be illegitimate were repeated after the parliamentary elections
    in 2007 and 2012, as well as the presidential election in 2008. After
    the May 5th elections, Hovannisian's Hello Yerevan bloc already stated
    that it will demand a recount of the votes in several constituencies.

    Eventually, as it has been many times before, the opposition will be
    forced to accept rules set by the authorities and play their game.

    Nevertheless, the fact of the lack of Armenian society's confidence
    towards the electoral process and the legitimacy of the authorities
    should not be taken for granted. Neither should the fact of the
    ruling party's dominance in parliament and the Yerevan City Council,
    nor the weakness of the opposition.

    Will this situation lead to the creation of an autocratic system?

    Looking back at Armenia's recent political history, it is easy to prove
    that the level of democracy and political freedom has fluctuated. No
    doubt the worst situation was in 2008, when ten people were fatally
    shot during the demonstrations after the presidential election and
    many protesters were arrested. However, in subsequent years the
    government started dialogue with the opposition and liberalised the
    system. Many observers underlined the relatively high media freedom
    in Armenia during the last three electoral campaigns. If it were not
    for this evolution, Raffi Hovannisian would not be able to seriously
    challenge Serzh Sargsyan in the presidential election.

    What forces the authorities to slowly move towards more democratic
    standards is certainly not only internal, but first of all external
    factors. Perhaps, the most important factors are Armenia's relations
    with the United States and the European Union. Although the impact of
    the Armenian American diaspora on the political life in Yerevan is
    often overestimated, the ruling elite has to take care of its image
    in the eyes of compatriots in Los Angeles, New York and Boston.

    One significant example of how important this image is, was Serzh
    Sargsyan's reaction to a letter by Armenian American rock star Serj
    Tankian, leader of the cult group System of a Down. Despite the fact of
    the harsh, critical tone of Tankian's letter, accusing the authorities
    of rigging the February election, Sargsyan responded to him publicly
    in a warm and fatherly manner. What really matters are of course not
    the artist's feelings, but America's support for Armenia, the country
    which has become stuck in a conflict with two strong neighbours and
    vulnerable to Russia's political influence.

    The EU's impact on Yerevan shouldn't be underestimated either. Former
    chief of the Armenian Central Bank Tigran Sargsyan was appointed prime
    minister in 2008 as an independent technocrat with a good reputation
    in the West. His main goal was to reform the Armenian economy and
    integrate it into the global market. Sargsyan's efforts were not
    entirely successful partially due to the resistance of bureaucracy,
    as well as the challenges posed by the global economic crisis.

    When the EU initiated its new offer to the Caucasus countries in 2009,
    in the form of the Eastern Partnership programme, the prime minister
    became an eager adherent of the rapprochement with the EU. Armenia has
    recently finished negotiations with the EU on the Association Agreement
    (AA), which will most probably be initialled during the November
    Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius. The decisive part of the AA,
    which may indeed transform the Armenian economy in the long-term,
    is the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the EU.

    Not only are the ruling elite in Yerevan growingly aware of this
    fact, but also the business community of Armenia. Thus, one can only
    hope that all the political forces in the country, including the
    Republicans, the opposition and Prosperous Armenia, currently out of
    the government, but still close to it, will support this process.

    However, its success is conditioned not only by the authorities'
    efforts to reform the economy in line with the EU's recommendations,
    it will also depend on the Republican government's ability to advance
    the democratisation of the country.

    After last year's three electoral victories, the ruling elite in
    Yerevan may yield to temptation, making preservation of the hegemony
    the only political goal.

    Konrad Zasztowt is an analyst at the Polish Institute of International
    Affairs (PISM) and specialises in the South Caucasus and Central
    Asia regions. Previously he worked at the National Security Bureau
    (2008-2010), where he monitored international security issues in
    the Black Sea and Caspian regions. He is a graduate of the Institute
    of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology and East European Studies at
    University of Warsaw and also studied at Yeditepe University in Turkey
    (2003-2005). His areas of interest include international relations and
    energy security issues in the Black Sea region (Ukraine, the Caucasus,
    Turkey) and Central Asia, ethnic and religious minorities as well as
    the issue of Islam in the former Soviet Union.

    From: Baghdasarian