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Hungary: Government May Restrict Access To Information

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  • Hungary: Government May Restrict Access To Information

    Hungary: Government May Restrict Access To
    14:52, May 13, 2013

    The Hungarian Parliament adopted a controversial amendment to its Freedom
    of Information Act on April 30, a move that will make civilian and
    journalistic access to information more difficult,
    The amendment was passed less than 48 hours after its introduction.

    The amendment severely limits citizens' access to public information, as
    limits the amount of data individuals may obtain. The amendment also
    requires that individuals justify requests for information related to court
    cases, public bodies, and public officials, all information that was
    previously in the public domain, according to Transparency

    The amendment is allegedly meant to limit the number of `abusive' requests
    for information, but local organizations, including Transparency
    International Hungary, watchdog K-monitor, the Hungarian Civil Liberties
    Union, and OCCRP partner have decried the sudden change. All
    four organizations quit the anti-corruption group formed by the Hungarian
    Ministry of Justice in protest.

    The quartet also petitioned President Janos Ader to veto the amendment.
    While Ader vetoed the amendment, and said that it gave `public service
    entities excessive right to decide what qualifies as an `abusive demand' of
    information, he did not send it to the Constitutional Court. Under
    Hungarian law, Parliament can revote on the issue, thus bypassing the veto
    and passing the law unchanged.

    In a commentary on the amendment, criticized the change and
    highlighted the importance of continued transparency.

    Every citizen has the right to be informed about the spending of public
    money. Transparency is pivotal in any democracy, and the amendment voted on
    in Parliament calls that into question. Passing an amendment reshaping the
    sphere of freedom of information in only two days is unacceptable, the
    investigative reporting center added. Even more conspicuous is the fact
    that the amendment was proposed when civil society organizations requested
    access to the bids in a tender for tobacco retail licenses, which
    reportedly went to government party loyalists. This law will allow public
    decision makers to get away with bias and allow corruption to go
    unpunished, Atlatszo said.

    Atlatszo added that the new, government friendly understanding of freedom
    of information enables users of public funds, mainly government offices and
    municipalities, to keep the allocation of public funds secret. The law
    contradicts the fundamental ethical norms of a democracy and places
    measures included in the Hungarian government's anti-graft action plan into

    Transparency International Hungary, K-Monitor watchdog for public funds,
    Hungarian Civil Liberties Union and
    portal are convinced that the amendment of the law on freedom of
    information discredits all previous stances of the government to stop
    corruption. We are still devoted to make Hungary a better society free of
    corruption, but we will not lend our reputation to the mockery our
    government orchestrated in the anti-corruption arena, Atlatszo said.
